links for 2008-10-28 Publié le octobre 29, 2008 par kodiak passifeco3 <laurent67> (tags: construction maison bois maison_et_bois) Batir Naturellement (tags: construction maison bois) eeeXubuntu [EeeUser Eee PC Wiki] (tags: eeepc ubuntu) eeebuntu he home of an ubuntu created for the Asus EEE PC et al (tags: ubuntu eeepc umpc linux) Dinosaurs and Robots: Multicolr – Stunningly Elegant Flickr Tool (tags: flickr web design) Sign language: week 21 – Telegraph (tags: funny) FUNNY AND ABSURD SIGNS FROM AROUND THE WORLD (tags: funny travel) Dean Kamen: part man, part machine – Telegraph (tags: article entrepreneurship ideas deankamen) A CD spectrometer simple spectrometer can be built from a CD and a box (tags: physics hacks projects make) China Channel Firefox Add-on – Experience the censored Chinese internet at home! (tags: firefox plugin add-on privacy) Garden Rant (tags: ecology gardening) The possibilities of a 'portable eye' – The Boston Globe (tags: article ideas web2.0)