Daily Links Publié le novembre 25, 2006 par kodiak AIDG Technology Network (tags: green microprojects development Technology via_BoingBoing) iPhoto 4 or later: Rebuilding the iPhoto Library (tags: apple iphoto) Screen saver power switching – Hack A Day (tags: hack diy hardware via_hackaday) instructables : Peripheral Power control with screen saver (tags: hardware instructables) PriUPS-getting electricity FROM your hybrid vehicle (tags: energy power prius ups hacks HowTo survival design via_hackaday) Free Image Hosting at AllYouCanUpload.com (tags: free photo storage upload webhosting lifehacks) Ubuntu – Sound lost in YouTube videos – Firefox Help, Tips and Tricks (tags: firefox tips ubuntu youtube) tales from the crypt( ) » Two weeks worth of Ubuntu CPU frequency scaling, alsa-oss,… (tags: linux tutorials ubuntu) My IP (tags: tools internet maps web2.0 ip via_Digg) Daisy_mp3 (tags: audio mp3 hack HowTo opensource tutorial tutorials DIY via_Make) MAKE: Blog: The Open source gift guide – Open source hardware, software and more for the holidays (tags: diy hacks make) What is DD-WRT? – WRT Wiki (tags: router WiFi hacks linksys linux via_Digg) Why RAR archives do not belong in torrents – The Pirate Bay (tags: bittorrent) dissension: How to Configure an $80 File Server in 45 Minutes (tags: linux server howto tutorial via_Digg) How To Become A Hacker A classical (already!) essay by Eric Raymond. (tags: to-read interesting) Forum Ubuntu-fr.org / [Resolu]Dapper Canon lbp-1120 (tags: ubuntu printer canon) materiel:imprimante_canon_lbp_1120 – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone (tags: ubuntu printer canon) Canon LBP 2900 HowTo – Ubuntu Wiki (tags: canon printer ubuntu) Canon LBP-1120 – Ubuntu Forums (tags: ubuntu printer canon) Forum Ubuntu-fr.org / [RESOLU] Canon LBP810 (tags: ubuntu printer canon) Canoon LBP-1120 on Ubuntu 5.10 How-To « abakus (tags: canon ubuntu printer) instructables : canida (tags: cooking diy food hacks instructables via_Make)