Crystal Ax

APA/Andreas Blaickner/Institut für Archäologien in Innsbruck
APA/Andreas Blaickner/Institut für Archäologien in Innsbruck

Thomas Bachnetzer from the Institute of Archeology at the University of Innsbruck (…) speaks of a sensational discovery: « The stone ax is probably to date in the end of the Neolithic period, beginning Bronze Age. From this epoch there are scarcely any large rock crystal artefacts, a hatchet is otherwise not known at all ».

Google translation of Beil aus Bergkristall als Sensation, an article in German.
Found in 2012, 70 km West from the Ötzi site. See Old snowshoe.
Currently on display in the exhibition « Bergauf Bergab – 10,000 years of mining in the Eastern Alps » (more) at the Vorarlberg Museum in Bregenz.

via Joe