
2896 bookmarks exported from on April 14, 2008 – see also Tumblr

EnOcean – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
11 ways to backup your bookmarks « Backup
Gmail: Instant disposable Gmail addresses

Sign up with the list using the address "". Email to that address will still come to your "" address even though the "To:" will include that "+exoticflowers" in it.

Gmail Filesystem – GmailFS
Gmail Tips and Tricks – 35 Cool Gmail Hacks
Creating a Backup for Your Google Account
VPNServer – Community Ubuntu Documentation
Install OpenVPN on Ubuntu, Hulu Outside the US and Network Security | Ventanazul


openvpn – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
Marchés privés et publics de constructions à ossature bois : Quels risques et quelles responsabilités pénales en cas d’absence de marquage CE ? – Bois, Le Matériau du 21ème siècle
Maisons & Bois International / MOB en isere

EricM persuadé par les necessités de l'industrialisation un peu plus intensive des panneaux bois

post sur M&Bi

Arpitania – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
jstept's blog | V is for Voltage Community
Plane crash edited video by Crashman
Australia Army recruits Overseas Applicants
A battalion's worth of good ideas – International Herald Tribune

China, China's Boomtowns – National Geographic Magazine
Barrier Art : un album photos sur Flickr
Design Observer: writings about design & culture
Space Shuttle Processing: Rarely seen by the general public
the big dipper : un album photos sur Flickr
If you wear Acuvue

The forgotten technology – how to move stonehenge

Military Report: Secretly 'Recruit or Hire Bloggers' | Danger Room from

Clothing Libraries: Another Product Service System : TreeHugger
How to make a ping-pong ball gun :: Dangerously Fun
Adding a removable Antenna to your WRTSL54GS (Ultimate WRT54G Hacking)
Mapping the election conditions in Zimbabwe | Sokwanele
Online proxy checker
Firefox pour analyser et diffuser at IT Ligentia – Blog sur la veille et la recherche d informations
Quelqu’un lit-il vos mails à votre insu ? [IT Ligentia]
Autoconstruction chez Archilibre

construction d'une maison individuelle en Savoie dans l'agglomération de Chambéry

Notre maison à Saint Prix
La Maison Peyrousienne
La rénovation en folie
La p'tite maison climatique de Serres-Morlaàs


La Linotte, Maison climatique (bioclimatique, passive) en Belledonne (Isère),

dimensionnement puits (puit)canadien, températures puits canadien, mesures puits canadien, intrumentation puits canadien, expérimentation puits canadien

Construction de notre maison bioclimatique

maison bioclimatique à Sart-Lez-Walhain, dans le Brabant Wallon.

BDPV – Accueil – Suivi de production d'installation PhotoVoltaïques

BDPV permet aux propriétaires de panneaux photovoltaïques de suivre l'évolution de leur production d’électricité au fil des ans et de la comparer à des installations proches

le blog mamaisonsolaire
Maison solaire (& éolienne) en Lorraine
Chris Thomas' house building page

Selfbuild Wiki = Les Projets
Maison Solaire en Maine et Loire
Isa et Manu construisent en bois massif

A partir d'un kit Honka

Blog de mamaisonbois
Le site de Bickel

accessoirement autoconstructeur… – La maison bioclimatique construite par René Bickel

Le solaire en Alsace, c'est possible !

le blog fairesamaison par : PY (Pierre-Yves Denis)

plein de conseils, courts, directs et utiles.

Notre maison en paille
Logiciel Simulateur DPE en ligne
lpmdlp (lapetitemaisondanslaprairie)
Maison bois,terre,paille autoconstruite
Renovation de la "Maison belle"

rénovation d’une maison ossature-bois, initialement réalisée par un architecte

La maison autoconstruite de Cyrille S.

Qui a profité des compétences acquises sur son chantier pour devenir charpentier.

Une maison bioclimatique toulousaine [@utoconstruction]
la fuste des colibris
Construction de notre maison individuelle en monomur
le blog maisonenpaille
Etang et chalet, construction du second près du premier.
le blog autoconstruction-ecologique par : estelle et patrice
Construction de notre maison à Estrennes

Tigchelaar Tegelkachels = Poèles feu vivant

Blog de la construction de sa maison bois/paille par Philippe Veuillot, qui fait tout tout seul, à commencer par abattre les arbres!

le blog Bergère

Une femme raconte l'extension-rénovation de son apvillon de balieue.

le blog grange

Restauration d'une grange au sud de Lourdes.

La Maurage, gite écolo
CAP Charpentier de Marine 2007-2008

Voile Latine de Sète et du Bassin de Thau
Urbia écoconstruction

Entreprise de construction bois (liée à CNRJ ?) qui se propose de fédérer un réseau national d’éco-artisans

Permis de construire et demolir par un architecte : Libourne Bordeaux Gironde.

Un atelier d'architectes ose mettre ses tarifs en ligne pour la réalisation de vos missions à la carte notamment pour la réalisation des dossiers de permis de construire


Le blog de Erick & Cie

Erick FARIGOLE, 20 ans d'informatique et un CAP charpentier …

Patrimoine en blog, le blog de Benoît de Sagazan
Le blog d'un charpentier de marine
A mini-fluorescent light powered with only one AAA 1.5 Volts battery
I Make Projects – Giving Yourself a Sixth Sense for Wireless Networks
CR Blog » The Design Conference That Is Helping House The Poor
EcoBeam Technologies
Chute Find Rekindles D.B. Cooper Legend
mreidsma – Introducing the Studio2Go

Trust Isn’t Transitive (or, “Someone fired a gun in an airplane cockpit, and it was probably the pilot”) « Obsessed
Knuckle Tattoos
Air & Space Magazine | History of Flight | Stowaways
Security Fix – Brian Krebs on Computer and Internet Security – (
the day they tried to kill me
The Associated Press: Chute Find Rekindles D.B. Cooper Legend
Science project sparks subway scare –
steveshacks: Roof-mounted hacked WRT router with serial console and wireless camera and DIY power over ethernet

2L2T, une maison bois (design & bobo) à Mouvaux

Vincent Sellitto [docmulder], version 2 : 1er post = (navigation horrible!). Cherchez pas, il a tellement fait de pub: Rue W. Churchill, côté Nord-Est.

Le Blog qui a 2L et 2T

Vincent Silletto, version 1

Mycroft Project: Firefox & IE7 Search Engine Plugins
Portail national de la filière Bois et dérivés – Education nationale

Tout nouveau tout neuf

Innovathèque –
Amibois, amicale des professeurs de l'enseignement technique bois
Maison ossature bois dans le Vercors


Un projet inattendu – Pierre en bois

(1er post – navigation infernale). Ca s'est pas si bien passé… mais la maison est belle.

Pierre en bois

Projet et réalisation d'une maison individuelle en bois en région parisienne

qcad – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone

Logiciel de DAO 2D. : 3D, Blender, POVRay, OpenGL, 2D, Gimp, Skencil, Sodipodi
GanttProject: Learn about GanttProject

GanttProject is a tool for creating a project schedule by means of Gantt chart and resource load chart

archilinux – documentation linux et infographie
Imagination Cubed

Sketch & send. As easy as that.

Seguin-Follet, fabricant de Groupes électrogènes, explique comment marche des appareils à produire du Biogaz par méthanisation (il en vend aussi)
Outils solaires

Girasol est un abaque solaire qui permet d'obtenir pour une latitude donnée, les trajectoires apparentes du soleil. Lames_Parallèles_solaire permet de tester rapidement l'efficacité des brise-soleil constitués de lames parallèles…

Architecture open-source

François Germain

Open Architecture Network | Improving living standards through collaborative design.
A Communism of Ideas: Towards an Architectural Open Source Practice

Dennis Kaspori, The Maze Corporation


Ambiance Bois en Limousin – Le mélèze naturel pour votre maison
ecoconstructionnpdc : Liens

une mine…

ecoconstructionnpdc : Ecoconstruction

Alan Yates' Laboratory – Category Index

Clay Shirky's masterpiece: Here Comes Everybody – Boing Boing
tuxguardian – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
freenet – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
tutoriel:comment_mettre_en_place_un_controle_parental – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
Imprimante, cups et ubuntu server – Unixversal Japan: URL's Are Totally Out
[NTLUG:Discuss] Can Linux help me limit my kids' time on the computer?

perl script

login control software (to limit kid's time on PC) [Archive] – Ubuntu Forums
Transmission et reprise d'entreprise en Rhône Alpes – Reprendre en Rhône-Alpes
Jean-Luc Boisson Manager d'artistes de la rénovation
Le Cham'eau bosse à l'eau de pluie !
EMC2 = menuiserie + charpente + couverture

BIO-HABITAT Le blog actualité immobilière

Photos Picassa, l'architecture traditionnelle avec David Campbell
Mourad Manesse, charpentier
[màj] Interface graphique pour Tesseract : gscan2pdf, par zarer – Linux On The Root !
Google Maps = déchèteries Lille
Mark McLean and Juliette McLean's homepage – UK to Australia by bicycle

Make your own 220 volt backup power supply
Salon shows how to read WSJ for free
La méthode mboc aurait bien besoin d'une bonne révision !
Fixing Systems

assemblage de charpente à queue d’aronde

Une clef USB pour serrure GNU/Linux
Limit time for a user per day –

Limitation horaires

Il faut impérativement qu'il y ait un retour à la ligne à chaque fois et une ligne vide à la fin du fichier.

Linux Server Security Secrets and Administration: Limit users access to Linux in a time range

man time.conf

user time – time.conf, powerdown/warn w/cron/anacron – syntax? – Ubuntu Forums
Timer Applet
Controlling Logins By Time [Scott Kindley]
Headweb: Buy and download movies

[Robot Room] Constant Current LED Tester
How to Make Hybrid Adobe
Green Home Building: Natural Building Techniques: Papercrete
WindupFlashlight []
Hardened WRT54GS
Google Sky

click on earth to go to… Google Maps!

Quite a precise message (Flickr)

10 Largest Data Breaches Since 2000 (jpeg)
[Forum Maisons & Bois] pour la défense de la corporation des architectes (post)
Maisons & Bois International / toilettes sèches et phytoépuration
La construction d'une Maison Bois sur Héauville
Notre MOB à Landunvez

Notre chalet à Métabief

Une construction bioclimatique dans le calvados

MC FRANCE menuiseries mixte bois / aluminium
domaine de la paille d'or, construction en bois, paille, chaux, sable, terre crue

Construction d'un complexe d'hébergement touristique écologique.

Groupe de recherches écologiques de La Baie (GREB)
VCU News Center – The Locker 50B Gallery at VCU offers fine art inconspicuously

Global water and air volume
bre pettis
DIY Drones
privoxy – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
BBC NEWS | Pentagon bans Google map-makers
Firefox 2 Tweaks: More tweaks : Mozilla Links
bloc-notes Firefox de Bruno Carrere
USOF equpment shop list

Ultrasport, Britains leading supplier of Orienteering Kit
David Currie » Orienteering
Compass Point UK – Camping, Rock Climbing and Hill Walking Equipment
World of O: The best starting point for International Orienteering News
Attackpoint : Orienteering training, racing, running, navigation, and fitness
We're down temporarily
SPL = De l’entreprise d’insertion et de l’entreprise solidaire

LUC BATARD conseils en affûtage

Scier vite, c’est scier bien

APIJ BAT su Inser'eco 93
Ubuntu Gutsy Complete Streaming, Multimedia & Video How-to
[Batiactu] enquete bricolage ecolo
[Approche Écohabitat] Les Français veulent bricoler écolo
maison bois Emmaüs
maison traditionnelle basse consommation

arnaque à la maison passive
container hotel
[CommeUnPro!] – Maisons à ossature bois
les villages préhistoriques (en bois) du lac Léman (.pdf)
Une maison contemporaine
Nokia Sports Tracker
Boussole Silva 6 JET SPECTRA main droite

79 €

Top 10 Ways to Get Cables Under Control
a good place to start your planning is
Nokia N810
Steripen portable water purifier
Princeton Tec | Technical Sport Lighting

Pull-Cord Generator (PCG) keeps portable electronic devices working all the time while providing freedom and independence from traditional power sources.

Bloxes: flat-pack cardboard cubes make sound-dampening walls, shelves, dividers, tables, etc
McGrew Security –
Cartes et Orientation
World of O: The best starting point for International Orienteering News
Forum forum CO-news
World of O Maps: The best way to find orienteering maps
OCAD – HowTos
Ubuntu brainstorm

Barbary & Courte, graphistes de livres à Paris

site parent de URBANBIKE

urbanbike, notes pour combler nos trous de mémoire
Arbre généalogique Olivier JARRY – GeneaNet
Dany Fischer – GeneaNet
LOCOM-FRANCE – © 1999-2007 Sylvain Chardon
Familienbuch Mörfelden-Walldorf


Généalogie Isabelle Pintard

Site généalogique : Famille zwilling
Uncle Dirty photo essay
Minimalist end-table with smart bookspine saver
PingMag – Tokyo’s Mobile Food Bars
Maisons & Bois International / pour 100 balles t as plus rien
PmWiki: Cookbook/Marinee
Ferme-brasserie La Soyeuse
Pneumatic Antenna Launchers

How mushrooms will save the world –
Obsolete Skills: Skills
Chaudière Feugène

Combiné Foyer fermé / chaudière à bois

herzolu…: L'eau chaude n'est pas homologuée

Affaire Eric Petiot – purin d'ortie

Monitor Spinner
Free! Why $0.00 Is the Future of Business

By Chris Anderson

The Torture Playlist
Arguments we think creationists should NOT use

By a creationist-supporting edition company

subprime works – Google Docs
Consumer Reports' Secret Shoppers Have Lots of Explaining to Do
Installing phun – Ubuntu Forums
How People Count Cash?
Why We Banned Legos – Volume 21 No. 2 – Winter 2006 – Rethinking Schools Online
Army Surplus, survival equipment, military surplus, camping equipment, camouflage net, outdoor equipment, Surplus and Adventure, Army Surplus Store
The Great Kit Vendor List [Military Photos]
Drop Zone Tactical Ltd.
eBay – Warrior-Webbing – army surplus clothing and accessories, combat clothing, british army surplus
kit Monster
eBay – sasskit

les publications des CAUE
Savoir Faire et Découverte – Stages Maisons écologiques
Les Nouals
Savoir Faire et Découverte, Stages et activités à pratiquer chez des artisans, des agriculteurs, des artistes – découverte, plaisir et formation
MaisonEco : construction écologique de maison

panneaux massifs KLH montés par Menuiserie Bruno Mercier de Plounéour Ménez (29) > guide web > Charpentes (entreprises)

Art-Toit : couverture, toiture, zinc, zinguerie, tuiles, ardoises, charpente, bardage
MaisonEco – Construction maison écologique
Brico.ecolo de l'auto-construction ou toutes actions pour protéger la planète
Snugpak: sleeping bags, insulated clothing, jackets, rucksacks, travel
T.A.D. Gear, Inc.
Special Air Sea Services (sasskit)
Secret Défense | le blog de JDMerchet (Libération)

BuildItSolar: Solar energy projects for Do It Yourselfers to save money and reduce pollution
Home Brew Power – UK Solar PV – Wind Turbine – Off-Grid Installer
m1941 : M1941 Multi Fuel Stove

discussion group for learning about and using the Military Surplus M1941/M1950 Tent Heater stove

Green Trust Sustainability & Renewable Energy
websolaire energie solaire nomade panneaux chargeurs batteries photo video radios lampes sacs
WIELER Chesapeake Bay Greenbelt house
GRAINS D'SOLEIL – Apprivoisons l'énergie solaire

Greener Gadgets
Voltaic Systems | Solar Backpack, Solar Bag
Lean, Green Sliver of a House by Luke Tozer : TreeHugger
Casulo: An Entire Apartment's Furniture in One Small Box : TreeHugger
ES&T Online News: Just add (gray) water
disdressed: DIY: laundry soap
Translated version of


the catenary is the shape that is taken on by a flexible chain that is held by the two ends under the influence of gravity.

Demotech, design for self reliance
Welcome to Appropedia – Appropedia: The sustainability wiki

site for collaborative solutions in sustainability, poverty reduction and international development

Hauling Cargo by Bike
Open Source Alternative Energy – O'Reilly Radar
Thoreau's Pencils

another side of Henry David Thoreau

SFBags – WaterField Designs – MacBook Air Sleeve – Laptop Bag – Laptop Sleeve – Computer Sleeve – Ipod Accessory – Camera Case – PSP Case – Wallets
Flickr : pFlat renovation

Includes the Igloo Bed

Roca Urinals for shy men

Translated version of

[0801.1573v1] Taking a shower in Youth Hostels: risks and delights of heterogeneity
The Linux Bootdisk HOWTO
Forum / limiter le temps d utilisation de l ordinateur

dansguardian – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
[Forum FS] Sommaire et FAQ Habitat bioclimatique, chauffage et isolation
Wikileaks – Wikileaks
Text + Image + CSS3 = Crazy Delicious Pirating the 2008 Oscars (Now with 6 Years of Data) Library patrons try to dance away late fees at video game competition
Wired Science . Video: DIY UAVs | PBS
Ikea ILEN HTPC – Instructables

Mysteries of computer from 65BC are solved | Science | The Guardian
DIY Super Energy Efficient Refrigerator
Flickr : Whuitewings hydraulics photos (by P. Torrone)
Whitewings Excellent Paperglider
Jonestown death tape: audio from the last hours of a mass suicide – Boing Boing
Apartment Therapy New York | The Amazing Staircase
Institut National de l'énergie solaire – Outils
Logiciel de Calcul Simplifié de Systèmes Solaires Combinés

Institut National de l'énergie solaire – Données et outils solaires
Équiterre contribue à bâtir un mouvement citoyen en prônant des choix individuels et collectifs à la fois écologiques et socialement équitables au Québec
Online videos: From home videos to premium internet television content Veoh ~
PmWiki | Cookbook / FootnotesExtended
Référentiel BEP Métiers du Bois
Bienvenue chez GIPEN ! Fabricant de charpentes bois, structures bois et maison ossature bois

GIPEN, le premier Groupement National d'Entreprises Industrielles Familiales Indépendantes crée en 1974 et depuis devenu la marque de référence en Charpentes et Structures Industrielles en bois

Tantek's One year wikiversary

I've found a personal wiki very useful for publishing information that I felt needed to be published but couldn't quite figure out where to put it.

Scripted Re-Mark – Batch Editor for Bookmarks
Trucs:Proposition d'un truc – Lea Linux

Forum / controle des horaires de connection
Restricting server access by time
Forum / controle des horaires de connection
[Mandrake] extinction ou blocage ecran auto
porttime manpage –
AFUL: Liste des bons et mauvais vendeurs d'ordinateur personnel et matériel informatique
Street Tech :: hardware beyond the hype

Gareth Branwyn

WikiDAutrans | CompteRendus2008

Payphone Project: Telephone Booths & Payphones from around the world
l' = Veille Technologique
The Secrets of Effective Green Communication Green Environment – Atelier BNP Paribas : The high-tech studio for a changing world
About La Marguerite
Usage et fonctionnement d'un altimètre


Anne’s Weblog

Recycle Your Computer
Update Scanner :: Firefox Add-ons
Table2Clipboard :: Firefox Add-ons
Shrinkify, the friendliest way to shrink a long URL
Quick TransLation (qtl) :: Firefox Add-ons
FIREGESTURES :: Firefox Extension
Fast Dial :: Firefox Add-ons IncSearch – Firefox Extension
Mini Map Sidebar :: Modules pour Firefox

Virtual Hosting Blog » How to Turn Your Old Computer Into the Ultimate Media Center: 100 Resources and Tools
Old Computer Use
Subterranean Tutoring, by Kevin Kelly [Geekdad]
deter thieves by camoflaging your bike

News, Tips, and How-Tos for Ubuntu Linux

Maurice Chalayer- Observatoire du Métier de la Scierie

Observatoire du Métier de la Scierie

[Wikipédia] Aluflex, l'atelier de daniel Serre, fabricant de skis artisanal

la maison passive et l'architecture ecologique

Le site de Caroline Lehr

JDLE – Journal de l'environnement
imprimantes_canon_lasershot – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
Lori Nix's tabletop photography
Forum / Imprimante Canon LBP2900 sous Gutsy
Forum / [RESOLU] Canon LBP810
HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/CanonPrinters/Canon LBP 2900 – Community Ubuntu Documentation

Script Canon LBP-810 – Gutsy [Celtiore’s Café]

Voila une adaptation du script pour Feisty Fawn modifié pour fonctionner sous Gusty Gibbon, il permet l’installation rapide des drivers pour l’imprimante Canon LBP-810.
Ce script n’est fonctionnel que pour les versions 32bits.

La construction de notre Domespace

Une soucoupe dans les oliviers…

EricM's shared items in Google Reader – powered by FeedBurner
Blog de l'agence d'architecture qui a réalisé la 1ère maison Effinergie en France
batiment basse énergie Franche Comté (free registration needed)
DIY 2,4 GHz spectrum analyzer

JAW's Miscellaneous Anecdotes and Other Interesting Stuff – What's New
Construire Sa Maison, Notre Projet de construction de Maison individuelle
Build a bat-house
Building a Bat House – National Wildlife Federation architecture roundup, 02/01/08

cabins, prefab & lots of delicious ideas

Pacific NW | Wrapped in scrap, an island home couldn't be cozier | Seattle Times Newspaper

first day cottage house kits
Johnston Architects
[AICVF Poitou-Charente] Conception d'un bâtiment passif

Slides des interventions d'un colloque du 19 décembre 2007 à POITIERS.

Puppy Linux Discussion Forum : build-a-muppy
reportage video chantier
La maîtrise d'œuvre, une valeur ajoutée pour un artisan (video)

François Del Giglio, à la tête d'une entreprise générale de 14 salariés (Delgi Constructions à Charleville-Mézières – 08)

Load (puppy)Linux on a CD-ROM driveless PC

use a parallel ZIP drive…

[Puppy Linux Forum] Index of resources for Beginners Help forum
[PuppyLinux Forum] – How to speed up Open Office
Book sources – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Westwind Oak Buildings

Rupert Newman is the author of "Oak-framed buildings"

Satellite Spotters Glimpse Secrets, and Tell Them – New York Times
Construction d'une MOB au pays des Pierres Dorées is a Free auction and bid managing tool for eBay auctions.
FAQs > Elbows Music Blog Aggregator

Elbows is a collection of great music blog posts. learn more about new artists and buy their albums

chris kaufmann's suitcase PC
[Puppy Linux Discussion Forum] install flash 7 in firefox
Kevin Kelly — The Technium

Technology Wants To Be Free

(Flickr) Steward photograpies Kevin (Kelly) and Chris (Anderson)

DIY computers and electronics: Fix that LCD Flat Panel Monitor
More Wifi Finder Reverse Engineering
DIY LCD backlight [Instructables]
Linux UPS
Jeremy Herr's NUT UPS Page

configuration of a battery backup system on the computers in my office, using an American Power Conversion BackUPS Pro 1400, with the software package NUT version 1.2.0.

Puppy Linux
Ecopup 0.7.1

a puppy based distro for recycling projects and "community computing Office:
Openoffice / games (gCompris, Tuxpaint, Supertux, lBreakout, lTetris …) / AMSN, Gaim, Skype … / Firefox 2.0.0.x, Limewire, Thunderbird / XMMS, Audacity / CUPS…

Installing PuppyLinux to an IDE Hard Drive
Bo X2300
Endilog – Install DSL on usb
LFS Linux booting from a CD
Get Ubuntulite | ubuntulite

PuppyLinux: Puplets
DeWitt Clinton » Blog Archive » Add OpenSearch to your site in five minutes :: Unshaking and refocusing your photos
The Internet Craftsmanship Museum
YouTube – Richard Hammond presents Bloody Omaha (The Graphics)
Slice: A List of Regional Pizza Styles
ABC News: 'Fake' Vehicle — M.O. for Transporting Contraband?

Interview with Nitesh Dhanjani and Billy Rios, Spies in the Phishing Underground
Cat Burglar Joule Thief [Instructables]
Top General: Let Soldiers Blog | Danger Room from
DIY tractor culture in Poland – we make money not art
Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends on Google Video
GNU/Linux Distro Timeline

Road to Linux

le blog de RenZO, le créateur de "Ubuntu addon CD"

Pierres Vivantes

Un chantier écolo, petit budget, beaux matériaux

Ma Grande Bussière
[Kervéré On Line] Pourquoi rénover
[Kervéré On Line] Etes-vous prêts à rénover ?
[notre maison en paille] assainissement par filtres plantés

[Maisonenchantier] Howto joints Placo #3
[Maisonenchantier] suite technique joints Placo
[Maisonenchantier] La technique pour coller les bandes d'angles de Placo
Massif du Vercors – Wikitravel
Pipes: Rewire the web
Piecing Together the Dark Legacy of East Germany's Secret Police
Eee PC Internal Upgrades – ivc wiki

[AfriGadget] Power Source Made for Africa
Penrose tiling – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Geek to Live: Instant, no-overhead blog with Tumblr
Geek to Live: Top Firefox 2 config tweaks
Hacking Firefox: The secrets of about:config
Feature: Download and Listen to Free Music on the Web
Tumblr : Expérience de MicroBlogging « NiouMedia
Feature: How to Track Down Anyone Online
Hidden Browser in Microsoft Windows XP

Use Google Web History Without Installing a Toolbar
Back Up Your Firefox Preferences
Download Netflix Watch Now Movies Easy-Like with Netflix Download Links

GParted, GNU-Parted, Sfdisk, TestDisk, Partimage , GRUB / LILO, EVMS, Editors, tools for file system, archiving, CD/DVD burning, network administration, security, lightweight web browsers, wiping tools & system boot disks.

Taking Puppy Linux for a Walk
Turn Thunderbird into the Ultimate Gmail IMAP Client
Rénovation de notre maison

Marmiton : 39000 recettes de cuisine ! Recettes commentées et notées pour toutes les cuisines. – Accueil –
le tadelakt, un enduit à la chaux
planète bâtiment

encore un nouveau magazine tourné vers le bâtiment durable.

[Wikipedia] Energy tower

is a method for producing electrical power for consumer consumption; it produces electricity by drawing the energy from the air around it.

si j'avais un marteau…
Eee PC Research – ivc wiki
Eee PC Internal Upgrades – ivc wiki

[] L'ensemble de la filière Bois recrute et se mobilise pour la formation des jeunes

Enquête Minute sur le thème ‘Le Recrutement dans la filière Bois’. Réalisée en septembre 2007, regroupe les témoignages de 425 professionnels

[] Observatoire Expobois 2008 : optimiste, la filière bois mise sur l'investissement
Building green, piece by piece – The Boston Globe
Shelter Institute

Professional Engineering Building Timberframes – Classes to learn to design, build, plumb, wire, and finish your own house – Fine woodworking tools and building supplies to owner-builders and craftsman Custom Millwork, Historical Reproductions, Natural Edge Slabs, Kiln Dried Hardwoods….
Old House Chronicle Index

A house renovation and old homes magazine, now extinct, with > 200 articles published btw 1998 & 2003

Old House Chronicle Magazine: an Early 20th Century Carpenter's Toolchest

by Mark van Roojen – An interesting examination of the contents of a turn-of-the-century toolchest.

Tiny House Blog » Timber Frame Cabin
Flash Linux Home Page — Flash Linux Portal
USB Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon install | USB Pen Drive Linux
The social retard » Blog Archive » Optimizing Ubuntu
Zotero: The Next-Generation Research Tool
UnixTutorials – Ubuntu tutorials – Install GFX Grub In Ubuntu.

Le 25/07/2007, à 16:23

La ligne emulate3buttons du xorg.conf devrait être "false" — true est pour les souris à deux boutons: les deux boutons à appuyer en même temps comme on appuie sur la roulette – Firefox Tweak Guide
Albert Kahn (architect) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
DPS Book Depository Interior HDR [Flickr]

Those are public

Detroit Public Schools Book Depository/ Roosevelt Warehouse [Flickr]
paper craft [Flickr]

Fantastic Japanscapes ::: Pink Tentacle
AirPower Home

This wiki is dedicated to helping you find power while travelling at airports around the globe.

Below The Clouds » Trappa av TAF Arkitektkontor

…low-cost attic staircase (…) built out of stacked pine boxes, filling a space too narrow for regular steps (…) steep but (…) cool.
Maison à part : Décoration, Travaux, Immobilier
Voting Machines – Elections – Ballots – Politics – New York Times

"[A] Diebold spokesman (…) admitted (…) that the company is considering making the software open source on its next generation of touch-screen machines, so that anyone could download, inspect or repair the code…"

Change of Subject – Observations, reports, tips, referrals and tirades | Chicago Tribune | Blog

problem with PCMCIA ethernet card – Ubuntu Forums
[Woodsurfer] Annuaire de la filiere bois construction maison bois batiment

identification des caractéristiques des doubles vitrages Saint Gobain (quelque soit la marque du fabricant de fenêtres)

Climb to the Stars (Stephanie Booth) » Donnant-donnant

HWaddr 00:1A:92:67:07:6E

How to fstab – Ubuntu Forums

Understanding fstab

YouTube – Mad Driving Skills
STATS: The Worst Science Stories of 2007: STATS Dubious Data Awards

Jake vonslatt's projects, including schoolbus conversion, steampunk and a lot of dumpster findings
Tom Swift [Wikipedia]
How a bobbin works « Material Mama Podcast
Classeur : PM Illustrated Home Handyman Encyclopedia & Guide (1961)
Noah Shachtman's site: How to Rate a (Possibly) Stupid Weapon Idea
[Instructables] "Quicksilver" Retro-Future Scooter from appliances and scrap metal

logiciels “ludo-éducatifs” pour ubuntu
AOH :: AOH Sounds :: 311.MP3
Merriwether's Journal: Making

From th guy who build the garden ex-satdish flying saucer, the homemade Wood Gasifier Stove, a backpacking cookware and the Amazing Box o' Stuff…

[Telstar Logistics] "Flight thru Instruments" and the Fine Art of Instructional Illustration

let's make a pinhole polaroid camera! (Flickr)
[TechEBlog]: The World's First and Only Rotating Boat Wheel (Video)
[] citation needed
bunnie’s blog » Blog Archive » OLPC XO-1
How to Draw a Face: A Mystery » Drawn! The Illustration and Cartooning Blog
TED | Talks | Gever Tulley: 5 dangerous things you should let your kids do (video)

1. play with fire
2. Own a poket knife
3. Throw a spear (our brains are wired to throw things)
4. Deconstruct things
5. Break the DCMA (some laws get broken by accident)
6. Drive a car

YouTube – India Driving

Original speed (the current meme is sped up 2:1)

Quest to make cattle fart like marsupials – Climate Watch –
Third Reich to Fortune 500: Five Popular Brands the Nazis Gave Us |
Download: Get Miro
Apartment Therapy Los Angeles | Look! Store your Books in the Rafters
Some entrepreneurs prosper during U.S. housing slump – International Herald Tribune
Beyond the Beyond – Wired Blogs
[YouTube] People in Order by Lenka Clayton and James Price

A 3-minute film that shows 100 people, from the age of one to 100, hitting a drum. Via B-B.

[FreeKs] Tutoriel Wifi/Routeur freebox
Planet Sans Fil
[Ubuntu Tutorials, Howtos, and More] Setup Your Computer to be a Router

a wired and wireless network manager for Linux

[Ubuntu Forums] Malicious Commands
Les dix règles pour construire dans le respect – actualité de la Filière Bois sur
High Tech Napkins » Yanko Design
Building the Green Way

Charles Lockwood

Environmental, Real Estate and Trend-Spotting Articles

Institut de Genech : Les métiers de la nature et de l’environnement
Howto: Set up Edgy for speed « Motho ke motho ka botho

Very good start for resurrecting old PCs…

[] comment récupérer des données perdues
grub & DHCP on ubuntu
Utiliser un vieux PC comme routeur
Forum / [iptables] script ubuntu-firewall

script ubuntu-firewall

Robert Pectol's Ubuntu Linux Projects Website – Ubuntu-firewall

Ubuntu-firewall is a robust firewall script written specifically for Ubuntu Linux


What you see is free authoring with KompoZer and N|vu

[] Toucan 1.2

Toucan is a tool for advanced users that allows you to sync, backup and secure files on your device… packaged in Format for easy use from any portable device and integration with the Suite. And it's open source and comp

Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories – Weekend Projects with Bre Pettis: Make a Joule Thief
ProdMod ™ » Blog Archive » Make your own LED camera light for only $2 – lasts longer than Camerabright
Sélection de blog avec conseils sur les maisons en bois, à ossature (MOB) ou blogs sur les autres techniques d'auto-construction, chantier autoconstructeur
mob89, la maison de chris et nath
les maisons larquet
[Forum] Fluxbuntu VS Wifi
encyclopédie Wiki de FreeKs, Association dédié au FAI et à la 'freebox'
[r0ro] Récupérer les paramètres de sa connexion Free ADSL
[doc.ubuntu-fr] howto : Network File System (nfs)
HOWTO: Linux Software Raid using mdadm – Ubuntu Forums

Peter Zimmermann, 2 Ruins, 2006
serveur_impression_freebox – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
Monter sa freebox sur Xubuntu (et même un autre FTP) – BlogORabais Le blog francophone dédié aux ultraportables ASUSTEK EEE.
The Great Firewall: China's Misguided — and Futile — Attempt to Control What Happens Online
Global Building Systems-Global Peace Containers
David Byrne's Survival Strategies for Emerging Artists — and Megastars
Nothing To Do With Arbroath

projecting hundreds of frames of Run Lola Run on the wall at the same time in sequence
Traveler IQ Challenge
oobject » abandoned technology
How Experts Fail: The Patterns and Situations in Which Experts Are Less Intelligent Than Non-Experts
materiel:wifi:wg111v2 – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
Official Google Blog: Encouraging people to contribute knowledge News | Inside the CIA's notorious "black sites"
HOWTO: Asus Eee PC 701 + Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy – Ubuntu Forums

Ubuntu 7.10 Gibbon swings on the Asus Eee >> Mixed Signals >> Rupert Goodwins's Blog at ZDNet UK Community > An Unofficial ASUS Eee PC EeePC 701 Community
Petit Linux – Journal d'un apprenti linuxien sous Ubuntu
Conduit – Trac

Soours' favorite pages on StumbleUpon
Strictly No Photography – home
How America Lost the War on Drugs : Rolling Stone
Silent Mouse – The Second Encounter
a team of clockmakers broke into the Pantheon in Paris in September 2005 and spent a year fixing the historic and neglected clock

Lingro: translate every word on every webpage, in real time, with free/open dictionaries
Most Influential Online Videos of All Time
I've Got Billions, but Don't Like to Spend It

Some of the World's Richest People Are the World's Most Frugal People

"Aleutia E1" desktop, designed for use in rural Africa consumes only 8W of power
In Iraq, the Critical Networks Are Social, Not Electronic

Epsylone – Tutoriels
NetworkNotEnabled – Ubuntu Wiki
DeLi Linux
Spread Spectrum Freq hopping USB RF modem – Hack a Day

Nice comment linking to Yagi & alii calculators

slimrio – SLIMP3 emulation for the Rio Receiver
Prison Break Saison1+saison2+saison3 (e01.e02.e03.e04.e05e06.e07.e08), Serie tv


[Documentation Ubuntu] bureaux_encore_non_officiels
[Documentation Ubuntu] installation:mini_ram
Ubuntox .:. Because less is more

Ubuntox is a GNU/Linux operating system, which is based on Ubuntu. Ubuntox ist lighter on system requirements, so that users with older hardware can use Ubuntu productively, too. Ubuntox uses a very simple and easy Desktop – so that even beginners can beg

Konown issues w/ fluxbuntu 7.10 (gusty)
pour déplacer /home
Bromont golf club – poor man's UAV
Test ATX Power Supply
Site National de la filière bois et matériaux associés

[CNDB] liste des associations régionales de promotion de la construction bois
Fiche RNCP du DESD
Mathématiques et Sciences Physiques en Lycées Professionnels
Office fédéral de l’énergie OFEN
Une ONG de conseil qui répond de manière neutre et objective à vos questions concernant les bâtiments performants, le choix d'une énergie, la consommation durable, les aides existantes… = Prioriterre

Forte de ses conseillers grand public et de son centre de ressources. Chaque mois, 600 à 700 personnes – particuliers, entreprises ou collectivités – reçoivent un conseil personnalisé. Un 'point Info énergie' national ?

Une campagne pour optimiser / rénover / construire les bâtiments (en Suisse) =

l'Office fédéral de l’énergie (OFEN) propose livrets, notices et liens.

Pour trouver les meilleurs produits et services pour le bureau et la maison :

faible consommation énergétique, faibles nuisances pour l’environnement, utilisation facile, très bonne qualité, prix raisonnable. Connaissiez vous la consommation A++ ?

blog construction maison : Famille Marlinge 'BioClimatYves'

Construite par Alti-Bois Construction de Joël Blanc (en panneaux KLH)

Pocket Screwdrivers – Lee Valley Tools
Plenty of AXIS webcams
Category:Australian architecture – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RFID Guardian Wiki

Harper's Magazine Weekly Review
Agl-Concept – appareil de levage de charpentes

appareil de levage spécialement adapté au levage de charpentes (pannes, poutres, fermettes) sur les maisons individuelles. (via AL, encore !)

[DGI] Taux de TVA applicable aux travaux dans les logements de plus de deux ans. Travaux portant sur l'installation de panneaux solaires

Tout est dit.

[M&Bi] 216 details techniques du CNDB

Une mine de liens…

[M&Bi] Retour d'experience sur poële granulés

Chène de l'est

Le spécialiste du parquet massif fini verni, huilé,prêt à la pose. (via AL)

Sonde hydro pour VMC DF
Medite Ecologique, un panneau MDF sans formaldéhyde ajouté
Qualification Recognition Services [ NZQA ]
NZ immigrations operations manual
Accent Migration : 1er bureau francophone de représentation à l’immigration australienne
Génie Civil & Habitat

Le blog d'Atout Bois
Atout Bois Conception

Atout Bois Conception est une entreprise artisanale fondée en 2006 par deux passionnés du matériau BOIS, Sylvain FOUREL et Fabien PECCHIOLI.
Interpellés par les enjeux écologiques auxquels notre planète fait face, et voulant participer à notre fa

Arthur Capelle – vêtements traditionnels de compagnons allemands (VPC)
Les Compagnons du Tour de France

Java orientation

Lycée du Mouchard – service formation continue
Interview Joël Blanc, Compagnon charpentier et fondateur d'Alti-Bois Construction
"The Walks of Peace in the Soča Region" Foundation

Museum of the battlefield of the Soča battles, Soča being the local name for Isonzo, name under which the battles became known (int: the 12th Soča/Isonzo battle is better known as the battle of Caporetto).

Cory Doctorow speaks w/ Jason Kottke

K: "giving away—while still profiting from"


une gamme de produits de soins et de prévention pour aventuriers et voyageurs occasionnels… by Katadyn

NZ Long Term Business Visa Forum
Seven Seas Worldwide Ltd

Worldwide Excess Baggage Shipping, Re-location Movers and Storage Agents

SOLID EARTH Adobe Buildings NZ

Earthbuilding Construction and Adobe Brick Manufacture

Timberworks (NZ) Ltd

artisans of Crafted Timber Frames; the self-supporting structural framework of homes, lodges, barns, great halls and cathedrals found around the world

The (OZ) Owner Builder – Sample Articles
Organic Explorer, Green travel guide to Sustainable New Zealand
Construction Industry – Helping to build New Zealand
The English Corner Shop NZ
ENZ, Emigrate New Zealand forum
BRANZ's Level

Straw Built Homes NZ
Able Solar NZ

supplier of home power systems using solar panels, wind generators and micro hydro turbines.

Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society
Solarsmarter (NZ)
Ecobob (NZ)

Ecobob is derived from the word ‘eco’, an abbreviation for ‘ecologically friendly’ and the acronym ‘bob’ which stands for ‘best of both’. Our philosophy is that it is possible to have ‘the best of both worlds’ in terms of living in har

Devonoak (UK)
The Eco Timber Project (NZ)

The aim of EcoTimber New Zealand is to create a resource for builders and individuals who are looking at more sustainable methods and materials for constructing or renovating homes and buildings.

Home Building with the New Zealand Home Owner's Building Guide

New energy efficiency initiatives have been announced 3 May 2007 applying to new homes

Earth Building New Zealand

New Zealand as of 1999 has an Earth Building standard

GJ Gardner Homes NZ
House Building Forum (
NZ Department of Building and Housing
Building standards in NZ
ConsumerBuild NZ

Occupational Licensing – NZ Department of Building and Housing
Aonui Architecture, Wellington, New Zealand for your environmentally sustainable designs.
Solarhomes NZ
Authentic Straw Bale Construction Ltd (NZ) = Straw bale, rammed earth and compressed earth block houses.
Authentic Straw Bale Construction Ltd links page
Igor's Surfin' Strawbale list

Strawmark, straw bale construction in New Zealand
NZ enterprises in Buildings, wooden, prefabricated sector
Brijit – Great content in 100 words or less
Yochai Benkler by Kottke
[Wired Science] Biofuels are not the right answer…

cutting down forests to grow crops for fuel causes more environmental damage than using biofuels can ever offset

Mountain remnants of war architecture

More poeticly: "Europe's Geological Attics". Explore !

Loire Velo Nature
Cell Phone Jammer
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2002

A saying of Benjamin Franklin in Poor Richard’s Almanack. The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2002

TPMmuckraker | Talking Points Memo
The Arabist
[Dailymotion] Villa Cavrois
JoCePaMo construit sa maison en bois
Festival de malfaçons 18/06/2007

[M&Bi] tabernac donne de la voix
extra repos for ubuntu
Transmission : client torrent et contrôle à distrance – DAFPHP
[Forum] pb son sur asus m2n-mx – ubuntu 7.04
La vie de vos amis Kiwis
Les Moly's down under…
Nouvelles du front néo-zélandais: A la découverte de Niger Stream
Comment reinitialiser l'indicateur de revision de l'ODB quand on ne fait pas la revision chez VW?

Installing Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) on an Eee PC 701 4G [EeeUser Wiki Home]
De-anonymizing Tor and Detecting Proxies

As Jason said in hackzine, ouch!

Install Ubuntu from Windows in 3 Steps without Using a CD – With the help of Wubi – Softpedia
Tip: Ubuntu 7.04 on Asus M2A-VM HDMI: boot options I used – Ubuntu Forums
How-To: Introduction to soldering – Hack a Day
Baby SATA – SATA cable length management tutorial by MetkuMods – Because you love your hardware!
Linux Hardware Compatibility HOWTO

LDLC = Coin des Affaires
b-initials » Blog Archive » Aptitude
Système de transmission Péritel sans fil
La France vue d’ailleurs

La France vue de Chine où j’habite, d’Asie où je voyage et d’ailleurs. Mais aussi mes impressions, sentiments et choses vues, mémoires intérieures et présentes, petites histoires de la grande Histoire et preuves de ma vie pour laisser une trace

New Zealand : British Expat Discussion Forum
Vie quotidienne –
Sand & Lili

Il est frais mon kiwi

w/ kamaté howro

Charpentier expat en NZ

Charpentier expat en NZ

Size comparizon EU – AUS (gif)
[Wikipedia] "Blood, toil, tears, and sweat"

"Victory. Victory at all costs — Victory in spite of all terror — Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival" – Churchill

[Wikipedia] History of cryptography
autoconstruction maison ossature bois Lyon (69) Rhone Alpes – assistance et main d'oeuvre pour autoconstruction 240€/jour
[France 5 |Question maison] – une salle de bain pour personnes âgées

WC d'angle =;145;169;249&SelectedPage=2&SelectedProduct=28660;28662;28787;28802;28806;45150

Kings of War
Amy Proctor – Blog

Author of Bottom Line Up Front YouTube videos

abu muqawama
[M&Bi] Réflexion sur les engins de manutention
Construire en Promouvant l’Habitat Autonome Sain et Ecologique
Springwise: Bank run by street kids in New Delhi


extensions pour le client de messagerie Mozilla Thunderbird 2.0:MDN, DSN, triple enveloppe, module de gestion XSMTP, traitement de la priorité des messages au niveau enveloppe, limitation de la taille des messages.
Ignatius on Kilcullen
Western Civ Forum
Professor Nagl's War
[Combined Arms Research Library Digital Library] Small Wars (1906 Ed.)
Shlok Vaidya


BRANZ Limited provides an independent and unbiased research, testing, consultancy and information resource for the building and construction industry. BRANZ provides this service to customers located in New Zealand, Australia and around the world.

La Nouvelle-Zélande dans l'Histoire
Quand c'est noir, c'est que c'est cuit!
Claire Billet

Journaliste (Le Monde) au Pakistan et en Afghanistan


SOS Maison, sur France 5 (Question Maison), c'est lui!

RENOV' :: la rénovation de notre maison
Windbelt – Third World Power – Wind Generator – Breakthrough Awards – Popular Mechanics
WorldGBC » Homepage
SWJ Blog
ToorCon 9: Crypto Boot Camp – Hack a Day

Proprietary algorithms get broken all the time


Matt Armstrong, graduate student at the University of Southern California.

Maisons tradition bois, construction et extension de maisons dans le 59 (flash)

NEED Rhône-Alpes est un centre de ressources régional positionné sur les filières de la Bio, de l'éco-construction et des éco-innovations

La suite inédite des 3 petits cochons
Dark Reading : How to Turn Your Browser Into a Weapon
Batteryless Bicycle safety lights, No battery, No friction!)
Atwood Knife and Tool

C. Sample Citation and Introduction to Citing Blogs

Introduction to Citing Blogs

Electronic warfare may have blitzed Israeli TV signals

[BB] first rule of modern democracy, (…)You can bomb whoever you want, but don't fuck with your citizens' television.

LamiDesign Modern House Plan Blog: IBU (Container) modular houses

Gregory La Vardera Architect

[Making Light] Shipping container architecture roundup

… it’s nice to know that if we crash our economy via trading in real estate derivatives and our atrocious trade imbalance with China, we’ll have a source of emergency low-cost housing easily to hand.

Notre maison à ossature bois en Haute-Loire


Les Forums d' -> Construction et auto-construction
Windows 98 SE 4.10.2227

Ce patch résoud le problème connu de Windows 98 Second Edition où celui-ci ne répondait plus lorsqu'un nombre conséquent de lecteurs réseaux étaient connectés à l'ordinateur. Au plus il y a de lecteurs connectés, au plus le problème a des chanc

[Forums ] Tuto Routeur, Wi-Fi et NAT de la Freebox
La Freebox avec Ordis, Routeurs, Wii,…, Big Tutorial (Freebox v4 et v5+)

Denis Szalkowski

Windows 98 (Zip de Pdf)
Aircrack-ng, aireplay-ng, airodump-ng, Tutorial crack cle wep
STEICO – materiaux de construction

fibre de bois a insuffler Taking Advantage Of Technology – Google Hacking

Association Française d'agences de Contrôle par Thermographie et Infiltrométrie pour la Maîtrise de l'Energie

Ti Plouz – Une maison bioclimatique en paille en Bretagne
Confessions d'un voleur

Un livre en ligne, écrit par Laurent Chemla, confondateur de Gandi.

Les cultures « dédiées »… notamment aux bioénergies (.pdf)

Cette fiche, rédigée en commun par les spécialistes de l’AFOCEL et du GIE Arvalis-Onidol, fait le point sur les principaux types de cultures dédiées, basés sur des espèces ligneuses (TCR et TTCR) ou des espèces herbacées (annuelles et pluriannu

AquaTerra Solutions, gabions, aménagements hydrauliques et paysagers, contrôle de l'érosion et protections de berges, génie végétal et gabion
[] Jean-François Suzzarini (IMAGINE, à Annecy) écrit à nouveau

Cet homme a le sens de la formule commerciale

Encore un dicton d'AL

On construit sa première maison pour son ennemi, la deuxieme pour son ami, et la troisieme pour soi

GOOD Magazine: You’ve Got Mail!

Mule train brings USPS mail to remote Arizona tribe.

Jaccuzzi au sommet du mont-blanc
Extension du siège de « NATURE ET PROGRES Belgique » à B.5100 Jambes

Luc Delvaux architecture – mise en oeuvre d'un "plancher cloué"

Archipente – Lignalithe

Le plancher collaborant bois-béton substitue à la partie en traction d’une dalle en béton armé traditionnelle une prédalle en bois massif, solidarisé avec du béton travaillant en compression. La prédalle en bois LIGNADAL est constituée de planc

Maisons & Bois International / Plancher cloué.

Plancher cloué

HYPERBRICK: Presses manuelles pour fabrication de briques pour construire des habitats economiques
autoconstruction bois


Maisons & Bois International : Thread sur la VMC 2F
Un dicton de charpentier par A. Landry

Charron fort, Menuisier juste, Charpentier Lache.

Rockbox – Open Source Jukebox Firmware
Highrise, by 37signals

Tuxicomanie » Blog Archive » BlogBridge – simplement le meilleur lecteur RSS
US Army's strategy in Afghanistan: better anthropology |
Army Enlists Anthropology in War Zones – New York Times
Centre de ressources et forum pour la Communauté francophone d'
WebRunner – MozillaWiki

WebRunner is based on a concept called Site Specific Browsers (SSB), an application with an embedded browser designed to work exclusively with a single web application. It doesn’t have the menus, toolbars and accoutrement's of a normal web browser. Some

GTD 'cult' | 43 Folders

Allen links w/ John-Roger & the Movement of Spritual Inner Awareness (and also Arianna Huffington)

Selectively Delete a Message from a Conversation Thread
How To Install Gutsy Gibbon – A 21 Step Guide For Technical Support | fsckin w/ linux
Matjaz S53MV (

Complete technical articles's shared items

Google Reader

Simon : Taking charge of your own destiny
War, Chaos, and Business

Boyd & the OODA loop

Conflict in the Years Ahead
Defense and the National Interest
THROUGH A GLASS, DARKLY By Martin van Creveld
Small Wars Journal Reference Library
RAND Review | Spring 2004 | Redefining the Enemy: The World Has Changed, But Our Mindset Has Not
Know Thy Enemy: Profiles of Adversary Leaders and Their Strategic Cultures
The Best Word Book Ever,1963 and 1991. – a photoset on Flickr

Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever, 1963 vs 1991 editions (with revisions)

la maison bois
Penny Alcohol Backpacking Stove
Marc Chartier (Sur la Route des Bâtisseurs) recense les négosiants en matériaux de construction écologiques
"J'attends une maison", un livre de François Desombre :: Enhancing eBay with Firefox extensions
Naegleria fowleri – Wikipédia

Naegleria fowleri est responsable d'une gravissime pathologie fort heureusement extrêmement rare : la méningo-encéphalite amibienne primitive (MEAP)

octonome : maison bioclimatique octogonale en paille
APEX, entreprise familiale de maisons écologiques en bois au Canada

avec un marketing original!

Écohabitation – La ressource en habitation écologique
Extension Firefox : Media Player Connectivity – The ASW
Dictus, la recherche alternative

Dictus est un outil de recherche alternatif. Hybride entre un annuaire et un moteur de recherche, dictus vous propose actuellement une sélection de plus de 80.000 sites répartie dans 14.000 catégories

Action sociétale durable et solidaire.

Construire en mélèze

Éric Boissel architecte e.n.s.a.i.s.

WEISROCK Charpentes Bois Lamellé-Collé Lamellix
La voûte nubienne
Le Refuge du Pelic
FRANCE 3 Rhône Alpes Auvergne – Chroniques d’en haut : Bâtir écologique
Michael Yon Online Magazine

Maison CNRJ "France"

[Maisons & Bois International] compatibilité cheminée – maison passive

Eh oui…


le blog des travaux réalisés "Rue de Brioux" par sorg

urbanbike, notes pour combler nos trous de mémoire
EcoSanRes: Ecological Sanitation Research

Focus on eco-loos

[New York Times] Times to Stop Charging for Parts of Its Web Site –

'…many more readers started coming to the site from search engines and links on other sites instead of coming directly to These indirect readers, unable to get access to articles behind the pay wall and less likely to pay subscription fees

The Illustrated Road to Serfdom

Original by F. Hayek

the 'Radio Shack Special', ultra-simple FM receiver

I wish all howto were so well written…

[NYT] Google as Portal, With a Twist, by Saul Hansell

"..Google’s Australian election page offers an interesting new take on what a portal can be. It’s not a collection of content, but rather a collection of tools that display content (…)Another take on this is the new topics feature of Technorati. (..

[] Jets d'encre Canon – Nettoyage des têtes – MAJ 25/11/05

Nifty Stuff – Bright White LEDs, Chickens, Refill Inkjet Printers – Cartridges and other Nifty Stuff!

Rob Ludlow's site on a plethora of subject matter, home of the famous InkJet Forum.

Using Google Groups To Backup Gmail
Habitat passif – Wikipédia
Futura-Sciences Forum Habitat bioclimatique
[Showcase house] Les grands champs

Le blog de Fred&Marie



CdeC explique ce que cherche un MOE/MOA de maison écolo

quand on veut faire une maison écolo: 1) on veut sauver la planète 2) on veut une maison saine 3) on veut être démonstratif 4) on veut faire du mieux que l'on peut….

Sock exchange at San Francisco laundromat
A Soviet Poster A Day
Founders’ Copyright – Creative Commons
O'Reilly Open Books Project
40 Best Open Source Graphic Programs
Cryptographic key recovery from Linux memory dumps

HOWTO: secure Gmail to prevent session hijacking
NYCwireless : Poe

Power over Ethernet tutorial

Backwoods Home magazine

Self reliance, self sufficiency, country living, how-to, independence, independent & alternative energy and much more

Get Your Hands Dirty: 100 Killer Tutorial DIY Websites | Free Geekery

Swiftfox is an optimized build of Mozilla Firefox.

How To Use Firefox | How To Split An Atom

Lifehacker Code: Upgrade Flickr with the Better Flickr Firefox extension
CustomizeGoogle: Improve Your Google Experience — Firefox Extension
[Lifehacker] Top 10: Must-have Firefox extensions –
Red Line Blog Red Line
Equipped to Survive
[The Economist] Bill Bryson's beauty
[The Economist] Making buildings behave better
A Reporter at Large: Planning for Defeat: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker

Algeria was worse than Iraq – so far, by John Keegan
Nils Holger Moormann : Bookinist chair
Le Relais : L’économie au service de l’Homme [ Métisse, l’isolant à la fibre solidaire ]
Arrêté du 24 mars 1982 relatif à l'aération des logements
Norme electricite – ELECTYS
Site de Hervé Silve sur l'énergie solaire, site de référence pour les statistiques réseau du FAI – le téléphone SIP sur
Ecouter les messages du répondeur Freebox sur son PC
[ADUF] Index de sites traitant du FAI ''
[CC Camp 2007] Cryptographic key recovery from Linux memory dumps
Building a (fast) Wikipedia offline reader
Seam carving: content-aware image resizing
[ ] Satellite Dish Alignment / Setup Calculator 2.0

Rear-engine VW officially confirmed
[Wired's Danger Room] Iraq Diary
[Boing Boing] "The Manipulation of Human Behavior3, aka psychological "torture bible" available online
Tarptent Ultralight Shelters
Kevin Kelly — Cool Tools
[Cool Tools] Light Backpacking

Adventure Medical Kits – First aid kits and survival tools for wilderness medicine, family outings, and travel.
Toolbox : un album photos sur Flickr
Kevlar Thread
Flickr : Le pool Toolmonger
Triton’s Lumber Rack System
[Toolmonger] Biodiesel for Dummies
UMPC blog: First UMPC linux boot success.
The Solar UMPC Blog

Rebuilding NiCd Rechargable Battery Packs
What is an Ultra Mobile PC ? : Architecture Bois
[Lifehacker] A beginner's guide to BitTorrent –
Bulle immobilière

Mythes et croyances de l'immobilier

[Slate] Reusable water bottles you'll actually want to use, by Laura Moser
Endangered Machinery : Industrial and Industrial Heritage Photography

How To Make a Physical Linux Box Into a Virtual Machine
GeeXboX HomePage

GeeXboX is a free embedded Linux distribution which aims at turning your computer into a so called HTPC (Home Theater PC) or Media Center

Show Us Your Go Bag, Part 2
[FreeBSDWorld] 25 useful commands in Linux/UNIX for Beginners
[Ubuntu Forums] Huge List of the Best Open-Source Apps –
M6 – émission E=M6 "des maisons révolutionnaires"
Forum Auto – GOLF IV – comment démonter le cache pour atteindre les fils du contact
[Apple Inc. co-founder and legendary hacker Steve] Wozniak's New Goal is Efficient Housing

Enon Hall the longest Restoration blog known
[Live Green Live Smart] The sustainable house diary
[materialicious] converted water tower, zecc architecten Goes Eco
The Water Tower Conversion, Ashford
[Elspeth Beard Architects] Munstead Water Tower
Finding JTAG on the iPhone
[BoingBoing] Radioactive Boyscout
COMMODO AVEC COOMANDE ORDINATEUR VW GOLF 5 ET TOURAN en vente sur (fin le 05-Sep-07 09:49:50 Paris)

[GPS Lodge] GlobalSat GH-615 Fitness Training GPS Watch
DIY Life
Boing Boing: MySpace for Spies: A-Space
Eco building Performance 2007

Du 18 Septembre au 20 septembre 2007 | Salon professionnel performances énergétiques |

Technip en charge de l'ingénierie d'une centrale à herbe – ENERGIE


Territoires Environnement Emploi

emploi environnement developpement durable stage CV formation métier

Agence Coste Architectures : La Bonne Maison

Réalisée à l'initiative du photographe Yann Arthus Bertrand, la Bonne Maison a été conçu par l'agence COSTE architectures et construite pour le groupe GEOXIA (Maisons Phenix).

[Legifrance] définition légale d’une maison en KIT
Conseils pour votre projet de maison bois par L'Architecte du Bois.
TuxMobil: Linux Applications for GPS Navigation
Des réponses à vos questions sur le diagnostic de performance énergétique – logement
Shelby – Extreme Materials & Gear

Pennine Outdoor Fabrics Retailer
Firefox Myths
[Mental Masala] Save the basil! A tip to keep it fresh

pseudo-hydroponic system

JogBlog: carnet d'entrainements et récits de courses.

Matt Perry’s random adventures with geospatial data

iPod Linux – Linux for your iPod
Human Telemetry
use your Nike+ kit with any shoe
Book People: iPod Nano and Cellphone iPod

Michael "Project Gutenberg" S. Hart pleads for… add-on monitors for cellphones !

Watches – Reviews, Information, and News

Alpkit outdoor gear for alpine activities including climbing, mountaineering and trekking

Impression de carte sur tissu

[] — instructeur de survie / vie sauvage
Gossamer Gear – Ultralight backpacking and hiking gear
Expé, achat en ligne de matériel de montagne, escalade, spéléo, canyon, randonnée, expédition, secours
[] Outdoor fabrics, accessories and zips. Mail Order Specialist for waterproof breathable nylons, fleece, Cordura, acrylic canvas.
[Beer, Coffee, and a little DSP] Building an Embedded Asterisk PBX

List anonymous wikipedia edits from interesting organizations
La boutique electrique, Celiane,,electricite,prises,disjoncteurs,Legrand,Arnould,Telemecanique,Hager Initia,Sagane,Espace La boutique electrique
[Maisons & Bois International] peut-on faire un drainage avec un drain agricole ?
lamaisondacote's blog –

<guy00001> Constructeur Meunier-Mourin

[Maisons & Bois International] Les gars du batiment
Les coulisses de l’implantation en Haute-Loire du «chemin de Saint-Jacques»
Google Trends

On May 22, 2007, the original Google Zeitgeist for was replaced by Hot Trends

Google XXL

Un Blog sur Google…

[] Les Accompagnateurs en Montagne du Diois

Les Accompagnateurs Nature et Patrimoine

Bureau d'AMM établi à Villard de Lans. : Randonner léger ou ultra-léger , le site des MUL !
Rando Vercors : séjours à pied, en raquette à neige dans le Vercors, les Alpes, en Corse sur le GR 20
r0ro Wiki sur la Freebox
Trampoline D3,60m –
Making a Splash, le spécialiste des loisirs de jardin & vacances

Trampoline – achat de trampolines en direct du fabricant

International Specification for Orienteering Maps
Pyrénées Team.COM guide vos randos

Un Forum vivant avec de bons AEM/AMM…

Devenir Accompagnateur en Moyenne Montagne

L'excellent et très complet guide d'Alexandre Loteff, tous les raids sur internet

Forum mal foutu mais vivant

Conseils précieux pour l'épreuve d'orientation du probatoire AMM

Brevet d’État d’educateur sportif (BEES)
Comment citer des sources sur Internet dans un travail scientifique
CimBat – Internet et bâtiment : création de sites, référencement, webmarketing, newsletter – Communication Internet et Marketing Bâtiment – Page d'accueil
New Balance Ceinture multi-bidons : Magasin de sport online, chaussures de jogging et cardio polar
[Nouvel Obs] Très chers artisans
[Nouvel Obs] Chantiers écolos : Ça rame

Rénoscope [pdf]

Première étude de la satisfaction des ménages faisant réaliser des travaux dans leur logement et les confiant à des professionnels (Club de rénovation de l'habitat)

[ ] – Salon Bâtir Ecologique 2007
Coordonnées L. VACCA
Dick Bear's McBearen/Mclaren – by Dick Bear – Metal Meet Forums
Odd Job: Dick Brown, 55, Hoof Trimmer –

[MAVROMATIC] Patio Waterfall Feature
Build your own rain barrel to conserve water and save money – DIY Life
uC Hobby
…My heart’s in Accra
[BFM] Archive Emission – Podcast Congrès CAPEB
EXPOBOIS – Le salon de la filière Bois
GSM Pages

m0n0wall is based on a bare-bones version of FreeBSD, along with a web server, PHP and a few other utilities. The entire system configuration is stored in one single XML text file to keep things transparent

The Energy Detective – TED 1000
Mundo utility bicycle
Bug #68258 in hal (Ubuntu): “HAL failed to hibernate”
[World Island Info] A larger island in a lake on an island in a lake on an island
Retro To Go: Keep Calm wartime poster
Just Say 'No' to Police Searches | – Sharing Views on Africa
White African
Posts tagged Fairuse4wm at Engadget
Penguin Teaboy, for the cutest, most perfect cuppa
First Espresso Book Machine Installed and Demonstrated at New York Public Library's Science, Industry and Business Library
[New York Times] China Enacting a High-Tech Plan to Track People –
[New York Times] ‘Fake Steve’ Blogger Comes Clean
[InsideDefense NewsStand] Marine Corps General Pushes DARPA for More Counter-IED Technology

[CBC News In Depth] Technology: Data mining
Bridgemeister – Mostly Suspension Bridges

Counting the world's suspension bridges (one at a time).

military robot armed with a rifle deployed in Iraq
[Scientific American] To Read with Speed, Get Hooked on Phonics, and…
[Wikipedia] List of bridge disasters
Home Inspection Nightmare photos
[ The Beachwood Reporter] I lived in Alaska
Schneier Interviews Kip Hawley, TSA Chief

[Wired] White House High-Security Locks Broken: Bumped and Picked at DefCon
[MONEY Magazine] What it takes to be rich
WWII propaganda posters
His movie, his message about Iraq, his start to a new career
[FOXNews] 'Radioactive Boy Scout' Charged in Smoke Detector Theft
Bibi's box: Vintage Iranian Images

What's inside Laughing Squid's Scott Beale's bag?
Trevor Baylis – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A surreal and supremely inane compendium of miscellaneous knowledge, Vol 14
The Relay: Cubism
Making Light: Bookstore chain puts the screws on small publishers
R.A.P.S.! RoadWired Advanced Protection System

Post de 'tpf' sur le Forum M&Bi sur le plancher isolé québéquois


Une maison en bois au Danonce…



Construction d'une maison ossature bois (MOB) en Aveyron

<PHL> : crash
Réparation d'une partition EXT2 EXT3 – CGSecurity

fsck.ext3 -p -b block -B blocksize device

Forum / Tuto Crypter une partition
Energeos : entreprise ecoconstruction & ENR à Marcq (59)

Clins d'oeil

Marc Chartier quitte "sur la route des bâtisseurs" pour un nouveau Blog.

A P E R e
Carnet d'adresses bois & (Salon de Namur)
Le Site en Bois vous parle du bois et de la forêt
effinergie : le blog du bâtiment et de la construction

Portail de la maison bois


L'inventeur de Wenus, Ariane et d'autres systèmes poutres en bois…

Isolation d'une toiture en laine de bois [Passerelle Eco]
Toit par toi

Acces a la propriété ders faibles revenus par l'autoconstruction bois.. L'association de charles Nicol.

HECO Schrauben

Les meilleures vis à bois

Mob65, autoconstruction d'une maison ossature bois.



Homepage of John Locker, freelance communications consultant.

National Defense Magazine
Half Billion Dollar U.S. Embassy in Baghdad 'Not Big Enough'?

Stephen Biddle of the Council on Foreign Relations on the US embassy: "If the government of Iraq collapses and becomes transparently just one party in a civil war, you've got Ft. Apache in the middle of Indian country, but the Indians have mortars now."

Solar Panels Power Up
DeMaria Design Associates – Redondo Beach House

a Recycled Steel Shipping Container based building that also employs a combination of conventional stick frame construction and prefabricated assemblies

Cibox Graveur DVD Externe USB2 – Graveurs DVD externes – Graveurs DVD – CD – Composants – Informatique – Achat et vente de Composants discount –
[Pink Tentacle] Pimp my rice paddy

Rice-drawing. Asia's answer to the chalck horse.



YTMND – Paris Hilton doesn't change facial expressions (original sound)
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Afghans selling US army 'files'

The original

Instructables howtoons
Instructables Hand-Crank Ice Cream for Cranks

Green Builder Magazine
aide-memoire electricien
Minty Boost! – USB charger for your gadgets
Mozilla Firefox Cheat Sheet

Who will write a linux version ?

How to write a masterpiece of a resume
Comment déplacer son /home
14 Ways to Cultivate a Lifetime Reading Habit
Food Timeline: food history reference & research service

[Street Use] Bamboo Rebar
Baby Jessica and other kids I’d forgotten about
[Boing Boing] US children's book publisher disapproves of mini-willy

"Selling picture books is difficult, selling foreign-born picture books is almost impossible, add some boobs and a little dick to the mix and you might as well just climb up to the roof and throw your money over the side. It's not censorship, as there is

Veoh under Linux workaround – better than nothing
Video La France d'après – 2007, anti, antisarko
Critical Distance Weblog

Blog of Jonathan Marks, who researches and writes about emerging technologies (and also does strategic consulting on the impact of social media).

John Paul Lepers Leblog
[Wikio Blogs] Clasement Blogs en France
Monster Quartz Halogen Bike Light – Amps, Volts, and Watts
Quickie Projects – Convert your vintage light to LED power
Hacker's Bench : The $3.00 Sprinkler Timer
Maisons & Bois International / Insuffleuse : Ouate de cellulose

Le Baron Perché
Qui est AL ?

<Zeb_pat >

Maisons & Bois International / quelle isolation pour un toit bac acier?
[Boing Boing] Bunnie Huang's blog-series on Chinese manufacturing

Unlock Plastic Handcuffs! Police Style! (Video)
Instructables Save $200 in 2 minutes and have the worlds best writing pen
Official SecurityMonkey Case File Index!
Dreaming 5GW
Describing the Military-Industrial-Sysadmin-Complex: How We Will Win the 5GW to Shrink the Gap : tdaxp
8 Ways for Searching the Dark Web – Beyond Google! – Computer related blog – Linux Windows Unix system and Making money online
gmailfs [Documentation Ubuntu Francophone]
How to search Amazon for Deals [Brand Name Coupons]

Who is Hosting soours
What do you guys think of TimeVault [Ubuntu Forums]

makes automated snapshots of (selected parts of) the file system. You can roll back to a previous version of a file or directory, or just view it the way it was when the snapshot was taken. It's also integrates into Nautilus, so you can go the properties

Using VirtualBox to run Ubuntu and any other operating system
How To: Turbocharge your terminal – Lifehacker
HOW-TO : Lirc, vlc, multiposte & playlist personnalisée [Jaywax]
(Free) posters for school science and technology – electrical symbols, circuits and safety
Ma maison ossature bois dans le Perche


Passive Home Sweet Home


TIRO Maisons ossature bois
Blog maison bois de : Atlas :
Blog de la maison de : christ51
[Maisons & Bois International] pour auto construire
[Maisons & Bois International] et dans la vie ?

tutoriel:comment_creer_un_terminal_x_ou_recycler_une_vieille_machine [Documentation Ubuntu]
installation:custom_livecd [Documentation Ubuntu Francophone] :: Disk usage analysis and cleanup tools
[Wired Blogs] Danger Room
Configuration tool for PhpWiki config/config.ini

GRAMPS is a genealogy program for Linux and other UNIX-like systems. It helps you track your family tree by allowing you to store, edit, and research genealogical data

How to install, setup and use Google Desktop Search in Ubuntu

[] How to set up a childproof PC using Linux
10 shortcuts to master bash – Program – Linux – Builder AU
[] Commentary: One year with Puppy Linux

choosing a Linux distro is about a lot more than reading package lists

Nerdica » Building a BitTorrent Box
Set-up a Ubuntu webcam security system « InfectedProject
Upgrade your UPS! (with some car batteries…)
An idiot's guide to making a CD printer from an Epson 640 –
Unofficial Matrox Technical Support Forum :: Index

Unofficial Matrox Technical Support Forum

Le Forum de la Freebox :: [TV] Problèmes/Pannes/Solutions sur Boitier HD Freebox V5
Univers Freebox: l'actualité de Freebox TV, le service de télévision de Free ADSL :: Ten tips for new Ubuntu users
Celine's laws – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How David Allen mastered getting things done
Buying directly from a local rancher or farmer who raises meat animals the old-fashioned way, on grassy pastureland

Consumers are going to the source for pastured beef, pork, poultry and eggs

The Perfect Light

LED your Petzl !

WP-Cache 2.0

WP-Cache is an extremely efficient WordPress page caching system. It works by caching Worpress pages and storing them in a static file for serving future requests directly from the file rather than loading and compiling the whole PHP code and then buildin

Specialty Outdoors
YouTube on the TV with the OSD | OdNT –
Ressources for Publishing and Presenting
PhotoPress – Performancing WordPress Themes
Boucle de Vignols : randonnée Côte d'Azur

Randoxygéne (Site officiel du Conseil général des Alpes-Maritimes).
Secteur protégé de la vallée des Merveilles (Parc du Mercantour, France [jpeg]
Clean Up Old Thumbnails « Ubuntu Blog
Real estate photos worth more than a thousand words – (37signals)
GoogleEarth – Community Ubuntu Documentation
Entrepreneur and Inlaws
Quick HOWTO : Ch32 : Controlling Web Access with Squid – Linux Home Networking
Index of free, online articles published in Backwood Home Magazine

Special Ops Extraction (video)
How to Launch a Business Without Spending a Dime –

Don’t spend a single red cent that isn’t absolutely required when launching a new business!

Data Matrix – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Les stores extérieurs | Passive
Unofficial Matrox Technical Support Forum :: View topic – module ABI major version doesn't match the server's version
Unofficial Matrox Technical Support Forum :: View topic – Easy-To-Understand Explanation of Driver Requirements

Ati, Matrox MergedFB – Ubuntu Forums
[MPlayer-users] Matrox G400 TV-Out (something like Xinerama)

the G400 only supports accelerated (ie Xv, mga) modes on one output at a time, or cloned to both, but not separately accelerated outputs at the same time.

Radeon Manual Page – MorLUG

The advantage of using DDCMode

"How to Win in Al Anbar" – Capt. Travis Patriquin [pdf]
Les énergies renouvelables en France [pdf]

Un bilan à l’été 2006 par dominique gauzin-müller avec l’aide de quelques amis spécialistes

DualMonitors – Ubuntu Document Storage Facility

Unofficial Matrox Technical Support Forum :: Matrox G-Series Cards
HOWTO play the videos (with captions!) [dive into mark]

This tip epitomizes everything that is wrong with Linux

Ubuntu HOWTO from Z to A [dive into mark] – Where do you get all those cool crazy links from?
How children lost the right to roam in four generations | the Daily Mail
Livio De Marchi
GR Sentiers de Grandes Randonnées en France et Belgique. Randonnée France.

Site indépendant de la FFRP.

I-Trekkings, carnets de Trekking et Grande Randonnée, photos, annuaire et Actualités

Savoir Faire et Découverte – Stages d'immersion professionnelle
Les forums d'Eco Bio Info

<bélou> projet de MOB de 170m2 en Midi Pyrénées

Maison Ossature Bois


Notre Maison Bois Massif

<jhbray> maison bois massif en madriers finlandais (autoconstruction de la partie bois, électricité, plomberie)

M&Bi : chape béton à l'étage, pourquoi, comment ?
Maisons & Bois International / et dans la vie ?
OSB perspirant : 'Mu' et 'Sd' expliqués aux enfants (par A.N.)

MAKE: LED bicycle lights roundup
Thru-Hiker: Gear and Resources for Long Distance Hikers
Your Ugly Mailbox
MAKE: Biodiesel roundup post


Architecture of a Soldering Tip « Weller blog
~$ Cybercafé 'Opensource Cafe' Lyon | Projet 'OS-Café', solution opensource de gestion de cybercafé

HOWTO: Parental control – Ubuntu Forums

tinyproxy + firehol + dansguardian

Linux for Travelers | Secure computing on the road…
Coin Op Internet Cafe,Internet cafe software,Cyber cafe software,Self Service,Coin Operated, Kiosk
materiel:multi-ecran – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
How To: Svideo / Dual Monitor(xinerama) / Dual Monitor(cloned desktop) on i945 – Ubuntu Forums
M&BI : Agepan Kronospan Contreventement
Nobody knows Linux at

The developing world is Microsoft’s last bastion. Here Microsoft still commands unquestioning loyalty.

Maison bois Mobicity de David "D'Sound" (album photo Picasa)
How We Learned to Cheat at Online Poker: A Study in Software Security [Cigital]
SF meets Amsterdam (bicycles)
sullivan st bakery : Formula and process for no-knead bread
Olivier Sidler parle de la RT 2005 (sur le site de Rockwool!)

La RT 2005 constitue un 1er pas face aux enjeux énergétiques du XXIème siècle

M&Bi – Tread "Refus de décennale pour du bois étranger"

EricM: les constructeurs bois *haus
Vitrage Solaire Robin Sun
Free Software Magazine
National Park Service – Experience Your America
Wireless LAN Security / Wardriving / WiFi Security / 802.11
Build a Timber-Frame House in Days – Popular Mechanics
Popular Mechanics: Home How-To Central –
Hey France! TreeHugger is Looking for a French Correspondent (paid).
The Business of Green – International Herald Tribune

International Herald Tribune » Business of Green
laissez tomber la geothermie


How To Run Linux on a USB Drive – Useful Hacks Since 2004 » Blog Archive »

Forum / Résolution anormalement élevée à l'écran de connexion (Feisty)

<STEF 01>

Soleil d'Orient, site de l'Église Protestante Évangélique de Lorient

Contient -entre autres- le texte annté d'une bible bilingue grec-français

Yannick Champain

Atelier d’Architecture Ecologique – Lauréat Salon Européen du bois Grenoble 07

Romuald Marlin architecte bio-construction Hautes-Alpes

Lauréat prix du public Grenoble 07

WordPress 1.5 Themes » Blog Archive » How to Comment Out PHP Code
Bibliographie et liens utiles —

de l’urbanisme durable à l’architecture écologique

Dossier: Le coin de Dominique Gauzin-Müller
Dominique Gauzin-Muller : La construction bois, un pari d'avenir – Parole d'expert – Connaître le bois –

Skyblog de touchedubois : La petite maison en bois dans la prairie


Web by Booth » Simple hack to extend the WYSIWYG editor in WordPress » Jerome's Keywords Plugin
GreenVisions BiH
Walking & Trekking Holidays , Cycling Holidays , Family Adventures …
gauzin-Muller Vorarlberg [pdf]
RT2005 en réhabilitation [pdf]


Un petit blog avec beacoup de doc et un étonnante bibliographie

EnviroBAT – Méditerranée – Dominique GAUZIN-MÜLLER depuis Stuttgart
Aerel – Energies Renouvelables

[le site d'] un particulier, Informaticien de formation, [que] rien de me prédispos[ait] à ce sujet. Si ce n’est qu’en 2004, avec le changement de [s]a chaudière au gaz, [il s'est]intéress[é] à l’énergie solaire thermique.

Agence d'Architecture François PELEGRIN

Louis Hatte, études, conseils

Free File Hosting Made Simple – MediaFire

Objects from the exhibition DDR, Life and Style
Album photo (Picasa) d'EricM

(aka Eric Monnier)

Wiki maison-en-bois


Notre maison en bois


concevoir une maison bois avec SOFTPLAN


Pirouette Cacahouete – Notre maison à Peymeinade (06)


De Larche à Menton, sur les GR 5 et 52

Début Juillet 2002

Mercantour : Traversée par le GR5 et le GR52

Traversée du Mercantour à pied La Vallée des Merveilles

Rafraîchissement du moniteur
Forum | Grub graphique
Ces Français qui construisent eux-mêmes leur maison

Dominique Agniel parle de son reportage sur l'autoconstruction diffusé dans le magazine «Reportages» de TF1 le 26/05/07.

K> Distributions Linux légères et ultra-légères
Puppy Linux

your fast, small and free Linux distro

Fluxbuntu Knowledge Center
Ubuntu Mini-RAM HOWTO
HOWTO Ubuntu mini ram – Ubuntu Forums
La maison bohème


Aaron Swartz, lifetime of dubious accomplishments by
reCAPTCHA: A new way to fight spam – it also helps to digitize old books | study | lsof

lsof is the Linux/Unix über-tool. I use it most for getting network connection related information from a system, but that's just the beginning for this amazing and little-known application


My neighbours are stealing my wireless internet access. I could encrypt it or alternately I could have fun

Le site d'aAdeline Guerriat sur la maison passive
CAUE Isère – Vorarlberg


Rimes de Natacha sur la construction bois
Le blog de The jack Familly


Chantemerlette, la maison de Mimi

Cliente à Goldo

conseils infos batiment
La maison cassée

Moellon (de TF1)

Toilette à compost
Maisons & Bois International / Maison Passves A 100 000 € (et de quatre)

maison.passive: "des barrières protectionnistes sont érigées en France sur plusieurs plans: DTU, Certification CSTB, assurances et … découverte de la spécificité du CCMI. Aux dires d'un constructeur allemand qui est en cours d'implantation dans l'

Maisons & Bois International / Maison Passves A 100 000 € (ter)

esEricM: "les constructeurs Allemands (…) avaient déjà beaucoup de mal à suivre leur propre marché. Plusieurs de ces constructeurs ont construit plusieurs milliers de maisons chacun ces dernières années (…). Maintenant ils ont un peu plus de di

Maisons & Bois International / Maison Passves A 100 000 € (suite)

Bedouin = "La solution effectivement passera par la prefabrication de la maison en atelier et le montage en quelques jours sur le chantier"

Maisons & Bois International / Maison Passives A 100 000 €

"on se dit que la manière allemande de construire est la bonne." Intéressés: Bedouin, luc, MathieuB, jcmontagne & EricM

Ami Bois – Construction de maisons en bois

La maison bois @ 100.00 €



Le Premier Cochon
l'espace a DiGiT
Construction de notre maison bois et photos de modèles de maison bois – NOTRE MAISON EN BOIS : Album photo –
la cabane au fond du jardin des tous saint
Construction bois Blogs

Liste de blogs construction bois recensés par EricM.


Technology, Blogging and New Media
WordPress 2.1 Gotchas
10 Things You Should Know About WordPress 2.1
Anonymous Blogging with WordPress and Tor
Huile de lin sur bardage

Par Bedouin

These Saed (suite)

Bedouin : nous ne sommes pas contre les maisons en madrier, OUI nous pensons qu'elles ont besoin d'une isolation complémentaire, voila encore une fois

Maisons & Bois International / constructeur Fuste

constructeurs serieux de chalet en fuste



jp ferreira

dirige une PME qui réalise des missions de service (assistance maîtrise d'ouvrage, maîtrise d'oeuvre, coordination SPS et pilotage ) mais propose également une activité d'entreprise générale a vocation habitat sain et ecologique. notre domaine d'in

SchwörerHaus KG
Construire en filière sèche : Visite et découverte du Groupe JACOB – Bois, Le Matériau du 21ème siècle

A partir du mois d'octobre prochain, le Groupe JACOB organisera plusieurs journées sur le thème « Construire en filière sèche industrielle » destinées aux bailleurs sociaux, promoteurs, constructeurs de maisons individuelles, architectes, bureaux d

Wood Surfer magazine

annuaire, petites annonces, news-letter, information et actualites du bois dans la construction, de l'architecture et de la maison bois

Open Source Projects: 15 To Watch
linuxgrk.gif (GIF Image, 399×141 pixels)
The Ultimate Linux Reference Guide for Newbies

Link » (…) and the Ugly Truth About Online Anonymity
Improve performance in Ubuntu – Ubuntu Forums
Gylog: How to execute programs automatically in Linux
HOWTO: change resolution/refresh rate in Xorg – Ubuntu Forums
Install Myth Web – TVease Wiki
Garry Parker's Myth TV on Ubuntu
9 Protecting your computer from cracking

GNU GRUB Manual 0.97

Ubuntu Customization Guide – Quick Start – Ubuntu Forums
Site-specific text zoom [dive into mark]
Linux courses

By Eric D. Schabell. Include slideshows

Criawips – Presentations for Everyone

a non-OOo presentation software. Conurrent to Kpresenter ?

Maisons & Bois International / CAUE et autoconstruction
Maisons & Bois International / moyens de levage individuels

uuid_et_label – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
grub – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
Grime – GRUB Menu Editor
Kyle's Ubuntu Edgy Cheat-Sheet
Debian GNU/Linux Reference Card
The 10 Best Places To Find How-To Videos
Ubuntu :: the How-To Geek
How to Make Your Instant Messenger Talk in Ubuntu Linux

Ubuntu Unleashed
Set Gmail as Default Mail Client in Ubuntu :: the How-To Geek
Firefox – Tips & Tricks
Linux On The Root
Hybrid Solar House > Enviroment > Enviromental Architecture

Grand Prize Winner is Mike Sykes and his Enertia Building System which uses a patented process to increase the latent heat storage capabilities of wood materials The Goat » Blog Archive » Google Earth Adds Hiking Trails Layer
hymn — decrypt iTunes and iPod music / unprotect AAC files (m4p –> m4a)
le blog lamaisondesloups


notre mob

tonio93. (embryonnaire)

constructionMOB Tutegny


Maison ossature bois

Maison ossature bois basée sur l'énergie renouvelable. nico2638.

Henri81 in thread "Compromis ou pas ?" on M&Bi

Mon entreprise ne pose jamais les menuiseries (Hors air) et le client achete directement ses menuiseries. (…) Tous les travaux que mon entreprise ne fait pas seront gérés si le client le désire par ma Maîtrise d'oeuvre.

Les dépots Tvfreeplayer (breezy,Les dépots Tvfreeplayer (breezy, dapper, edgy, debian)T :: homeplayer ubuntu

un petit recapitulatif général des problèmes rencontrés

Flipper's Homepage

LBP-1120 — NNLUG Wiki
Tesla Turbine / Bladeless Disk Turbine
DIY Dry Erase Board [ElephantStaircase]
MAKE: Blog: Pringles wind turbine (Pleech) -and- turbine round up
Make Blank Books, Sketch Books or Repair Paperback Books with a Simple Japanese Bookbinding Technique — a Tutorial
Got Cash? You Can Loan Money Like a Big-Time Banker –
Passive Attitude

Construction d'une maison passive

le blog marinemichel29 – Liste des derniers articles parus sur

BLOG sur la construction de notre maison en paille.

Picasa Web Albums – An Ti Koad

aka Gagapen29

How to track and recover your Linux laptop if it gets stolen
tweako : ubuntu | Turn your Linux box into a PDF-making machine
instructables : Guide to field Soldering

The Altïod field soldering kit

Gimnasio Ecológico Lumen – a photoset on Flickr

an example of how dirty green can be

Georgia Russell :: England & Co

Georgia Russell is a Scottish artist who uses a scalpel instead of a brush or a pen. She works with obsessive
perserverance to create constructions that transform found ephemera, such as books, music scores, maps,
newspapers, currency and photographs.

Improve your photography with clasical art.
A century of solitude nears an end for alpine village – International Herald Tribune
Telling the Virginia Tech story, the Wikipedia way – International Herald Tribune
HOWTO: Get Streaming Media Working In Firefox, without M-Player!? – Ubuntu Forums
howto: _THE_ Firefox howto – Ubuntu Forums
HOW TO: Listen to Sirius and XM Radio Online – Ubuntu Forums

HOWTO: Play DVDs – Ubuntu Forums
Enabling Multimedia in Feisty (HOW-TO) – Ubuntu Forums
Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories – Laying out printed circuit boards with open-source tools
Boing Boing: Everything is Miscellaneous – how the Web destroys categories, disciplines and hierarchies
MAKE: Blog: Open source hardware, what is it? Here's a start…
Podcast in a Box

Podcast in a Box is software which converts any PC into a dedicated podcast appliance; released under the GPL; include MP3 encoder code which requires a software license in the U.S. and Europe.

Army Regulation 530-1 (.pdf)
100 ubuntu useful links

Google Notebook sidebar for Firefox – Download Squad
[Wikipedia] Elleston Trevor, author of Quiller books under pen name Adam Hall
Arthur Quiller-Couch – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Add This! Social Bookmark and Feed Button – Web2.0 Social Media Optimization
Ubuntuzilla – PyKeylogger
Ubuntuzilla – PyKeylogger
ThunderbirdNewVersion – Community Ubuntu Documentation
installation:multiboot – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone

[Forum] Canon LBP810

<patrickweb> plus besoin de capt-0.1

HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/CanonPrinters/Canon LBP 2900 – Community Ubuntu Documentation

The inital "materiel/imprimante_canon_lbp_2900" article from [], embellished with material derived from "canoon-lbp-1120-on-ubuntu-510-how-to" [], "debian/capt.html" [] and "materiel/imprimante_canon_
usplash – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
Firefox Help: Tips & Tricks
ThunderBird 2 Feisty – Ubuntu Forums
mode_demploi_pour_paresseux – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
About : Mozilla Links

Mozilla Links covers topics about the Mozilla open source project, its products and other Mozilla technologies based products, other Mozilla independent projects, marketing, and mostly anything related to the Mozilla project. Formerly known as Mozilla Lin

[Forum] solution quand on perd son gestionnaire de fenêtres
Downloads, Add-on sidebars with no extensions : Mozilla Links
Custom Buttons : URL-Tools – Debian News
Alternate history – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How-To: HD projector wrap up and review (aka Part 7) – Engadget
WordPress › Support » high traffic crashing
Custom Edgy Usplash – Ubuntu Forums
USplashCustomizationHowto – Community Ubuntu Documentation

Construction bois… Construire autrement Bioclimatisme en Video (si si…) «

par EricM

Auvent calculé pour clapier bien tempéré
Maisons & Bois International / des prix exorbitants pour du poteau-poutre

de l'ordre de 1000 euros le m², c'est le prix actuel pour du poteau-poutre de qualité.(…) Il y a des pseudo constructeurs qui font du pseudo P/P mais avec des ennuis en perspective, c'est une technique qui demande une precision importante. En plus, f

The anti-McMansion for homeowners
Tumbleweed Tiny House Company | Small House Plans, Floor Plans, Designs

A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection

Peter Gutmann's amazing "Vista Suicide Note" paper.

Robert A. Heinlein – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
GnomeFiles – GNOME/GTK+ Software Repository
GetDeb – Ubuntu Software Portal – More applications, easy to install
Le 15/04/2007, à 05:21

Le Soir en ligne – Présidentielle
35 Designers x 5 Questions | Smashing Magazine
The Perfect Setup – Ubuntu Feisty Fawn (Ubuntu 7.04) | HowtoForge – Linux Howtos and Tutorials
Get Slack | Tux Deluxe
44218-linuxdistrotimeline-7.2.png (PNG Image, 1965×1417 pixels) – Scaled (36%)
WordPress Performance: Why My Site Is So Much Faster Than Yours by Elliott Back
Hacking Ubuntu to Improve Performance: Further Inspection
Roadkil's Unstoppable Copier

Linux bash commands – MAN Pages
GNU Midnight Commander File Manager
NT/6 wood burning generator / Turbine wood-stove
Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories – Organizing a collection using flickr
The Sietch Blog
Optical Illusions and Visual Phenomena
tree map for digg in flec
14 Tab-Based Inferface Techniques | Smashing Magazine
www. is deprecated.

Why you should be using disambiguated URLs
phil ringnalda : Underscores are bad, mmkay?
My Good Easy (2007) [dive into mark]
mezzoblue § A Roadmap to Standards
Google Reader Theme // journal // hicksdesign
Harry Maugans » Digg This – Blog Security Vulnerabilities Found
Cynics Unlimited » Tutorial: Adding Digg Support to WordPress
W. Heath Robinson – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

signed himself W. Heath Robinson. He is best known for drawings of eccentric machines and "Heath Robinson" has entered the language as a description of an unlikely, somewhat rickety device. The machines he drew were usually kept running by balding, bespec

Los Angeles architecture + photo gallery – California
Mark Shuttleworth : Pre-installing Linux
Mark Shuttleworth : Note to content owners: DRM doesn’t work
A VC: How To Blog Your Way To Fame and Fortune

Musings of a VC in NYC

Mark Shuttleworth : Taking freedom further
Le Placoblog

Jorge Valenzuela Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, FR Plaquiste , Jointeur et Peintre depuis 1989. N° Siret 32831625200035 Né à Montevideo-URUGUAY. Je travaille sur Montpellier et environs. Conseils et Devis Gratuits. Répond à vos questions en fran

Construire en bois, c'est bon pour la planête (AFCOBOIS)

amenagement interieur de HDJ

Max Lanvin aka mlweb92

Maisons & Bois International / outils de conception du CNDB: que choisir?
WikiMatrix – Compare them all
Ri-Li – AnTav's Blog
Official home of Ri-li game
Je viens de découvrir une utilité à la LED 'Scroll Lock' de mon clavier (nouveaux mails) ! – TheGlu's blog

Ubuntu and Kubuntu Linux Tips
Xinerama – Ubuntu Document Storage Facility
Xinerama – Ubuntu Forums
Paralipsis » Blog Archive » Enabling Xinerama in Ubuntu
Avant Window Navigator for Ubuntu Edgy » Thursday Night
Fixing software suspend / hibernate with uswsusp in Ubuntu Feisty (and Edgy) » Thursday Night
Clean install with /home on separate partition – Community Ubuntu Documentation
Index of

Ubuntu Forums – View Single Post – HOWTO: Download YouTube Stereo MP3s
Private Security Companies (PSCs) – The Private Security Industry
BAPSC : List of Members
BAPSC : Links
Private Security Company Association Iraq

list of PMCs in Iraq

BBC News | Enlarged Image

lava from the Piton de la Fournaise volcano drains into the Indian Ocean. – How-To: Ubuntu Media Server
Ampack, pour la protection intégrale de l'enveloppe du bàtiment

EMPREINTE, association de promotion de l'habitat sain, passif et à faible empreinte écologique

Fortement représentée dans l'Ouest. Location de presse à BTC Geo 50

LIOTARD Valor'eau, récupération d'eau de pluie

Fabriquant de bouteilles et citerne de gaz, LIOTARD s'est tourné vers les énergies renouvelables (solaire, géothermie, bois) et dsurtout des systèmes de récupération d’eau de pluie sous la marque déposée Valor’Eau®.

Les "avis techniques" du bâtiment (plus de 2500) sur le site d'INTERBAT

Toute l'information éconologique : énergies, biocarburants, environnement, bois, transports, hydrogène, recyclage…
La société Richomme Technobois

En partenariat avec la société Oléobois, Richomme Technobois a donc installé sur son site une unité de traitement des bois par imprégnation d'huile.

Oléobois – Références de la société
Actualités bioénergies – bois-énergie, biocarburants et biogaz
Bioenergy International
Documents en téléchargements – ITEBE – Institut des bioénergies (bois-énergie, biomasse, biocarburants, biogaz)

Matthias Wandel's home page

I think this was my very first post (@ Yahoo! at that time…)

English Russia » Postal Trick

trick works perfectly, but warn not to order expensive things way like this because there are some risks that a parcel would be returned, though this method is perfect for different free merchandise that companies give out to USA and Canada citizens

Persistent Realities » Home

the home of Pringles windmill

Welcome to Ikeatown | Art & Architecture | Guardian Unlimited Arts
Maisons & Bois International / volets indispensables ?

solution alternative peu encombrante type store enrouleur extérieur plutôt résistant

Add digg news to your website
HavanaLion » Blog Archive » iPod tells soldier he was shot – the real story
A Firefox Bankcard! How cool is that?
SEB Eesti Ühispank

the bank that lets you design your bankcard (yes, that's where the guy who firefox branded his card got it from)

Nuke Anything Enhanced :: Modules pour Firefox
YouTube – Faf La Rage – Pas le Temps
WordPress-to-WordPress Import » Technology, Blogging and New Media

The blogger code (
A Call for Manners in the World of Nasty Blogs – New York Times
O'Reilly Radar > Draft Blogger's Code of Conduct
Digital Tampering & Forensics
Val Yule: Melbourne's Best Water Saver :: Rebecca Blood

Rebecca Blood : Another reader's manifesto
instructables : Pipe Tools, Garden Shovel
a super basic "getting started" with EAGLE (layout editor for electronics)
Wired News – all Blogs
Geekdad – Wired News
Media Player (Dvico 3100) + Netgear WGT634U = Cheap Wifi Media Player (OpenWRT client)


Welcome to Ikeatown | Art & Architecture | Guardian Unlimited Arts
boingboing: Software to detect fake photos
AlloCiné : Cinéma
PeerTV France – Accueil

PeerTV donne accès a toutes les WebTV avec une simple ligne ADSL – même non dégroupée – et un ordinateur.

RAVeL – Réseau Autonome de Voies Lentes

RAVeL, Réseau Autonome de Voies Lentes, (…) réseau d’itinéraires réservés aux piétons, cyclistes, personnes à mobilité réduite et aux cavaliers (…) emprunte[…] des chemins de halage et des voies ferrées désaffectées. (…) L’objecti


(par Benoit Campagne, ancien journaliste à … Terre Magazine)

11ème Prix européen de la photo politique Georges Bendrihem (flash)

The blog of Exalead, the other search engine


Daniel Glazman, lead engineer on the Nvu project.

the.codist{} – All I Need To Know To Be A Better Programmer I Learned In Kindergarten
Matt’s Wikimapia Blog » Wikimapia Invades Google Earth!
Was Amelia Earhart a doomed castaway? –
McMansion – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Beltway Baronial", "Starter Castle[2]", "Tract Mansions", "Mini-Taj Mahals", "Big Foot", "Jumbo Abode", "Gable-opolis", "Wog mansion" (Australia), "faux chateau", "parachute home" and even Persian palaces" of Los Angeles.

Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree: Ripping Vinyl with GNU/Linux

Beagle desktop search, while useful, tends to consume way to much system resources, which leaves out Linux users that care about high performance or have older machines. Tracker is a high performance search engine written in C, uses only 3-9 megs of ram a

The Lazy Guide to Installing Knoppix on a USB Key |
GNU GRUB splashimage howto

The GRUB splashimage Howto Open Source Tripwire®

Open Source Tripwire® software is a security and data integrity tool useful for monitoring and alerting on specific file change(s) on a range of systems. The project is based on code originally contributed by Tripwire, Inc. in 2000.

On Marijuana | The Great Tennessee Marijuana Cave

LinuxTracker :: Details for torrent "GParted-Clonezilla LiveCD"
Ubuntu Stickers – “Powered by Ubuntu” | Matt Vapor's Blog
Mailinator(tm) Blog: The Architecture of Mailinator
Free On-line Linux Technical Books and Tutorials
Liste des moteurs de recherche – Wikipédia
Fun Distraction: How To Escape Professional Handcuffs
Making a Hand Drawn PCB. put flash memory into (almost) ANY iPod!

Advanced Tech | Light & Shade
The Steampunk Workshop

Free Wireless Routers & other FONeries

El Cheapo Cantenna
Total Dick-Head

about PKD !

Mankind has finally learned how to behave itself

A guide to essential books about violence
Boing Boing: Declassified NRO video: Forty Years of Reconnaissance
M&B International = thread de la (bizarre)
dans la filiére bois il y à des ingenieurs et des bucherons… un groupe cause et l'autre discute…
Truthdig – Interviews – The Unquiet Frenchman
L'architecture bioclimatique, écologique, renouvelable…

Sur le site de RESOSOL (ex-SOLAR)

Première installation Sebasol autoconstruite en France par Philippe Pasquier

matière à réflexion au vu de certains devis solaires français : en exigeant des lignes courtes, on reporte du solaire au sanitaire la connexion des capteurs au boillon existant (de manière générale à la cave). Le tirage des lignes ECS et/ou de bra

Sebasol centre régionaux

Une réalisation de Cyril Goujon, le responsable du centre régional Jura Français


Sebasol rend l’énergie solaire accessible à tous en permettant aux particuliers de construire eux-mêmes leurs propres installations solaires thermiques

La maison écologique du Pr. Guisan

Les pérégrinations du petit rapporteur du Solar-Club

Résumé des threads maison passive sur le forum M & B International
enquête de satisfaction sur des ahbitants maison passive
Quentin Goulard Architecte

Membre de la Plate-Forme Maison Passive (PMP asbl

CNDB – Infothèque – Anatomie du bois

Analyser, comparer, et mettre les expériences en commun, tels sont les objectifs des études de cas "Construire avec le bois".

Maisons & Bois International / Constructeurs de maisons passives
[Maisons & Bois]

michel lacroix, architecte bois dans le gers, travaille en ce moment au développement de la maison passive ou a faible conso…

En Ardenne, une maison sans chauffage !

la construction d’une maison passive à Neufchâteau. La "premiere " maison passive de M. Champagne (

epouvanpaille: Autres maisons, autres histoires…

Si la Paille vous intéresse !

notre maison en paille

offrage et soubassement isolés de l'exterieur en liège.
-ferraillage heu…en treillis de bambou…

"coffrage et soubassement isolés de l'exterieur en liège.
ferraillage heu…en treillis de bambou. n est à des années lumiere des DTU…et tant mieu

le blog marinemichel29

Construction d'une maison bioclimatique à base de ballots de paille

Solutions constructives – IRC-CNRC

Quatre à six pages de renseignements pratiques à l'intention des architectes, ingénieurs, rédacteurs de devis, gestionnaires immobiliers, constructeurs et agents du bâtiment.

Maisons & Bois International / déphasage thermique
la boutique du solaire

NRJSolar est une jeune société française, spécialisée dans la conception et la distribution de produits solaires grand public et semi-professionnel.

Association négaWatt

Notre projet de maison Ossature Bois


Projet "Maison En Bois"


Maisons & Bois International / L'ossature bois en antarctique
Documentation Ubuntu : homeplayer

Ce tutoriel présente l'installation de homeplayer et de vlc correctement configurés.

Lifehacker Feeds by tag

Stuart Island Energy Initiative

Our solar/ hydrogen system. There is no ferry service, there is no hardware store (!!). Everything has to be hauled by private boat, and weather shuts things down in the winter.

Infra Red Webcam

How to make a webcam work in infra red

Dick Cappels' Project Pages

Microcontrollers, Analog, RF, and all three mixed

MultimediaCustomizationGuide – Ubuntu Document Storage Facility
Pages perso (Cabuzel)

Liens vers des sites de construction de maison & d'autoconstruction

liens vers des blogs de construction de maison (forum-construire)
Autoconstruction – Wikipédia
un blog pierre sèche – a Dry-stone Blog

Un carnet de maçon-jardinier qui présente des réalisations (murs, restanques, calades, escaliers) ainsi que les activités d’aménagement d’espace paysager de son auteur.

etxearritti autoconstruction

réhabilitation d'un séchoir à tabac en deux logements par des auto-consturcteurs, amateurs de récup et de produits "naturels"…

notre maison et nous sur le Net

Blog du Dams et de la Cox – The ©hou(s)e

chez nous aussi


Chris a 33 ans et propose aux internautes de parrainer la rénovation de sa ruine pour un euro ou plus…

La maison cassée

Une rénovation "grosse cavalerie", un exemple de ce qu'il est possible de réaliser en "soloconstruction" = Le blog de Moellon.

"Blog à part" sur France Inter : Il retape une ruine en blogguant

Accueil des articles Maison&Travaux au format PDF

Les 2 premières pages téléchargeables gratuitement ! du temps de scanner gagné ! – Les forums
Le guide "Construire et rénover sa maison" Leroy-Merlin 2007

580 pages! téléchargeable en pdf!

Faire construire et aménager sa maison – Le guide Briques et broc

Un guide du maitre d'ouvrage dans les différentes étapes de la construction et de l'aménagement de maison individuelle. Les dossiers sont basés en grande partie sur notre première expérience, ainsi que sur les heures de recherches sur le net.

…::: Ma maison en enfer :::…

Journal d'une construction (par GEOXIA) qui a mal tourné…

Association d'Aide aux Maîtres de l'Ouvrage Individuel

L'association a introduite une action judiciaire afin de voir reconnaître le caractère abusif et parfois illégal de nombreuses clauses du contrat de l'U.N.C.M.I. sensé être une référence. Pas moins de 16 clauses sont visées par notre action.

Faire soi-même sa plomberie en PER

Désemparé devant la faible quantité d'informations disponibles sur la plomberie en PER sur internet et confronté à un petit projet de plomberie, l'auteur a pu acquérir une (certaine) expérience de la plomberie en PER, qu'il nous fait partager.

Le dictionnaire professionnel du BTP – Éditions Eyrolles

Les Éditions Eyrolles vous offre la possibilité de consulter le dictionnaire professionnel du BTP. Avec près de 10.000 définitions, ce dictionnaire est l'outil incontournable des professionnels du BTP. Les 800 illustrations n'ont pas été mises en li

Wiki de ChaleurTerre – Energies renouvelables de tous genres

Ce wiki a pour objectif de vous faire partager et de capitaliser toutes les informations concernant les énergie renouvelables

ChaleurTerre – Energies renouvelables – Géothermie – Aérothermie – Solaire – Eolien – biomasse – Pompes à chaleur :: Index
Chez Skauda … et Usky 😉

toutes les étapes de la construction de notre maison à Gambais dans les Yvelines (78), de la recherche du terrain à l'aménagement du jardin

[Présentation] loren

de La Boissonie

Toit par toi, association pour la promotion de l’auto construction assistée

par loren, le constructeur de La Boissonie.

Bonus La Boisssonie

Construction belge par Meunier-Mourin (Skyblog, pas de texte).

CR du salon Bois & Habitat (Namur) 2006

Forum FS = Construction d'une maison passive en Belgique

la Boissonie

Autoconstruction de deux maisons à ossature bois par des non professionnels, dans un triple souci d'économie de moyens, de qualité de vie, et d'environnement en Limousin (France) (novembre 2003 – mai 2006)

Blog for company : Swfdec
Only Ubuntu Linux: Upgrade Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)
Ten things you can do keep an old computer useful « Motho ke motho ka botho
WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo – Community Ubuntu Documentation
LINUX ON DESKTOP: 13 Applications to Install on Ubuntu running on Slow Computer
Sécurisation d’un compte Ubuntu

pessulus is a lockdown editor for GNOME, written in python. pessulus enables administrators to set mandatory settings in GConf. The users can not change these settings. Use of pessulus can be useful on computers that are open to use by everyone, e.g. in a

Mon puits Canadien
mamaisonbois (jbmcd)

Une maison de 140 m2 pour moins de 70000 euros construite par un couple d'instits (?) & leurs deux enfants de 12 & 14 ans (+ des copains) en mixte ossature/madrier) : ca prendra le temps qu'il faut. (un an pour la partie administrative). Le bois vient d'A

lemns71 : Construction maison ossature bois Crêches sur sâone

Construction de notre maison ossature bois Crêches sur sâone 71

le Djoliba construction de notre maison en ossature bois

44°54.104 N – 00°30.313 E – Altitude 122 m LED throwie bike lighting
"Pour une architecture durable" par François Pèlegrin, architecte
Wikibooks: How to start a Wiki


Forum Boisconcept

Cynsebloris : la cabane au fond du terrain

"Skyblog", photos d'autocontsruction.


Maison CNRJ d'Erwann Marechal ('erwann') à Nanterre (92)

Terre à terre

Site "non-officiel" [qui] a pour but de permettre l'écoute en ligne des archives du magazine de l'environnement diffusé sur France Culture

Learn UNIX in 10 minutes
Kathmann Labs Open Source Web Content Filtering Project
The Viridian Design Movement
apophenia: a few more thoughts on child abuse, sexual predators, and the moral panic
Leave No Child Inside | by Richard Louv | Orion Magazine March-April 2007
Stewart Brand – John Tierney – An Early Environmentalist, Embracing New ‘Heresies’ – New York Times
Sites Web pouvant servir de guide vers Saint-Jacques de Compostellee

Un excellent choix

pages personnelles de Philippe Do Ngoc ( : l'information utile pour les pèlerins

Excellent. Des cartes, des cartes… -ACIR Compostelle

Association de Coopération Interrégionale "Les chemins de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle"

les haltes vers compostelle

L’association à but non lucratif "Les Haltes vers Compostelle" regroupe les hébergements qui expriment, par leur adhésion, leur volonté d’assurer un accueil de qualité dans des locaux adaptés pour les marcheurs au long cours.

Roncesvalles carolingio y jacobeo

Huge list of blogs about pilgrim's way

Les chemins de Compostelle de Gerard ducamino, trajets itineraires guides chemins conseils

trajets itineraires guides chemins conseils, epoustoufflant portail amateur mais pasionnant

Statistiques sur la fréquentation du chemin de Compostelle
Walking in France on the French trail system
Overview: Geneva to le Puy
la cote saint andre – Google Maps
Assoc ST-Jacques NORD
Saint Jacques de Compostelle PACA

Sur les chemins de Saint Jacques – Les chemins de Saint Jacques

Le site qui regroupe les conseils et les services sur le Chemin de saint Jacques de Compostelle, GR65, GR 65, camino francés, camino aragonés, chemin du pèlerin, chemin des pèlerins

GR Chemins de Grandes Randonnées. Chambres d'hôtes, Gîtes d'étapes, Refuges. France et Belgique.
L'Autre Chemin : Randonnée – Sites intéressants
SARATLAS – France, Base de Données des Autoroutes et Voies Rapides
WikiSara, encyclopédie des Amoureux de la Route et des Transports
accueil maison passive

Le site de Caroline Lehr

la maison passive et l'architecture ecologique

Caro (Vauban)

FIABITAT Concept – Dossiers : La construction écologique

Comment ceci a-t-il pu se produire ?
C'est le résultat de plusieurs phénomènes dont le premier est la guerre de 14-18. Dans les tranchées sont morts un très grand nombre des hommes de l'art, artisans et ouvriers, et tout particulièrement tous ceux

EcoAvenir – Partenaires

Liens vers des organismes d'ecoconstruction : diagnostic de performance energétique

Un excellent dossier, le portail de l'électricité verte
Construction bois – Vivre avec le bois –




How-To Geek : Ubuntu
Tomato Firmware |

Tomato is a small, lean and simple replacement firmware for Linksys' WRT54G/GL/GS

9 Signs the Online Job Market is Broken : Instigator Blog
Color Schemer Gallery | Website-ready color schemes for Color Schemer

The Color Schemer Gallery is an online community where Color Schemer users can share and manage color schemes created with Color Schemer [PC or Mac].

Typetester – Compare fonts for the screen

The Typetester is an online application for comparison of the fonts for the screen.

Steve Rubel
Micro Persuasion: Turn Gmail Into Your Personal Nerve Center
Word Source ( – The Social Dictionary
Happiness Creator: 10 questions to ask before you join a new job
Oliomobile – Page principale : écologie, économie, énergie, pétrole, moteurs, énergies renouvelables et consommation durable.

Programme energies renouvelables en Alsace

Maisons & Bois International / plomberie multicouches

[J'utilise du] multicouche pour le chauffage car ce tuyau est complètement étanche à la diffusion de l'oxygène (formation de boue moindre). (…) je trouve le multicouche beaucoup plus agréable à travailler, il garde sa forme par exemple une fois ci
CAUE 54 – Fiches techniques
rails de volets coulissants HAWA-Frontslide 60



Liste de Blogs maison bois (Maisons & Bois International)

Elle existe, ectte liste (dont il est question dans le forum)! Comme quoi, il faut savoir oblier les raccourcis et passer par al apge d'accueil !


3 semaines de congés !

Mon projet (la maison de "onmangequoi")

snooky147 : "la chape livrée était de très mauvaise qualité, pas tassée, du coup, c'est moi qui est du cassé tout seul, 100 m2 (5 m3 de gravats à enlever)"

Fireftp le meileur client FTP graphique pour Linux – The Racoon's Blog
Utilisez le Monkey's Audio Codec sous Ubuntu – The Racoon's Blog
qBittorrent : la nouvelle référence en P2P – The Racoon's Blog
polish a bit your SpamAssassin installation and add some cool anti-spam stuff

Les spammeurs vont se faire bayeser ! (The first thing won't work on Ubuntu, as /var/run is on a tmpfs; so spamassassin will just fail to start on the next reboot.)

Where is Ploum ?

Lionel Dricot, auteur de Ubuntu efficace (2nd edition)

The Racoon's Blog
Block Posters – Create large wall posters from any image for free!
Building A Linux Router
Dark Roasted Blend: Incomprehensible Intersections
Tea Birds: Nothing but pictures of cute girls at tea. A tea blog like no other.
eXile – Articles by Gary Brecher

If Operating Systems Ran The Airlines…

whodunnit ?

Toolmonger » Blog Archive » Toolmonger’s Top 5: The Week in Tools
13 Places To Watch TV Online for Free ::
Connecting Articles in Series: In Series WordPress Plugin « Lorelle on WordPress
ILV-Edition – L'éditeur des auteurs libres
Prendre un Café
Szdavid’s Blog » Weblog de David SZERMAN

Forum / Myfreetv (multiposte Freebox)
Free – Wikipédia

Free a toujours refusé de publier le code source des logiciels utilisés par sa Freebox, estimant qu'il n'y avait pas distribution, le terminal Freebox étant produit et prêté à l'abonné qui est tenu de le restituer en fin d'abonnement

Ultimate Tag Warrior 3: Help

The Ultimate Tag Warrior (UTW) is designed for WordPress sites to increase the possibilities and functions for tagging posts and expanding site navigation through the creation of lists of tags.

Firebug 1.0
Google Sitemap Generator for WordPress v2 Final

O'Reilly Radar > Tim O'Reilly
ikea hacker
strange maps
Nick Tosches: Autumn and the Plot Against Me: On The Web:

The mysterious origins of a Windows desktop image.

Ecouter les messages du répondeur Freebox sur son PC – Freenews …
Dillo Web Browser :: Home Page

a small multi-platform web browser project completely written in C.

Claude Rivière, Science & environnement

Dr. ès Sciences d'État, Journaliste, Ex MdC Aix-Marseille II, Ex Pr associé Aix-Marseille III, 67 ans

Le fisc réconcilié avec le solaire – Bel et bon avenir ensoleillé 😉 – Passerelles

La DLF a signé le 13 février une note à l’attention de la DGEMP, qui traite des conditions d’affectation des équipements PV à l’habitation principale. Elle autorise le crédit d'impôt et la revente totale d'électricité solaire, si l’instal

MAKE: Blog: Comskip – free mpeg commercial detector (and more…)
Gravity Monkey
Animated Knots by Grog

How to Ace Your Job Interview: 88 Surefire Tips and Tricks | OEDb
LGF Technical Update – Digg Links and Video Test
SEOmoz | 15 CSS Properties You Probably Never Use (but perhaps should)
Boing Boing: NPR "Xeni Tech" – A Los Angeles 'Hotel' for Internet Carriers
La Morsure du Terrier » A propos

Carnet de bord d'un libéral exilé au Luxembourg

Skyblog de caza64 : NOTRE MAISON EN BOIS
Bricolo et Bricolette font leur cabane

[aka Caliméro-Breizhine] Maison poteau-poutre réalisée par Garnache, constructeur au Gras (Doubs).

Picasa Web Albums – Maisonbois22


La cabane sur le Causse


Maison bois sur pilotis


AgoraVox le media citoyen : Avec Bercy, le solaire trépasse

Selon l’interprétation de l’article 200 quater du CGI faite par les services du ministère de l’Economie et des Finances, un particulier vertueux qui investit dans une centrale photovoltaïque sur sa résidence principale n’a pas droit au bénéf

Coding Horror: The cost of leaving your PC on

The cost of leaving your PC on

Accueil : Bourse d'opportunités – OSEO
The Wireless Card
Paleo-Future: Desolation Row

get the URL of a thumbnail and change the _s before .jpg to _o to view the original, largest size image

JBidWatcher: eBay bidding, sniping & monitoring software for all – Ubuntu Forums

Humanity's Worst Invention: Agriculture

By Clive W. Dennis (winner of the Ecologist/Coady International Institute 2006 Essay Competition)

Survival Topics
Kit Up

Kit Up is the stuff you weren't issued but that you couldn't have done without during your military life. Kit Up can be a device, software, book, DVD, or a resource like a website, chat room, or blog.

the National Security Archive

Collects and publishes declassified documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. Also serves as a repository of government records on a wide range of topics pertaining to the national security, foreign, intelligence, and economic policies of

IT Ligentia – Blog sur la veille et la recherche d informations
bit qua bit

Benjamin Pollack, a Hoosier currently living in New York City and working for Fog Creek Software.

MythTV and TiVo Series 3 Comparison: Battle of Open Source and Proprietary DVRs: DVR playground
Forum / [RESOLU] Freebox V5

sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0

Forum / reseau local dns ou IP fixe ??
La maison en Paille – liens
Réseau Ecobatir : les documents

Les forums d'Eco Bio Info
les compaillons

auto construction de maison en paille et entraide :: Voir le sujet – Maison bioclimatique de José Bové

La cabane à José

premières Assises nationales de la construction passive
Rhônalpénergie Environnement

climalp : maisons de l'espace alpin efficientes sur le plan énergétique

Climalp est un projet réalisé par la Commission Internationale pour la Protection des Alpes (CIPRA) du Lichtenstein.

Les Forums d' -> Maisons solaires passives
York – the EcoDepot (Google cache)
BBC – North Yorkshire – I Love NY – ecoDepot blog
Acteur bois construction

accéder aux fiches identités des entreprises ainsi qu'à leurs réalisations de façon très précise. BdD mixte FFB / CAPEB

Sur la Route des Bâtisseurs

Marc Chartier

Sur la Route des Bâtisseurs: charpentier
Batirbio – Construire sa maison bioclimatique

Bruno Herzog

Free works in Africa
FAQ at MediaFork

MediaFork is the open-source community-contributed fork of HandBrake, titer’s original DVD ripping application. | Project Categories

Practical Futurist: The end of online anonymity – The Practical Futurist – : Le portail emplois, missions et stages des charpentiers
Al-Qaeda's Hand In Istanbul Plot –
Quelle formation pour devenir maitre d'oeuvre? [Tread sur Maisons & Bois International]
Rasterbator with mono – Wicked
Turn off "snap" links

Loi de finances 2007, budget. Panorama des lois – actualité, processus législatif –
[Legifrance] Article 200 quater du code général des impôts
materiel:imprimantes_canon_ixxx – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
Asa Dotzler – Firefox and more: parochial?

When and The Gimp are a better office suite and a better bitmap and photo image app than MS Office and PhotoShop, then maybe some co-marketing efforts could help improve adoption. Until then, I think Firefox's resources are better focused o

Firebug – Web Development Evolved download, search and convert videos from Youtube, Google Video, Pornotube, Grinvi, Putfile, Dailymotion, Metacafe…
Enabling MMS streams in Firefox | CINLUG
Installation de Ubuntu 6.10 – 03 – Logiciels – yeKBlog

Jamendo : Ouvrez grand vos oreilles
Le Conjugueur
GIMP – Creating Icons
Opposed Systems Design :: Knowing the Enemy, Part III: Sources of Radicalization :: December :: 2006
Officers With PhDs Advising War Effort –
There is no substitute for knowing your enemy | Janet Albrechtsen | The Australian
Complex Warfighting

OZ army doctrine by DK – Deed Search List Display

Barnett's adress

John Nagl
Sic Semper Tyrannis 2007

Colonel W. Patrick Lang is a retired senior officer of U.S. Military Intelligence and U.S. Army Special Forces

Mind Hacks: Social networks and counter-insurgency
WavingSparklers » Social Science and Counterinsurgency
tecosystems » The World’s Moved On: What David Kilcullen Can Teach Us
The Art of War – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ed Batista: David Kilcullen on Tactical Leadership

28 articles (.pdf)
Small Wars Journal

Small Wars Journal facilitates and supports the exchange of information among practitioners, thought leaders, and students of Small Wars, in order to advance knowledge and capabilities in the field. We hope this, in turn, advances the practice and effect

28 Articles – Practical Application 101 (SWJ Blog)
David Kilkullen at war (photo)

Australian Major David Kilkullen (centre) says the platoon were following Indonesian maps which indicated they were still in East Timor

Institute for Transitional Democracy and International Security
Marine Corps News, pay, benefits, careers, entertainment, photos – Marine Corps Times HOME
Contemporary Review: American Marines are guided by an old manual in Iraq
Multihead Systems under Linux and Windows LG #82

Tri-head Xinerama – TYPO-PRINT 03 – Reliure et problèmes techniques liés à la PAO
David Swinson Maynard – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Critical Thinkers :: Chief Seattle Resources

A good entry to a controversial writing. See also Wikipedia.

Portail:Logiciels libres – Wikipédia
HowTo: Dual Monitors (Xinerama/TwinView/MergedFB) – Ubuntu Forums
Phyto-épuration [Thread sur Maisons & Bois International]

Autour de Jerome42 (EauVivante) et Julien (Spanc)

blog maison en bois : foub, aka ben007


Blog maison en bois : Cindy et Benoit
Blog construction maison en bois : fmonprojet (Gwys)

le blog de la construction de la maison de Gwys

Blog construction maison en bois : jeromesophie


Construction Resources, Sustainable Building Centre – About Us

Construction Resources is Britain's first ecological builders' merchant, and a centre for ecological building, bringing together under one roof in central London a unique range of state-of-the-art building products and systems.

Doing It Ourselves – Download Online Video (Google Video, YouTube etc) in a Flash!
materiel:multi-ecran – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
How to setup multi-blogging with wordpress 2.0 | legacy
Web Design, CSS, and WordPress Taking Your Camera on the Road – Validating the Code Behind the Page
My WordPress Theme is Broken « Lorelle on WordPress
WordPress 2.1: Template Tag and Function Changes « Lorelle on WordPress

registered 17.01.07

Giving WordPress Its Own Directory « WordPress Codex
Guide des chaines de television et leur grille des programmes tele. Cable, TNT
Forums FreeNews
Dossier : Utiliser un Transmetteur Vidéo sans fil – FreeNews – Edition Nationale : l'actualité de Free Haut Débit
Tutorial : Utilisation de la fonction Routeur (novembre 2006) – FreeNews – Edition Nationale : l'actualité de Free Haut Débit
Tutorial : découper un enregistrement du PVR sous Windows – FreeNews – Edition Nationale : l'actualité de Free Haut Débit
Forums FreeNews / Une astuce simple pour recevoir Tf1 sur son PC -> freebox HD + TNT

» How to install multimedia codecs : Ubuntu (6.06.1 / 6.10) Ubuntu Tutorials : Breezy – Dapper – Edgy – Feisty
Getting Back to a Pure XFCE on Ubuntu
Josh’s Blog » Blog Archive » Why Gentoo is a Great Server Distribution (a Rebuttal)
Playing With Wire » Why Gentoo Shouldn’t be on Your Server
Reduce your Linux memory footprint

n this article, learn how to accurately measure the amount of memory your Linux system uses. You also get practical advice on reducing your memory requirements using an Ubuntu system as an example.

Installing Multiple OS's Without A Floppy/CD/DVD/Etc. | HowtoForge – Linux Howtos and Tutorials
HOW-TO: Compile Avant Window Navigator – Ubuntu Forums
Varsha – Making DVD on Linux

a GUI based DVD authoring tool for Linux


tovid is a collection of video disc authoring tools; it can help you create your own DVDs, VCDs, and SVCDs for playback on your home DVD player

Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group (AIDG)
DIY HDTV antenna – Lumenlab

DIY HDTV antenna

DIY Home Theater – HDTV – Video Projectors with Lumenlab

free PDF builder guide

Hack Attack: Burn almost any video file to a playable DVD – Lifehacker


The Jack of All Trades: fair weather ideas – Google Book Search

How to get rid of Snap's obnoxious link previews – Download Squad

See comment #1
Home Page
The Solar Cooking Archive
Hugh Piggott – Scoraig Wind Electric
Relaxed v2 2 | Theme viewer
Grayscale Snakey | Theme viewer

Index des fortifications – Projet Fortiff
Collectif de Ressources en Réseaux de l'Ecocentre du bâti
WordPress Theme viewer
Pentaho-Google mashup delivers location intelligence – Computer Business Review
English Russia » Russian Pilot Making Photos 9/11 Flying Above NYC
[The New Yorker] Knowing the enemy by GEORGE PACKER
Open Source Solutions Home Page
[] Open Source Intelligence by Robert David Steele

CIA mines 'rich' content from blogs — The Washington Times
Intel Community Gets a Wiki – Council on Foreign Relations – Reliable Security Information
James F. Dunnigan

James F. Dunnigan provides commentary on wargames, history, military strategy and his books. The War On Terror
4mb Laptop HOWTO

How to put a "grown-up" Linux on a small-spec (4mb RAM, <=200mb hard disk) laptop.

Soleili, le freeware de l'ensoleillement
La maison Percotte respectueuse de ses habitants et de l'environnement
Ubuntu Tutorials (Dapper – Edgy – Feisty): Cleaning up a Ubuntu GNU/Linux system

Hackszine – from the makers of MAKE and CRAFT

iDirect | Satellite Internet in Iraq, Afghanistan and the whole Middle East

broadband access to the internet in areas with poor telecommunications infrastructure. The main medium of transmission is a broadband two-way satellite transfer system which provides good access to the internet in even the least accessible areas

DefenseLink News Article: Joint Intelligence Operations Center Opens in Kabul
les éditions de Terran – un autre regard sur la nature

L'affaire de l'ortie

AREHN – Agence régionale de l'environnement de Haute-Normandie
question au parlement

Le ministre de l'écologie et du développement durable a pris connaissance, avec intérêt, de la question concernant la récupération et l'utilisation des eaux de pluie


auto-construction ou toutes actions pour protéger la planète

Eautarcie (Joseph Országh)

Travaux de Joseph Országh

Yazd – Les Tours des vents

via 'Bedouin'

Blog construction maison en bois : Champ de dunes dans la neige ('Bedouin')


Portable Apps Collection
proxycheck: Open Proxy checker
Forum auto-censuré

un vieux filtre mis en place sur un post ou le forum etait partit dans limite dans la diffamation…


organisme de promotion du bois pour la Suisse francophone

Blog construction maison en bois : MOB 31
Forum maison ossature bois de BOISCONCEPT
Blog construction maison en bois : Fenoamby

le blog de la construction en bois de Fenoamby, dans l'Oise

Alternative Energy

Top 10 Hacks on Flickr
SpamBayes: Unix/Linux platform
Carpentry+techniques – Product Guide
Habari = What’s Up?
Il Filosofo » WordPress Database Backup
ProgrammableWeb Tag Search: shopping
Machine Shop Services -No Job Is Too Small
The Rubiks Cube Solution
The Real Caffeine » Archives » How-to: Rip DVDs with VLC

Because of the DMCA, it’s illegal for you to rip a DVD that has CSS (a form of DRM) on it.

StumbleUpon Adds Import at Baron VC
The Social Bookmarking Faceoff
The Serendipity Of StumbleUpon – an interview with Garrett Camp, Chief Architect Import

Import bookmarks into stumbleupon

[sane-devel] CanoScan N670U jamming with Ubuntu Dapper.

To fix this, you'll need to upgrade to ne of the latest CVS snapshots and to compile/install on your own – sorry. – Gerhard Jaeger

Descreeen in Sane [sane-devel]

If you are using GIMP as your image processor, there is a descreen filter in "Filters -> Enhance -> Despeckle" that > will go the job.

Comment monter une GTL idéale [forum Cyberbricoleur]

Thread de Berlo GCL = Gaine Technique Logement. C'est la version gadgetisée et hyper-normalisée (à la française) du tableau de répartition électrique (auquel on associe tous les flux VDI).

Comment monter un tableau de communication idéal [forum Cyberbricoleur]

Thread de (c)Bodhi sur ce compagnon de la "gaine technique logement"

Utilisation de la télécommande universelle Harmony 895

Recommandée por commander une xyzbox en gaine technique

When science slams into the uninformed blogger

Intenational Heral Tribune – 25 JAN 07
About a web meme

Votre Boutique d'ampoules à led. a vu le jour en réponse à la demande, sans cesse croissante, du public en matière d'économie d'énergie et plus spécifiquement dans le Domaine de l'éclairage qui reste l'un des prinicpaux postes de consommation énergétique. + Gmail
CONRAD : Electronique et Loisirs techniques

groupe Conrad, leader européen dans la vente à distance de matériel électronique, informatique, mesure, composants, audio-vidéo et bricolage, aussi bien pour le grand public que pour les professionnels

'Fast clothes' versus 'green clothes' — a face-off with environmental impact

International Herald Tribune – 25 JAN 07

The Snare Shop

"all your snaring and trapping needs at one stop"

Crypto | CAUniversity
Proxy Auto-Detect (IE and Firefox) [Pavlov Scope]
Computer Arts – Design and build a flatpack toy
MAKE: Blog: The complete guide to PDFs in iTunes
Dwight Way

The Dwight Way is a remodel and the addition of a new building on the same site to create a 9-unit, mixed-use, urban infill project in the heart of Berkeley. Built originally as a corner grocery store with apartments above and a large side yard, the locat

Out Your Backdoor: Do-It-Yourself Adventure: Bikes, Boats, Skis, Yards & Folk Culture

Good place to start

Out Your Backdoor: Aero Cars and Motos: Time to Save Gas and Have Fun!


12 V alim.

Homemade salmond Smoker
instructables : Bonus Card Barcode Hack
MEDIAPORTAL – free MediaCenter HTPC Software – Home

MediaPortal is an Open Source application ideal for turning your PC / TV into a very advanced Media Center. MediaPortal allows you to listen to your favorite music & radio, watch and store your videos and DVDs, view, schedule and record live TV as a digit

Mapping the open source world by collecting objective information on open source projects.

MythTV | Songbird Media Player

Songbird™ is a desktop Web player, a digital jukebox and Web browser mash-up. Like Winamp, it supports extensions and skins feathers. Like Firefox®, it is built from Mozilla®, cross-platform and open source.

Open Source Windows – Free, Open-Source software for Windows
Vela Creations

A man and wife, in their 20s, living off the grid in West Texas. Four years ago, they bought 20 acres of desert, and have been slowly spreading into it.

DIY IR Remote Control Repeater

This system is used to distribute IR commands around your house. Uses one Microchip PIC 16F877 to do all the work

instructables : PC Power 12 V Current Limiter
Web Sites Challenge the Textbook Goliaths

53 CSS-Techniques You Couldn’t Live Without | Smashing Magazine
Start Firefox with a splash » SUSE vs Ubuntu

Compare distros

Freedom Toaster

The Freedom Toaster project began as a means of overcoming the difficulty in obtaining Linux and Open Source software due to the restrictive telecommunications environment in South Africa, where the easy downloading of large pieces of software is just not

The Open Source Advocate: What it takes to make Ubuntu ready for use » Blog Archive » HowTO: Simply Stunning Linux Desktop
Geek to Live: List your life in .txt – Lifehacker

Installing Flash 9 on Ubuntu
How to Disable Google Personalized Search

Disable Google Personalized Search

Why do geeks have lust for ZFS? at
Yestermorrow Design/Build School

Yestermorrow Design/Build School inspires people to create a better, more sustainable world by providing hands-on education that integrates design and craft as a creative, interactive process

Oikos: Green Building Source Energy Efficient Construction Environmentally Responsible Building Green Building Materials
NanaWall Systems, Inc. Products – Features – NFRC Approved Thermal Performance

Some NanaWall Systems are rated, certified and labeled in accordance with NFRC 100

home building technical information resources builders construction remodeling innovations

Custom Toolbar Button – MDC
3spots: Social Bookmark Tools to View, Search and more…
50 Best Firefox Extensions for Power Surfing
The Venture Capital Institute- Deathtraps
Extension Hunter – Bill's Big List of Firefox 2.0 Compatible Extensions
Custom Buttons :: View topic – Bookmark To – software and psychology

MenuX Firefox extension

Custom Buttons for Firefox, by m435tr0d

Hacking Firefox!
Lazy Sheep Bookmarklet
11 Ways to Backup your bookmarks : Technical Lists : eConsultant
Cookies are delicious delicacies
BetterSearch – A Firefox Extension For Enhancing Search Engines A-to-Z by Platforms : All 150+ hacks categorized : eConsultant
Absolutely Tools Collection
Fastest Ways to Post Bookmarks to

A Low Impact Woodland Home
TLIO – The Land Is Ours- Homepage. Campaigning for Access to the Land.
Low-Impact Living Initiative
Rain Barrel To Toilet Installation

How-to install a deck rain water barell and feed it to a basement toilet.

YouTube – Hybrid Solar Lighting

Hybrid Solar Lighting

Pour comprendre le vocabulaire des paras
BuildItSolar: Solar energy projects for Do It Yourselfers to save money and reduce pollution


Sun Frost Concepts for sustainable living

Plans for solar thermal, PV, Wind, Heating, Cooling, Cooking, and energy saving projects for Do It Yourselfers. This DIY Solar Projects page is the index to hundreds of free solar energy projects that you can build.

Mother Earth News: The Original Guide to Living Wisely
Homemade Wind turbine
Surfin teh Interweb: Tiny Extensions Which Should Be Merged Into Firefox


Google RSS Search

The EvilRSS feed turns Google search results into an RSS feed. Just enter your search query below and click submit. You can then subscribe using your RSS reader and be alerted anytime the search results change.

CHXO email address to image converter
Get Rich Slowly » You, Inc.: How to Be the CFO of Your Own Life (flexo's story)
Wesabe: Take Control of Your Money
Get Rich Slowly » An Expanded List of Personal-Development Sites
Get Rich Slowly » My eBay Method: 13 Steps to Profitable Auctions
Get Rich Slowly » Full Disclosure Regarding Site Advertising
Dixiesys gary on bounced spam
MySQLicious – to MySQL Mirroring [nanovivid]

How do I find out Linux CPU utilization? | nixCraft
Virtualization – VirtualBox

With a virtualizer such as VirtualBox, one can run software written for one operating system on another (say, Windows software on Linux) without having to reboot. – d*gg / slashdot / popular
Why Europeans are getting taller and taller—and Americans aren’t [The New Yorker]
The Logos of Web 2.0 | The FontShop FontFeed | Font blog, typography tips, and design news.
Google Co-op just got! « zooie’s blog
Google Operating System: Using Google to Search Your Bookmarks
DIY Guide: Your own Supervillain Hideout aka tailrace tunnel of Niagara – REPORT – UK Urban Exploration Forums

heise Security – Know-how – How Skype & Co. get round firewalls
The Need for Creating Tag Standards at The NeoSmart Files
WayTooEarly: Lenovo is Setting The Table

This is commerce.

Reuben Yau » Blog Archive » Google Analytics Hack – obtaining full referring URL
Free Education
Mark Shuttleworth » Blog Archive » #2: Granny’s new camera

As Eric Raymond has said – kid’s just want their iPod to work

instructables : "Learn to Solder"

link to solder tips

GigaVox Media, Inc. » The Levelator™

Free audio-leveling tool (ideal for podcasting interviews). Linux version 'coming soon'.

instructables : Guide to field Soldering
Adirondack Base Camp » » Adirondack Bushman Captured After 20 years in the Woods
Noah John Rondeau – Wikipedia

Hermit in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State

Pizzerrias that accept pesos
Firefox customizations (Notes)

Good survey of firefox customization

Geek to Live: Top Firefox 2 config tweaks – Lifehacker
Le sport et son impact environnemental (.pdf)

Vieux campeur & Caserne de Borne…

Dynamique Commerciale N°103 – Dynamique Entreprise – Au Vieux Campeur l'enseigne qui a su rester jeune !
Custom Buttons :: View topic – Custom Button Links

L'Express du 03/05/2004
La saga du Vieux Campeur – L'Express du 03/05/2004 – espace création d'entreprise

Se charger de la logistique des échanges réalisés entre particuliers sur eBay, voilà un créneau porteur… encore en friche en France.

L' – success stories
Au Vieux Campeur, plus jeune que jamais
Interrupteur Ethernet

Tous le logiciels multiposte (pour Linux; TVRemi, Magneto, MyFreeTV, freerecord, fricorder, Freebox Web TV)


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DaKine Helipro

Wallflower at the Web Party – New York Times

"Roughly once a week, David L. Sze, a venture capitalist at Greylock Partners, hears from entrepreneurs who say they have the next MySpace [and counters by answering:] ‘Tell me why you aren’t going to be the next Friendster’ "

BACKPACKING LIGHT – The Ultralight Backpacking Magazine and Lightweight Backpacking Gear Shop
The Simple Dollar » Live Free: Seven Pieces Of Open Source Software That Transformed My Life
The Robert Scoble Link Blog : Your Daily Feed Digest
The Brookings institute
Jihadi Thinkers Portal
List of terrorist incidents – encyclopedia article about List of terrorist incidents.
West Point's Combating Terrorism Center

The Jebsen Center for Counter Terrorism Studies – The Fletcher School, Tufts University
SITE (Search for International Terrorist Entities) : News Archive
SITE Institute – The Search for International Terrorist Entities

monitoring terrorist and extremist websites and penetrating password-protected Al Qaeda linked sites, studying the primary source propaganda, training manuals, and chatter of terrorists offers insight into terrorists and their activities that can not be o


La construction de la maison en bois Gardavaud de 'lion27' en haute-savoie

Qualification basse énergie: "savoir rester sage"

"Courir derrière une qualification [Minergie ou Passivhaus] aussi prestigieuse soit-elle, n'est pas une fin en soi. (…) Rester raisonnable et pragmatique dans ses choix et ses objectifs. Adopter les techniques et méthodes les plus efficaces et les mo

Blog construction maison en bois : Henri81

Les idées de construction d'une maison en bois bois importée de Roumanie de Henri Navarro

"Pas de maison en madrier en plaine"

je ne construirais jamais une maison en madrier dans nos régions humides…
n avez vous pas remarqué qu il y a pas de maison ancienne en madrier par chez nous contrairement aux pays de montagnes ou l 'air est sec. (Alain Landry)

Maison Bois auto construction

L'autoconstruction de la maison bois bioclimatique basse consommation d'énergie de 'MathieuB' en Haute-Savoie près d'Annecy

Blog construction maison bois : autoconstruction-mob-de-AaZ

Les photos de l'autoconstruction de la maison de 'g22'

Construction d'une maison en rondins. Belle photos.

Photo : maçonnerie.. soyez prudent

on casse et on recommence

Flux RSS de Futura Sciences
kim-spy: Intelligence and CounterIntelligence

U.S. Military Intelligence [Loyola university]
Center for Studies of Intelligence: Studies in Intelligence

complete index to .pdf unclassified articles

Kent Center Occasional Papers

The Kent Center, a component of the employee-only Sherman Kent School for Intelligence Analysis at CIA University, strives to promote the theory, doctrine, and practice of intelligence analysis

Frode Weierud's CryptoCellar
Recommended Links from Cloak and Dagger Books
Cloak and Dagger Books

Cloak and Dagger Books is the world's largest dealer in new and out-of-print books on intelligence and related fields

Straw Bale DVD Video: Building With Awareness: Straw Bale Construction Book: Hybrid Home: Straw Bale Homes: Green Building
British soldier 'gave Army secrets to Iran' – Britain – Times Online
"Secret Bases" Part 1
The Wikipedia way to better intelligence |
Messages to Spies Are Coded but Not Hidden –

Diagnostics techniques immobiliers – logement
La certification ingénieur en sécurité spécialité intelligence économique
DPE – Arrêté du 16 octobre 2006

Arrêté du 16 octobre 2006 définissant les critères de certification des compétences des personnes physiques réalisant le diagnostic de performance énergétique et les critères d'accréditation des organismes de certification

ADEME Domaines d'intervention Bâtiment Aides à la décision

Le Diagnostic de Performance Energétique

Guide de survie de l'ubuntiste débutant
PeerTV, client pour WebTV

Corriger les yeux rouges avec Gimp [taltan]
Dernière version de la machine virtuelle JAVA 1.5 et son plugin Firefox – Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft
Local DNS Cache for Faster Browsing [Ubuntu Blog]
Fix Firefox Backspace to Take You to the Previous Page [Ubuntu Blog]
Make a Solar Kettle [instructables]
The First Solar Computer Case that Charges Computers (TreeHugger)
How To Resize ext3 Partitions Without Losing Data [HowtoForge]
Steps to Upgrading Ubuntu To The Next Release [Ubuntu Tutorials]

Automatic Updates : Ubuntu (all versions) [Ubuntu Tutorials]

use cron, mon'

MythTV Edgy Backend Frontend – Community Ubuntu Documentation

be sure to check MythTV page first (link provided)

Tweak ubuntu for speed – TVease Wiki
Today's Inspiration: James R. Bingham (1917-1971)

As Leif Peng says, "I love the work of James R. Bingham"

Compulsory Iranian Internet Register Portal is ripped off Israeli site and hosted in the US [inside Iran]

Go Solar and Save Big!
xampp for windows

Apache + MySQL + PHP + phpMyAdmin + FileZilla FTP Server + OpenSSL

WordPress on USB stick

One in the (superb) series of install guides by

WOS Portable – CH Software
Wiki on a stick – Meta

Scribefire is the new name for PFF, Performancing for Firefox

PluginDoc: Firefox Memory Usage FQA

FQA stands for "Frequently Questioned Answers"…

HowTo Install the Latest Firefox in Ubuntu (Ultimate HowTo) – Ubuntu Forums
The September that never ended (
Why blurring sensitive information is a bad idea – Dheera Venkatraman's web site, semences anciennes pour jardiniers

L' Association Kokopelli a pour finalité de remettre en valeur, dans les pays européens, une collection planétaire d'anciennes variétés pour les potagers et jardins, et de la rendre de nouveau accessible aux jardiniers. (2000 variétés ou espèces )

Liste de (presque) TOUS les codecs audio/vidéo pour Linux
humour & traditions militaires

Ceux qui & d'autres

ceux qui

ceux qui

"ceux qui sont, parce qu’il y a des cédilles"

Ce poème sera très vite célèbre dans tout le corps expéditionnaire. Il a pour auteur un officier de l’État-major du Colonel Gilles.

How to go to M.I.T. for free |
The Best Linux Security Tools » most popular treemap – find similar sites
Forum / Nouveaux dépots pour les logiciels liés à la Freebox de FREE

No ça c'est la dernière. effacer l'autre ?

Comment fonctionne Freeplayer ?
Forum / FRICORDER FreeboxTV/magnétoscope.virtuel

Utilisation du dépot Tvfreeplayer pour l'instalation des mods / multimods sous Ubuntu. – NervUbuntu
A guide to understanding rude Parisians | Oddly Enough |
Helping Make the Shift From Combat to Commerce – New York Times
The Center for Veterans Enterprise Home Page
Rhode Island Innovator : Jim Lavoie

RIEDC has a lot on RI entrepreneur J.Lavoie

Web X.0

Yaron galai, founder of Quigo.

Web X.0: Jim Lavoie on Jimi Hendrix

Brand Autopsy: Part 2 | Harvesting Collective Genius
Incomplete Manifesto
Brand Autopsy: Interesting Ideas
Brand Autopsy: Harvesting Collective Genius
Toy Dolls – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some say punk has to be political or angry but The Toy Dolls proved that it can just be a way to have fun with irreverent lyrics and song titles including such gems as "Yul Brynner Was A Skinhead", "My Girlfriend's Dad's A Vicar" and "James Bond Lives Dow

Plexus Institute
Business Innovation Factory
Business Innovation Factory – Lavoie
MediaWiki Installation
Water saving in the house (.pdf)
Moving Day (or should ebay bet the farm on real estate?) – Why it's not so good idea

Jason Calacanis'es thoughts about buying real estate

Natural Home & Garden Blog: Come On Along

What Does 200 Calories Look Like?
The DECK the premier advertising network for reaching creative, web and design professionals
HowTo grease a palm
Mena Trott at The Economist (.com)
America's Best Eco-Neighborhoods
RealEstateJournal | A Manhattan Town House Warmed By the Heat of the Earth Below

the cool hunter
Invasion of Britain – – Times Online

by German wood houses

Balloon framing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Car-free housing development projects
Solar PV kits from Baker environmental
Flickr: Make a badge
RAND | Reports & Bookstore | Online Publications by Category | Terrorism and Homeland Security

access to documents in .pdf

RAND | Monographs | Pacification in Algeria, 1956-1958

David Galula's book, available as free .pdf

Notes on Trinquier

The U.S. Army Professional Writing Collection

MODERN WARFARE: A French View of Counterinsurgency

Colonel Trinquier's book

The Green 50
Military Blog: The Best of the Military Blogosphere
Defense Tech: No Blood for… Solar Power?

Defense Technology International – Small Biz: Archives
–> Come Back Alive <–
Private Military Corporations – SourceWatch
Catalogues Legrand en .pdf
Mark Shuttleworth » Blog Archive » Kudos to the Shadowman

We’re committed to reinventing everything we need until the free software stack is a genuinely complete computing universe

How do I do a distribution upgrade? e.g. Dapper to Edgy
Ubuntu Edgy Upgrade Common Problems With solutions — Debian Admin
My Ubuntu Blog
Ubuntu Blogs « Ubuntu Blog
Move /home to it’s own partition « Ubuntu Blog
Creative Commons
Groklaw – At Your Request, the GPLv2-GPL3 Chart – Columns Switched – Updated
Ian Murdock’s Weblog » Blog Archive » Software installation on Linux: Today, it sucks (part 1)

Ian is, as Doc Searle pointed out (in LJ), the second half of Debian

Alex Faaborg – » Microformats – Part 0: Introduction
The Real Firefox-Killer | Linux Journal
GPLv3: What the Hackers Said (Update) | Linux Journal
A fight against evil or a fight for attention? | Linux Journal
GPL v3 rationale (.pdf)
memento montagne securité 2006 (.pdf)
memento montagne securite 2005
France 5 : Question maison – menu videos visites

France 5 : Question maison – Emission diffusée le mardi 2/01 à 10:55 (hertzien et TNT)
Reducing memory usage – Firefox – MozillaZine Knowledge Base
Problematic extensions – MozillaZine Knowledge Base
From Father to Son, Last Words to Live By – New York Times – Look at stuff and, like, click stuff…

The full John Haller !

Run Firefox in Windows 95 :: Mozilla Stuff ::
Make Firefox Look Like Internet Explorer :: Mozilla Stuff ::
Getting Critical About Ubuntu

Ubuntu Edgy/Firefox 2/Javascript – Firefox closes accessing websites with Javascript –

edit file /usr/bin/firefox and added the comment:export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1

Ubuntu:Edgy -How to install Flash Player 9
flash making firefox crash ! – Ubuntu Forums
matthewburton's favorites tagged with "thesis" on
Here's an Idea: Let Everyone Have Ideas – New York Times
Knowledge Management

Help:Inputbox – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
BOSS – The Boulder Outdoor Survival School
Matthew Burton » Adding Custom Tabs to MediaWiki
RSS into Wiki – Meta
Help:Contents – Meta
Eight Reasons (Some) Wikis Work (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought)
Debian Admin » Print » Ubuntu Edgy Upgrade Common Problems With solutions
Upgrade Ubuntu Dapper to Ubuntu Edgy Eft — Debian Admin

Bonne année…pour la Marseillaise – Nasky’s world
Studio Nomade – Récit de 3 aventuriers pour un tour du monde parti de paris via le Cap nord, Moscou, Istambul, Islamabad, Colombo, Bangkok, Darwin, Tokyo, Vancouver, Rocheusses, Amazonie…

valdez fairbanks trail (Alaska)

[Réseau des Sites Vauban] -> Tout sur les sites
Galerie Européenne de la Forêt et du Bois
Chantier Ecole – CAUE du Gers

Le portail architecture, urbanisme et environnement en Midi-Pyrénées

Rencontres nationales de la haie champêtre

Arbre et Paysage – Gers – Plantation de haies et arbres isolés

International Organization For Dew Utilization
straw-clay mixing machine
pallet program

From Straw Bale Houses to Light Straw/Clay Infill

7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
Getting started with “Getting Things Done” | 43 Folders
Cornell Notetaking Method Custom PDF Generator
Café Electric Home of the Zilla

EV hacks

Dean Karnazes

Wired 15.01: The Perfect Human

An Interview with Dean Karnazes, Ultramarathon Man [extended]
Dean Karnazes Ultra Marathon Man

Wired 15.01: The Perfect Human

[Le journal de l’écologie active] Le Journal en PDF
Photos hotel de ville Echirolles
Thesaurus du CAUE de l'Isère
Gaïa store

le comptoir de l'aventure > librairie & équipements de voyage

Apsys – La Caserne, Grenoble
sport premiere magazine : l'actualité sur l'économie du sport
Le site de la randonnée légère et de la marche ultra-légère (MUL) !
Panorama de Presse du 1 décembre au 7 décembre 2006 – AEPI

Dauph'lib du 06/12

Ville de Grenoble – La caserne de Bonne
APSYS construit sur le site de la Caserne de Borne à Grenoble
CCI Grenoble
peer review magasins sport/montagne sur Grenoble
Au Vieux Campeur
Kool Tool's Tips 21
The News is | The News is Now Public

Newsvine – Get Smarter Here
The Best WordPress Plugins @
Graver sous Linux
LOHAS: Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability

LOHAS is an acronym for Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability, a market segment focused on health and fitness, the environment, personal development, sustainable living, and social justice. LOHAS companies practice "responsible capitalism" by providing

Inhabitat » TOP 10 GREEN DESIGN OF 2006

1- An Incovenient Truth 5- Advances in solar power 6- Green roofs 7- Green prefab homes 8- LEED for homes 10-Green trade shows

West Coast Green » Knowledge Center

impressive link farm

US Green Building Council : LEED for Homes
Inhabitat » GreenBuilding 101
Permaculture Magazine Back Issues

Back Issues index (w/ link to some .html articles)

BeGreen and Green Mountain Energy
The OS Agnostics | Free Software Magazine
Techgage – Review: Top 10 Free Linux Games
ArsGeek – Free your inner geek » How to gracefully reboot your Ubuntu/Debian system if all else fails | Top Linux photo managers side-by-side
NewStance » 10 Must Have Linux Applications

firefox, open office [.org], amarok, gimp, azureus [!], vlc, tomboy & f-spot…

» How to enable DVD playback : Ubuntu (5.10 / 6.06.1 / 6.10) Ubuntu Tutorials : Breezy – Dapper – Edgy – Feisty
Andy on Linux II –

For those of you looking to get your child into computing, I highly recommend Linux. Be forewarned, it’s not Windows, you probably want to be a pretty savvy user, but I am assuming since your reading [this] geeky blog, you probably are…

linux distro timeline (PNG Image, 3300×1398 pixels)
Enable Smooth fonts on Ubuntu Linux :: the How-To Geek
Techgage – Review: Beginners Guide to Linux Desktops

Finding Hardware Details of your Linux Machine without Using Screw Driver | SecGuru
Construction and Use of a Passive Ethernet Tap
Running DD-WRT on a standard X86 pc
Reading a DVD with VLC or mplayer is now illegal in France

Starting tomorrow December 31st 2006, reading a DVD protected with CSS (as most DVD are) is illegal in France when it is done with a software allowing to circumvent the protection, such as VLC or mplayer which can both use the libdvdcss library. Today’s

a million monkeys typing » It’s Only Natural

list of Douglas Johnson's daypack gear for taking into the woods.

Curbly | DIY Design Community
Turn a CD spindle into a TP dispenser

PigPogPDA – A Moleskine Hacked into a Complete System | PigPog

A simplified GTD system with relatively little actual organising. May be useful if you fancy Doing GTD Without Doing GTD.

Hacking a GTD Moleskine

by hyalineskies. Includes review of different GTD systems.

Triple "A" Battery Hack
How to be an Unhappy Employee » hipsterPDA v2.0

The Post-It HipterPDA trick

Rapesco 66P adjustable 6-hole puncher

Doug's D*I*Y Hipster

provides the convenience of a Filofax(tm) planner book with the incredible versatility of the D*I*Y system

a million monkeys typing

personal weblog of Douglas Johnston, a consultant, project manager, multimedia developer, writer, and self-professed education geek. He is probably best known as the creator and maintainer of the D*I*Y Planner and its community-driven website DIYPlanner.c


Transport de bagages et de personnes

Accueil pélerins vers Compostelle

Association qui a pour objet de créer sur Internet une communauté regroupant les amateurs de pèlerinage et les différents intervenants de la route de Compostelle,
avant, pendant et après le pèlerinage, et d ’apporter une assistance et des service

instructables : LED's for beginners

This instructable shows how to wire up one or more LED's in a in a basic and clear way. Never done any work before with LED's and don't know how to use them? Its ok, neither have I.

Artcyclopedia: The Fine Art Search Engine
Combined Operations

The Combined Operations Command made a huge contribution to the outcome of WW2 by planning, equipping and training for offensive amphibious operations Between the evacuation at Dunkirk in June 1940 and the D-Day invasion of June 1944.

The Command dre

Hotel du casino à Vierville sur mer (.jpg)
Top 100 Lyrics -( SONG LYRICS )-

Increasing the sustainability of existing homes by sharing information, developing local action networks and facilitating co-operative buys.
Le multiposte Free sous GNU/Linux, expérience personnelle – Harisson's Home –
MediaPlayerConnectivity | Firefox Add-ons | Mozilla Corporation
How to Use TechSoup

TechSoup provides a range of technology services for nonprofits, including news and articles, discussion forums, and discounted and donated technology products.

About SofaTube

SofaTube is a specially designed web application that lets you browse and watch videos from YouTube and Revver in your living room.

oss4lib | open source systems for libraries
Homepage Content Directory

Les chemins de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle
montagne,randos ou randonnees,carnets et albums photos de voyages.
The De Benoist Archive
Find A Grave – Millions of Cemetery Records
Magic realism – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mycroft Project: Sherlock & OpenSearch Search Engine Plugins
Typozay – Find Ebay auctions with spelling mistakes fast

Micro combined heat and power – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Directory:Cycclone – PESWiki
Debian — pdfcrack
TechCrunch en français
FirefoxThrobber – Ubuntu Document Storage Facility
Treviño’s sources.list
PDF files : printing protected ! – Ubuntu Forums

Open in with xpdf and then print it

PDF » RubyPDF Blog |Ruby PDF


PDFCrack is a GNU/Linux (other POSIX-compatible systems should work too) tool for recovering passwords and content from PDF-files. It is small, command line driven without external dependencies. The application is Open Source (GPL). If you want to recover


organizational solution using unique binding system; allowing its users to replace, refill, interchange and rearrange their important information without damaging the integrity of the paper and without the trouble of having to take out other pages in the

Douglas Johnston's Day Runner Kit (D*I*Y Planner)

Another nice kit

Douglas Johnston's Hipster PDA Kit (D*I*Y Planner)

Nice Kit

The Friendly House
Recycling made easy: New Green Futures

Oikos Links
Sustainable building professionals Eco-friendly House

could be a link farm

Diary of a Loft conversion
Green Progress – environmental technology news and resources
WordPress Plugin: Digg Dugg at freshlabs journal

Looks like what I was looking for

My Top 10 Best WordPress Plugins « John Chow dot Com

Lives up to his name.

Hello, Our Name Is FeedBurner « John Chow dot Com
Direct-link versions of Digg feeds

Says it all. Complete list of all feeds, with direct-link alternate (bypasses one-click-link feature bringing you to Digg site first).

SolarRegion Freiburg
Ecobuild 2007: Designing & Building a Sustainable Future

Acobuild is an annual fair show in London, UK. Next event: 27/02/07 – 01/03/07

WorldChanging: Tools, Models and Ideas for Building a Bright Green Future: Kill A Watt works from a simple premise: that the tools, models and ideas for building a better future lie all around us. Direct link to review of the Kill-a-Watt, featured in the WSJ, and subsequently famous.

Green Building Webring

Websites that offer quality content on Green Building, selected by the staff of 'Building for a Future' magazine.

Old House Store
Sustainable Building Supplies
213 Things Skippy Can't Do – The List
Handiweb le portail du handicap

L'accessibilité des bâtiments d'habitation et des logements aux personnes handicapées.



Claude Bossard , électricien spécialiste des environnements électromagnétiques et de l'électricité biocompatible (ou biotique), auteur du "Guide de l'électricité biocompatible", vous sdit tout sur les ondes, les radiations, les rayonnements , les

PSO – installations électriques biocompatibles – Biorupteur – BioDomo – Magelan
How-To: Make your own MP3 player – Engadget
a day late and a ::

Wayback archive of Mana "six apart" Trott's blog, in its post-9/11 clothing. For historical purposes only (was it only 5 years ago ?)

The Simple Dollar » 25 Gadgets That Actually Save Money
History of Religion
Firefox Magazine: Firefox Extensions Archives
Firefox Magazine: Permatabs, Create Permanent tabs
glipper – clipboard manager for GNOME
Chauffage au bois – Historique de la campagne

Campagne canadienne de sensibilisation sur le chauffage au bois résidentiel

Menuiserie DAVID

superbes fenêtres double et triple vitrage bois

Tout sur le Fermacell (ecobati)

FIABITAT Concept – Dossiers : Le puits canadien (provencal) à la loupe
Une maison contemporaine
Vallée de Quint /Quintessence
maison bois isolation paille en autoconstruction


Enercoop, Fournisseur d'électricité verte
Maison Bois auto construction – accueil
Blog construction maison en bois : Quai des prunes

La construction de la maison CNRJ de Stéphane Purnière 'leStef' à Coulomiers

New custom rear "blinkie!" – Bike Forums
Tinselman: Grandpop's Shop—Part 2
Troubled Times – TOC Hub

beware linked to apocalyptic sect – Go Create something!

add to links – Go Create something! – How to create your own DIY cables, XLR, TRS, studio cables
digg – MAKE Magazine

New Digg feathure allows to dig podcasts

instructables : Revive Nicad Batteries by Zapping with a Welder
EPE Basic Soldering Guide Photo Gallery
Laptop Desk for My Car « Just Outside Boston
instructables : DIY Hot Air Soldering Iron
PDNB Gallery
Holding Onto Your Books: DIY Book Leash | D*I*Y Planner

A great bookmark (physical, not cybernetic)

Workshop | D*I*Y Planner

D*I*Y Planner has a lot of ressources (including kits, of course) but this is really the page to wander into, Alice.

Spec-Ops® Brand
Google Help : Search Features : Productivity, Getting Things Done and Lifehacks Blog
Kit Photographs | D*I*Y Planner
Review: Levenger Bomber Jacket International Pocket Briefcase | D*I*Y Planner
Getting Things Done, OmniOutliner, and syncing to paper at
Documentation Ubuntu Francophone =faq_logiciels
lastfm – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
Logiciels Online et Sharewares – Programmes gratuits artisanat et bricolage

Logiciels gratuits en ligne (vous les utilisez directement depuis la page web), dédiés à l'artisanat et au bricolage, à la cuisine (diététique) et au développement durable.

FAI lie à Ilyad

NAT et Freebox

définir des règles NAT pour ouvrir aisément des ports sur la partager votre connexion ADSL sur plusieurs machines.

Forums FreeNews = accès au HD de la Freebox par ftp
Tutorial Linksys WRT54G routeur externe sur une freebox

par un routeur externe, surtout si l'on possède plus d'un ordinateur. L'un des meilleurs routeurs disponibles sur le marché est le modèle Linksys WRT54G, fabriqué par

Multiposte : solution pour les routeurs

Le multiposte fonctionne très mal avec les routeurs car VLC utilise une multitude de ports qui empêche la diffusion. Voici donc la solution.

Solutions pour limiter la chauffe de la freebox

Plusieurs freenautes ont initié des chantiers pour contrer ce phénomène… Entre bricolages en carton, et produits commerciaux, voici un rassemblement des solutions existantes pour limiter la chauffe.

Service d'envoi de fichiers

La taille maximale par fichier est fixée à 1Go. Vous pouvez envoyer autant de fichiers que vous le souhaitez. Un fichier non téléchargé sur une période de 24 heures sera automatiquement effacé. En aucun cas, la société Free ne pourra etre tenue r

Heineken Beer Bottle Bricks » Vestal Design Blog

1950s design for stackable beer bottles created (but never marketed) by Alfred Heineken

Cook's Thesaurus

a cooking encyclopedia that covers thousands of ingredients and kitchen tools. Entries include pictures, descriptions, synonyms, pronunciations, and suggested substitutions Gear Plans Pepsi-G Stove Assembly Instructions
aluminum can backpacking stove – Hack A Day
Top 25 food hacks – Slashfood

Projects, plans promoting rural skills: Mission, to provide high quality, low volume or individual metal castings. Vision, to create unique art castings, Vintage Parts reproductions and Accessories. Values, to conduct business with a low environmental imp

Documentation (.pdf) de la CRDE (Conférence romande des délégués à l'énergie)

Huge !

Minergie = nouveautés
Minergie = revue de presse

Standard Minergie plus
Standard Minergie
Minergie = Les outils de planification

Liste de ressources utiles pour planifier la construction d'un bâtiment à faible consommation.

Eco Bau = fiches CFC (.pdf)

CFC est le Code (suisse) de frais de construction. ,Eco-bau est la plate-forme commune des offices et services publics de la Confédération, des cantons et des villes, et comprend des recommandations pour la planification, la construction et la gestion d

Portail:Savoir-faire – Wikipédia
CODÉART – coopération au développement de l'artisanat
Microhydro web portal

Regis Petit : Belier hydraulique
le site de F5ZV

Pages consacrées à: radio d'amateur, chauffage solaire, photovoltaïque…

Alain Fraval

Directeur d'un réseau ferré en modèle réduit assez délirant: la ReFeRe

autoconstruction, construire sa maison, construction en monomur

un guide, du genre "kit de secours", qui présente la démarche et aborde les questions essentielles. Ecrit par 2 filles, Sylvia et Zaïna, qui ont contruit une maison provençale de 120 m² en brique monomur.

architecture bioclimatique

les reportages de CNRJ-Construct

Articles de presse magazine spécialisée construction bois au format .pdf

Default Password List
instructables : Bench Tool Stands
Cable Modem Sharing

Powerful links

TableOfHardware – OpenWrt
Minergie – Eco

Label de qualité pour une meilleure qualité de vie et une faible consommation d'énergie

Biennale de l'habitat durable Grenoble

Actualité, news, newsletter environnement et développement durable

CRDE – Conférence romande des délégués à l'énergie
détail des 16 projets lauréats du concours CQFD

Les projets lauréats de l’appel à propositions du PUCA : coût, qualité, fiabilité, délais

Backpacking Battery Pack – Ham Radio Project – Doug's Domain / WA0VSL

A Whole Lotta Nothing
gNewSense first impressions [dive into mark]

Will I switch from Ubuntu to gNewSense? No. But I could, and that’s enough of a victory for today.

Wired 12.10: The Long Tail

chris anderson's initial article

The Long Tail: What would radical transparency mean for Wired? (Part 2)
east german design » Everydot

Every dot on the map, especially the little tiny ones. Some are no more than an intersection, possibly with a store or a town hall. Other seem to be gone without a trace, though sometimes the tiniest evidence remains. photographies of over 300 towns, most

Ouverture d'un CAP Charpente en 1 an pour la rentrée 2006 – Blog de la MFR du Parc

My Language : français > bois
My Language : Public directory

How quickly we have learned to take the Internet for granted: need some information? Google it. But what of languages other than English? As a way of enriching Australia’s linguistic and cultural cyberspace, seven State and Territory Libraries have crea

Autoconstruction – Autoconstruire sa maison
Brico Dépôt – Lire des Avis, "shopping intelligence" = un exemple

construire-sain: habitat bioclimatique, géobiologie, autoconstruction, ecoconstruction

Très orienté bloc de béton allégé (dixit le précédent)

le blog monomur

Ce blog a été inspiré par les commentaires contradictoires concernant la brique monomur. Bien que régulièrement citée dans les revues écologiques (La Maison Ecologique, ), elle est systématiquement critiquée et rejetée par certains dans les fo

Le Forum du Bois et de ses usages
le blog boisphile
Bois, Le Matériau du 21ème siècle

Le blog de Pascal JACOB (du Groupe jacob)

Climatisation par puits canadiens
WhilelM's favorites tagged with "SalonBatirEcologique2005" on

Green Building Links


Building For a Future – the No.1 sustainable building magazine

.pdf version available 6 month after publication.

Main Page – OpenStreetMap
Ubunto on toughbook

Good tactic to install Linux (ubuntu flavor) on a notebook w/o CD player. By "hack-a-day O'Brien.


is an in-car navigation system capable of running on a variety of operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. Roadnav can obtain a car's present location from a GPS unit, plot street maps of the area, and provide verbal turn by turn directi

Geekcorps » The Geekcorps CanTV

In the village of Bourem Inaly, Mali there are over 120 television sets powered by 12-volt car batteries, but there is almost nothing to watch. With its CanTV project, Geekcorps has helped the local radio station stream video content to the local communit

bunnie’s blog » Blog Archive » The Contents of My Bag

Chumby co-founder and Xbox hacker Bunnie Huang, gone away from being a gadget freak to the kind of guy who carefully researches his gadgets and carries around a select set of well-worn gadgets.

Linux Mint: Linux for the Desktop

We believe in choice. Ubuntu and Kubuntu tend to follow the "free software" philosophies and for this reason do not include "dirty" software (patented or proprietary technologies for instance). This is great and this is the way it should be. However, othe

Beginners guide to .htaccess file with examples » BlogHASH
Ubuntu Multimedia Center
The iPod killer could be a Penguin – Neoseeker News Article


20 Must Read HOWTOs and Guides for Linux « – technical aspects for the masses
Ubuntu Tutorials : Breezy – Dapper – Edgy

How to do almost anything on Ubuntu

About Ubuntu Lite | ubuntu lite
Top 10 Killer Apps For Linux « Everything Else
Top 5 Linux-on-Laptop Myths Debunked – Random Abyss – Entertaining Internet Users Since May, 2006!

There’s even a whole website dedicated to how various Linux distros run on various laptop brands.

NetLiving » Blog Archive » Create a bootable USB disk with DSL
Ubuntu Networking for Basic and Advanced Users — Debian Admin
Ubuntu | HowtoForge – Linux Howtos and Tutorials
Set Up Ubuntu-Server 6.06 LTS As A Firewall/Gateway For Your Small Business Environment | HowtoForge – Linux Howtos and Tutorials
Pants found during search for missing SF dad
Zamzar – Free online file conversion
TreeHugger Picks: Green Insulation
James Kim's Path

Timbuktu Chronicles

"A view of Africa and Africans with a focus on entrepreneurship,innovation,technology,practical remedies and other self sustaining activities"

John Batelle on packaged media
firewall for RFID tags (.pdf)
Rudy's Blog at

NZ Travelogue

Kim family ordeal (map)

Lost an dead , survival unsuccesssful

Intelink Central – (DEMO)

Infosec Practitioner's Blog – Infosecwiki
Bruce Schneier – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
silver in sf: ACRL conference

Let's be clear about it: The term Web 2.0 is, first and foremost, a marketing gimmick. Its purpose is to create a sense of new, foster a buzz about new media, and generate new investment. So far, it's working.

Intellipedia – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
All news, All about Intellipedia!
JAMES ELROY FLECKER : The Golden Journey to Samarkand

But who are ye in rags and rotten shoes / You dirty-bearded, blocking up the way? / // We are the Pilgrims, master: we shall go / Always a little further: it may be / Beyond that last blue mountain barred with snow, / Across t

Howstuffworks "How Home Networking Works"
How to Make Your Own Network Cables
Wired News: GovNet: What Is It Good For?

Reader's advisory: Wired News has been unable to confirm some sources for a number of stories written by this author. If you have any information about sources cited in this article, please send an e-mail to sourceinfo[AT]

Top-Secret World Loses Blogger
Wired 13.03 : We Need Spy Blogs / An Army officer calls for better information gathering.
We Need Spy Blogs / An Army officer calls for better information gathering.
Dirk Rijmenants, Crypto fan and intelligence pundit

77 Design Gifts Under $77
Andrew McAfee : The Impact of Information Technology (IT) on Businesses and their Leaders
About Ubuntu Video | Ubuntu Video

Ubuntu Video is a video portal that takes the best Ubuntu-related videos on the Internet, from places like YouTube and Google Video, and centralizes them in one convenient spot.

Google Operating System: Major Update in Google Spreadsheets
Fun and functional ways to trick out your htaccess file | 43 Folders
instructables : Make the shutdown icon on your desktop and others.
David Seah : Flat Pens and Moleskines
Ten Tips for Smarter Google Searches

"Use only what you need"

Interesting ad campaign promoting water conservation in Denver.

Blasts from the past: de Honnecourt's architectural sketches, Renaissance typography, Oliver Byrne's edition of Euclid
History of the Button
Google Operating System: PageRank 10 – Google heroes
Corpus Obscura
Getting Real
LifeClever 😉 » Tips for design and life


the next big story in technology may reside on a blog you've never heard of or a news site you don't have time to scan. So I built a software agent to surface these links in real time and the result is Techmeme. Coverage is driven by a mix of industry ins

The Blogging Spectrum
Ip Assignment, Per Capita
The Linux Equivalent Project –
Plate-forme Maison Passive – > Revue de presse

Download .pdf on passivhaus

Forum Habitat bioclimatique, chauffage et isolation – Forum FS Generation

Gallica, bibliothèque numérique de la Bibliothèque nationale de France

accès à 90 000 ouvrages numérisés (fascicules de presse compris), majoritairement des imprimés numérisés en mode image.

Maison bioclimatique – Ekopedia
Blog à(p)part
LE Recensement des maisons passives en France – : L'isolation phonique écologique : Matériaux, mise en oeuvre: Livres: Jean-Louis Beaumier
[ ] – Résultats

Le – Dépêche – "Pour une architecture durable" par François Pèlegrin, architecte
CSTB – Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment

Lides d'une journée d'information organisée le 28 septembre 2006 à Paris, par le CSTB en partenariat avec le Groupe Moniteur, consacrée aux bâtiments à énergie positive. (es enjeux de la consommation énergétique dans les bâtiments ; les premièr

Les Airelles – Constructions Basse Énergie et Maisons Passives – Pays de Bray
Willkommen to Das BioHaus!

1st Passivhaus certified house build in North America

Revision3 = AV cabling

ay goodbye to the bank-breaking audio/video cables at your local electronics superstore. Save your money and build out your home theater DIY style. With a total running time of 45 minutes, Kevin and Dan talk to a broadcast engineer to demonstrate how to m

NYCwireless : HomePage
VGAtoRJ45conversion – ElephantStaircase
Open-Source Spying – New York Times
instructables : 5++ in 1 Multi-Cable

originally published in vol 1 of Make

How To Assemble A Desktop PC – Wikibooks, collection of open-content textbooks
Mologogo: The GPS phone tracking social network & friend finding for Nextel, Boost, Blackberry and Windows Mobile Phones with GPS

Robotics News and Robot Projects – How to Crimp Connectors
DSLnuts | DSL Wiring 1
Structured Wiring – How To – wire your own home network, video and telephone
Home Wiring
Low Voltage Home Pre-Wire Guide
Asanté Cable/DSL Router Setup Guide

What is the difference between a hub, switch and router?

House in Progress Diary: Preparing the Structured Wiring Home Run
the 5-in-1 network admin's cable

as featured in the premiere edition of Make

The PS2 and USB hardware keylogger page
GRYNX » Projects index
Make LED flood lights.
Make a Joule thief.
Electronique Diffusion
Forum / FRICORDER FreeboxTV/magnétoscope.virtuel
Le Bazar à manatlan

GFreePlayer est un gestionnaire de playlists, ainsi qu'un générateur de playlist compatible avec le Freeplayer de ( C'est une version beta, mais pleinement fonctionnelle, releaser en GPL(v2).

Fricorder (anciennement freecorder) est un programmateur d'enregistrements de flux freebox dans le cadre du multiposte. Il ne fonctionne que sur GNU/linux, et necessite python (, pygtk) , zenity et vlc.
Godwin's law
Cool Tool: Micro-Loans Online – EBN 15:5 – Passive Survivability: A New Design Criterion for Buildings

passive survivability, a new concept ?

Triton Logging Company
Eco Issues – Find a Property
The Truth About … Cob Houses – Find a Property
Self sufficient 'ish', the urban guide to almost self sufficiency. – By Dave and Andy Hamilton
On having layout — the concept of hasLayout in IE/Win
Scoutmaster: Gear
CandlePowerForums – powered by vBulletin
December 01, 2006
The Maker's Bill of Rights (PDF)

Ektopia » Shoe Parking
Habitat '67 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What Happens When Local Industry Crosses Paths with the TSA in Lousiville on Flickr – Photo Sharing!

TSA gets local

Forum ChaleurTerre -> Isolation et économies d'énergie -> Documentations techniques
Forum ChaleurTerre -> Votre installation – Solaire

Les installations d'énergies renouvelables des membres de ChaleurTerre
Le chauffage central
Maison basse energie la linotte – liens
Printing-user-canon Info Page
Ciele : Manuel d’action pour économiser l’énergie (pdf)
Blowerdoor Test, Hessen, Odenwald

Global Rich List
Setup democracy player with (ubuntu) linux
FreeKs : les forums (Powered by Invision Power Board)

Forum d'une association d'utilisateurs de Free TVRemi

Cette application permet de profiter du multiposte offert par Free. Le logiciel, écrit en Java, est portable sur toutes les plateformes qui possèdent un JRE>=1.5. La pause active (time shifting) est entièrement intégré au logiciel !

Forums -> Liste des softs pour le multiposte (maj.26.11.06)

Pour Windows / Linux / Mac OS X. Il faut avoir validé les CGV de Free, ne pas avoir mis de playlist par défaut dans VLC.
La plupart de ces softs exigent que le plug-in ActiveX soit coché lors de l'installa

Forums FreeNews / Tutorial : Enregistrer sur votre disque dur via VLC

Si vous voulez enregistrer le flux HQ de votre freeboxTV directement sur votre PC grace à la fonction multiposte de free, vous pouvez essayer de cette manière

Maison solaire passive – Wikipédia
Bienvenue chez Jean-Marc Jancovici

le seul site cité par Maison Passive Nice que je ne connais pas !

Une maison passive à Nice

Pascal Billery-Schneider

U.S. Green Building Council
accueil photo

IRIS Design » Archive » Web 2.0 style buttons
It heats. It powers. Is it the future of home energy? |
William J. Beaty
Bridging The Digital Divide With Solar Powered 802.11 Free Hotspots Owner's Manifesto :: Voir le sujet – Le fonctionnement du Multiposte.
VideoLAN Streaming Howto
VLC – Guide des aspects client

Freebox – Tangui sur XML

Sans quel sens les prises secteur ?

ADSL chez Free – FAQ officieuse
OpenDNS > Get Started
YouTube Sound Fix (Or alsa-oss Saves The Day) at doug’s blog

This fix made my day.
So you only have to (1) Install the alsa-oss package and (2) edit /etc/firefox/firefoxrc (edit /etc/environment was either (i) useless (ii) not enought, but I did it first…)

instructables : canida
Canoon LBP-1120 on Ubuntu 5.10 How-To « abakus

Forum / [RESOLU] Canon LBP810
Canon LBP-1120 – Ubuntu Forums
Canon LBP 2900 HowTo – Ubuntu Wiki
materiel:imprimante_canon_lbp_1120 – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
Forum / [Resolu]Dapper Canon lbp-1120
How To Become A Hacker

A classical (already!) essay by Eric Raymond.

dissension: How to Configure an $80 File Server in 45 Minutes
Why RAR archives do not belong in torrents – The Pirate Bay

What is DD-WRT? – WRT Wiki
MAKE: Blog: The Open source gift guide – Open source hardware, software and more for the holidays
tales from the crypt( ) » Two weeks worth of Ubuntu

CPU frequency scaling, alsa-oss,…

Ubuntu – Sound lost in YouTube videos – Firefox Help, Tips and Tricks
Free Image Hosting at
PriUPS-getting electricity FROM your hybrid vehicle

instructables : Peripheral Power control with screen saver
Screen saver power switching – Hack A Day
iPhoto 4 or later: Rebuilding the iPhoto Library
AIDG Technology Network
Monkey Bites

People can break news faster than machines

Mis en reseau du MacBook et de Dapper – NervUbuntu
Installation de HomePlayer sous Ubuntu Breezy – NervUbuntu
Freeplayer et GNU/Linux : vlc (Round 2 : compilation Ubuntu Breezy) – Harisson's Home –

Productive Strategies: Free Academic Podcasts
CVS Camcorder based night vision
English Russia

a daily entertaiment blog devoted to the events happening in Russian speaking countries, such as Russia (Russian Federation), Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, etc. Everyday something interesting happens in the countries occupying 1/6 of the populate

New York Architecture Images-

"Believe me," Morris wrote, "if we want art to begin at home, as it must, we must clear our houses of troublesome superfluities that are forever in our way; conventional comforts that are no real comforts, and do but make work for servants and doctors; if

Groupe Uniprotect: Contre-renseignement économique et gestion de risque
Museum of gas masks LCD Hack
Hacked Gadgets » Blog Archive » Speed Stabilizer for Dremel Drill
Treehugger: How to Green Your Heating
|| sahar batsry – product design||

Sorry, Flash!
Check 'UOC', 'Fawcet X+1', 'Chair X+1' & 'Sunshade'.

Locksport International
Calling shotgun – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of faux pas – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Defense Tech: Tomorrow's Insta-Weapons

In the CNC world, proliferation becomes a matter of design, software, and materials, rather than finished systems. What happens when North Korea or Iran starts selling missiles as digital files rather than on ships which can be intercepted? When private d

CJR November/December 2006 – Reporting Iraq
PrintingCupsWebInterface – Community Ubuntu Documentation

Setting Up CUPs Web Interface

Recommendations to (K)Ubuntu Dapper users: How to restore an uncrippled CUPS [2: client side printer browsing] |

the whole argument of Ubuntu packagers why they disable client-side printer browsing in Dapper manifests itself as bogus. (…) they made more modifications which are bad

Batisam – Maisons à ossature
Bâtir en bois (dans la province du Luxembourg)- Maisons en bois – Valbois

version html du livre du même nom

InterMat – Le Bois
Certificat "Bois dans la construction" à l'université catholique de Louvain
Fiches techniques "Applications du bois" du Belgian Woodforum

Le Courrier du Bois

magazine du Belgian Woodforum

Download "Menuiserie Plus"

Belgian magazine

D*I*Y Planner | Paper, productivity & passion
Links to European PassivHaus sites
IG Passivhaus Schweiz :: Mitglieder
IG Passivhaus Österreich

Passive Houses – information in short

compiled by CEPHEUS for Bregenz conference – Home
:: Welcome to PEP Website ::

click on 'National Information'

Plate-forme Maison Passive – > Revue de presse

pdf downloadable press articles (in French) on passive house building

Chinese DADI – ChangChai Diesel Generator Product Review

How Lois Lewis, 72, Built Her Own Home
Home Power Magazine downloadable documents
Image Gallery of low-impact projects in Britain (with text)
SunnyJohn's phototours

Wallets, Strawbale …

Cutler Anderson Architects
The "Trenton" Bath House of Louis Kahn

Architectural Record | Interviews | Jim Cutler
Necktie – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"instructions in the following three links are often confusing and questionably accurate"

instructables : Making Firestarters
instructables : DIY Photobooth
Flickr: Photos from judyofthewoods
MAKE: Blog: Arduino Fever – PDF preview MAKE 07
Serial controlled power outlet – Hack A Day

rs-232 controlled power outlet. What about an USB wake-up ?

Tech News – Network Connectivity Tester
World Championship PunkinChunkin
Map Projections: Polyhedron Maps

Print, cut, fold and glue paper polyhedra to create your own pseudoglobe

Dean's World – Steven Den Beste – Godfather of Bloggers
Newhouse News Service

thoughtful, deeply reported stories about national issues that affect readers

List of Internet phenomena – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hack Attack: Build your own DVR – Lifehacker

The Perfect Setup – Ubuntu 6.10 Server (Edgy Eft) | HowtoForge – Linux Howtos and Tutorials

how to set up a Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) based server that offers all services needed by ISPs and hosters: Apache web server (SSL-capable), Postfix mail server with SMTP-AUTH and TLS, DNS server, FTP server, MySQL server, POP3/IMAP, Quota, Firewall, etc.

Court TV Crime Library : The story of D.B. Cooper

The true story behind one of "Prison break" most sincere-looking characters.

Death of an Innocent | Outside Online

Original Jon Krakauer's 1993 report on McCandless (said to havegenerated more mail than any other article in "Outside" magazine's history)

Google Image Result for

(photo of) bus where Chris McCandless was found dead

DCP: 64 degrees north, 150 degrees west (visit #2) – Pictures

View of the Christopher McCandless bus

The Outside Gear Blog Index Page | Outside Online
Outside magazine Online : Ernest Thompson Seton

founder of the american boy scout movement

Two Little Savages by Ernest Thompson Seton – Project Gutenberg
Welcome to Mr. McGroovy's

Operation Iraqi Freedom documents – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
EuroPhil: La TNT facile sous Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft
John the Ripper: Vérifier la sureté de ses mots de passe – KubuntuBlog
Lumière sur le son ;! – La Voix de Damocles

benchmark des applications concernant les bibliothèques musicales (sous Gnome) :: Voir le sujet – [Tuto – Guide] Firefox 2.0 : présentation, explications…
Family Business – The World's Oldest Family Companies
Optimizing Page Load Time –
Gnash – GNU Project – Free Software Foundation (FSF)

Gnash is a GNU Flash movie player. Till now it has only been possible to play flash movies with proprietary software. While there are a few other free flash players, none supports anything higher than SWF v4 at best. Gnash is based on GameSWF, and support

gNewSense Official Website | Main / gNewSense

A GNU/Linux project, to take all the binary blobs out of a rather popular distribution and make it all free. In doing so we have also produced a set of scripts that allow anyone to create a GNU/Linux Distribution.

Red Rock Energy Heliostats

home of the LED3X

Build a solar iPod charger
Whole Earth Catalog – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"sort of like Google in paperback form" (Steve Jobs, 2005)

AREL – liste des agence regionales de l'energie et de l'environnement

The Seattle Times: Is this terrorism?

Chronological FBI summary of terrorist incidents, 1980-2004

25x'25 – Home
WorldChanging: Tools, Models and Ideas for Building a Bright Green Future
Google Librarian Center – Tools
I want a Firefox Extension to … 200+ common problems solved : eConsultant
Track price changes With RSS Feeds
Dumb Little Man – Tips for Life
The 35 Sexiest Designed Websites you've Forgotten, part 3 –

SuicideGirls > News > Geek > Wil Wheaton's Geek in Review: Five Books Every Geek Should Read
IEEE Spectrum: The Firefox Kid (one page print version)
Technorati: Popular News
Military Charts Movement of Conflict in Iraq Toward Chaos – New York Times
Smashing Magazine » Blog Archive » Cheat Sheet Round-Up: Ajax, CSS, LaTeX, Ruby…

How to Change the World: Book Review: The No Asshole Rule by Robert Sutton
Speed up boot – Ubuntu Document Storage Facility
Je câble chez moi
Freeplayer sous Debian/Ubuntu – Wiki
Forums -> [FAQ] TV Freebox sur le PC
Ubuntu:Chronicles – PyKeylogger
Installing Flash on Ubuntu

Psychocats : Running Sudo Graphically
Wikipedia:Searching – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Metasearch The Blogosphere With Clusty
Autonomous building – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Colour Chart for Telephone Wiring over CAT-5 cables (UK / US)
How to wire Ethernet Cables
NetDay Cable Installation Guide
Ethernet Cable: Color Coding Standard
VIA Arena – How to run and tie off network cable

Category 5 cable – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Comparison of file systems – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Main Page –
Ubuntu Edgy Eft Desktop Installation With Screenshots — Debian Admin
Ubuntu Linux Resources
All About Debian Linux Tutorials
JOTW The Slip Method – Introduction
Firefox Add-ons | Mozilla Corporation

circuitage.jpg (JPEG Image, 800×600 pixels) – Scaled (91%)


Geek to Live: Top Firefox 2 config tweaks – Lifehacker
Home Inspection Nightmares | TOH News | This Old House: Waterfall – This Old House Photo Gallery
The Linux 101 Required Reading List
Vitaly Friedman's Notebook: 25 Best Free Quality Fonts
How-To: Build your own HD projector (Part 1) – Engadget
atelier v.
Fotos from the war in iraq

tutoriels_imprimes:reseau – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone
Projet OpenFreebox
Le site de VieuxGeo

bricoleur de Freebox et prises en "T"

Schneier on Security : Architecture and Security
hack the planet
BoingBoing : iranian censorship

Larry Sanger, Citizendium, and the Problem of Expertise

Corante / Many to many (The world’s first blog media company, Corante is a trusted, unbiased source on technology, science and business that’s authored by highly respected thinkers, commentators and journalists)

Washington Post : The Top Pickers vs. the Pack

Sites Want Users to Buy Into the 'Genius' Factor

Techdirt : It's Not Experts vs. Crowds; It's Picking The Right Tool For The Job : Cartes wifi : Synthèse
Installation d’un dongle Wifi Netgear WG111v2

inDigène créAtions
Reconstructor is a Live CD creator for Ubuntu Linux
NAT – Translation d'adresses, port forwarding et port triggering
Micro Persuasion: How to Get the Most Out of Technorati's RSS Feeds
Uncommon Body
Marc and Angel » Blog Archive » Turn Google into Napster 2000
Top 100 – Project Gutenberg
Social Bookmark Link Creator : WordPress MovableType Blogger : Furl Digg & More

How to filter Gmail image spam – Lifehacker
EncFS – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
GmailFS – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Google Operating System: Hide Spam Counter In Gmail

via Tara

Joel on Software

Of course, when you're looking for points that are within 20 miles of a given longitude and latitude, it's not that big a deal to pretend the Earth is flat and just use the Pythagorean Theorem, but of course, then you have to convert degrees to miles and

Things I Learned the Hard Way

Mrs Z. new site

Visualizing Meaning Project: Cornell :: Rebecca Blood
Street Use: Soviet Improvised Household Articles
HowTo: Read Wikipedia on an iPod « Movin’ to Seattle
Who are China's Top Internet Cops? :: China Digital Times (CDT) 中国数字时代
Boing Boing: Omakase links: dem belly full.
DIY audio interconnects – Hack A Day
Min hjemmeside

removable laptop cooler

Sequential battery charging – Hack A Day
How to Organize Your Home, Kitchen, Closet, Living Room, Mail
How the Army Survives in Extreme Situations – by Dumb Little Man
Decorating your Home – Do's and Dont's – by Dumb Little Man
40+ Ways to Make Money on the Internet – by Dumb Little Man
Howstuffworks "How Lock Picking Works"
The Document Which Was Formerly Called The MIT Guide to Lockpicking – Props: Control props with a motion sensor
Miguel Carrasco's Real World: Watch TV for Free – Part 3
Miguel Carrasco's Real World: Linux Crash Top 10 Images
Scanning the 'waves with your TV card
What's new

Matthias Wandel's wonderful inventions – updated

Freedom from Censorship At Work and School « element14

Fun Applications to Try Out on Ubuntu « element14
How to: Encrypt Bit Torrent Traffic « element14
Main Page – AzureusWiki
Firefox does not have a memory “bug”, but here’s how you improve mem usage « element14

it's not a bug, it's a fixture

Doing Business With DARPA

DARPA conferences

Synapses On Fire
The Forgotten Technology

The guy who claims to move big stones without modern technology

The Edge of I-Hacked » HOW-TO: Adobe Photoshop CS2 on Ubuntu – 10 steps!
Pruned: Advertisement: Crowd Dynamics Ltd.
Pool/Patio/Beach : Sun Bricks :
A $3 Water Purifier That Could Save Lives – New York Times
Keeping it ‘Green’ With Panels and More – New York Times
How to hide files in JPG's
Google Reader Redux []
As the Arabs see the JewsKing Abdullah bin Al-Hussein (1882-1951)

essay by His Majesty King Abdullah bin Al-Hussein (1882-1951), The American Magazine, November, 1947

Hacking Web 2.0 Applications with Firefox
Block Elements – Test for Unicode support in Web browsers
Pruned: Grain Elevators
Google code search (
Mike Kruckenberg: Building an Aux Input Cable for Bose SoundDock
A look at Firefox 2.0 RC2 : Page 2
le blog maisonbois22
Projet MOB : coût – NC

la cabane sous les pins
Construction bois… Construire autrement

La construction de la maison Weberhaus de Eric et Hélène, Zoé et Lucas Monier dans le Pays de Gex [ericM]

Blog construction maison en bois : Matjoh

La construction du chalet finlandais Maanordhonka par de Francis, Sandrine, Johan et Matias, des accros du rondin (2e maison bois masssif) dans les Yvelines

Superpatron – Friends of the Library, for the net: Simple tips for smarter searches: go to the library
Telstar Logistics Employee News: What Is Telstar Logistics?
Telstar Logistics Employee News: Freitag Takes Container Architecture to New Heights

Freitag is a Swiss company that uses recycled truck tarps to create a popular line of messenger bags; the company's brand blends a green sensibility with an ample dose of raw urban grit…

Treehugger: WaterSaver Technologies Aqus Uses Sink Greywater for Toilet

How social media works :: Rebecca Blood

Adding to a link to a former United Airlines employee's outline of the criteria for upgrading customers to First Class, R. Blood talks about social media.

Fun and Easy How to Guide to Binding Your Own Paperback Books At Home…FAST » Achieve IT! – Helping you achieve your goals
JAJAH – web-activated telephony
Repair4MobilePhone: Do-It-Yourself Mobile (Cellular) Phone Repairing, Upgrading and Modding
Forums -> [Tuto] FreeboxTV sur PC avec carte d'acquisition
Forums -> [Dossier] Déroulement d'une inscription

Forums -> [Dossier]Procédure de nettoyage de ligne
Forums -> Tutoriel TCP Optimizer / TZ Connection Booster
Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde » Blog Archive » Free, SIP et Asterisk
A Work In Progress
Note Taking – Symbols and Abbreviations

Get Out of the In Crowd
AntiFiling Tutorial
Small Change Makes Big Difference to Email Prioritization: How to Color-code Your Messages « Email Overloaded
Richard Kuo's Personal Blog : Optimize your life #3 – how to manage e-mail effectively (1/2)
Pizza Recipe Taking Advantage Of Technology – Antenna Concepts and Building a "Coffee Can" Antenna Taking Advantage Of Technology – Beer Can Padlock Shim

The only CSS layout you need(?) | Strictly CSS
Firefox Extension Tutorial — Business Logs
ArsGeek :: Ubuntu Tricks – how to generate a list of installed packages and use it to reinstall packages
ArsGeek :: All you ever wanted to know about apt for Ubuntu/Debian Linux
General Dennis J. Reimer Training and Doctrine Digital Library

all field manuals, in pdf

Eric's projects
Torpark – Secure anonymous web surfer

Run Torpark.exe and it will launch a Tor circuit connection, which creates an encrypted tunnel from your computer indirectly to a Tor exit computer, allowing you to surf the internet anonymously.cSmall, portable, clean, open-source, free of spyware/adware

USAF Cyberspace and Information Operations Study Center
USS Clueless – GSM 3G
Fly Fishing Books, Anderson: "Curtis Creek Manifesto" – MidCurrent
A List Apart: Articles: The ALA Primer: A Guide for New Readers
DSCF0715.JPG on Flickr – Photo Sharing!

Jeffrey "Mr Z" Zeldman goes on holiday (with Mrs, aka Carrie B.), and takes photos of houses. Like me.

Lire Les Infos De La Neufbox Trio3 (C Et D) Sous Xp – Forum JustNeuf – Free Computer Books, Tutorials & Lecture Notes – Unix/Linux | study | nix | commands | lsof
A fundamental way newspaper sites need to change |
Snarkmarket: The Press' New Paradigm Print Page: TIME Magazine — Why The 9/11 Conspiracies Won't Go Away

Getting real about real estate – Aug. 25, 2006
43 Folders Series: Inbox Zero | 43 Folders
The Open Source WRT54G Story
Technophilia: Forget the TV and watch the web – Lifehacker
Cell Phone Hacks – Source for Ringtones Wallpapers, Unlocking and Cell Phone Hacks for Mobile Phones
FavIcon from Pics — how to create a favicon.ico for your website
How to Go from Xbox to Xbox Media Center in 30 minutes – ProductWiki
How-To: Run your own network wiring – Engadget
Laptop Mini Wireless Antenna – Gumph

Hack Attack: Turn your $60 router into a $600 router – Lifehacker
Spark Fun Electronics
C'mon Gmail — Give Me Language Filtering To Stop Spam
Howstuffworks "How BitTorrent Works" – all your docs are belong to us – PHP, Perl, CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, MySQL, Ruby, and more
Mule Lighting – LED Exit Sign, Emergency Lighting manufacturer – photographer education
FreeNAS: The Free NAS Server – FAQs

Hak.5 ~ View topic – USB Switchblade Development
Use Gmail Generate Unlimited E-mail Addresses – Modern Day Alchemist » Blog Archive » GMail Hacks/Tips
Are State Fairs dying? :: Rebecca Blood
Extending the Life Cycle of your Hardware
DOS Internet access options by AccessMasters.Com of Palm Springs
Will Linux run on an old 286? –

Good question. Shrt answer : no. Use Arachne on dos.

QuickView – DOS DivX, AVI, MOV, MPEG, VideoCD, MP3 and more player

Arachne Labs
Arachne GPL 1.90;J1 WWW Browser

open source version of Arachne WWW browser, previously maintained by until around version 1.73, now maintained by Glen McCorckle.

SEOmoz Blog | 5 HTML elements you probably never use (but perhaps should)
Pictures that lie | CNET
Simple living – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Walden – Wikisource

Green building – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bioclimatique – Wikipédia
Portail:Écologie – Wikipédia
Portail:Architecture et Urbanisme – Wikipédia
Table of Contents – Steal This Wiki
Plank Chair
Kevin Kelly — Street Use
The Mad Housers – an Atlanta-based nonprofit group engaged in direct action to shelter the homeless
EcoAvenir – Accueil

MAKE: Blog: HOW TO – Convert vinyl to CD
Multi-Purpose Woodworking Bench
An Island To Oneself – Suvarov, Cook Islands by Tom Neale
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Kyle's Cove: Improving Your Digg Experience
Creating a Theme for PFF 1.3 |
Bienvenue sur l'Observatoire des Métiers de Montagne

Gite,Rando Gite,LA MAISON DU MONTAGNON,Haut Doubs
La Grenotte

gîte d'étape et de séjour – table de montagne à Prémanon (Jura)

Unixdaemon: Delicious Checker

perl script intended to (with the correct credentials) retrieve all of the users links and check them (with HEAD by default to save bandwidth), reporting if they are still accessible, or the error code (and slightly more helpful message) if not.

The Top Wilderness Survival Stories | Outside Online
Chris Millward :: extended bookmarklets direc.tor: Delivering A High-Performance AJAX Web Service Broker :: Johnvey Bookmarklet

The Several Habits of Wildly Successful Users » Slacker Manager
Plugins/Syndication « WordPress Codex

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IMSLP – intesnational music scores library project

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Classical Solo Piano sheet music – Partitions Classiques pour Piano solo


Webpage that shows live news from Digg, Google News, SlashDot, Wired…using Ajax

Diggless RSS Feed « Sitening « Nashville Web Development

A customized RSS feed that allows direct link to the web sites, bypassing digg's pages – an improvement over digg's RSS feed

Complete Digg Tools Collection
3spots: Digg tools by category
Plugins/WordPress Widgets « WordPress Codex
How to use RSS Feeds on your WordPress Site
(official list of) Digg Tools
Lake Peigneur (Wikipedia)

n 1980, an oil company drilled through the bottom of Lake Peigneur and into a salt mine, draining a large portion of the lake into the mine {<a href="">via</a>}

The Jeff Pulver Blog: Jeff's Quick Guide to TV on the Net (TV/IP)

{<a href="">via</a>}

Foxylicious – Firefox and bookmark integration – by Dietrich Ayala

Foxylicious is a Mozilla Firefox extension that syncs your bookmarks into your browser bookmarks. Backing up you don't have to mess with this command-line curl and wget stuff to pull down a backup. You can just bookmark daily blog post fixer plugin

does it works on 2.1 ?

DreamHost Web Hosting
Delicious Daily Posting Formatter plugin

Drunkey Love » Blog Archive

Identify External Links

Tempus Fugit |

Comprehensive Listing of Tools, Plugins and Add-ons A-to-Z by Functions

All 150+ hacks categorized