links for 2007-08-26 Publié le août 26, 2007 par kodiak [BoingBoing] Radioactive Boyscout (tags: BoingBoing interesting) Finding JTAG on the iPhone (tags: apple Hacking blog phone) [Elspeth Beard Architects] Munstead Water Tower (tags: architecture interesting) The Water Tower Conversion, Ashford (tags: architecture interesting) Goes Eco (tags: architecture green sustainability ecoconstruction) [materialicious] converted water tower, zecc architecten (tags: architecture interesting) [Live Green Live Smart] The sustainable house diary (tags: architecture construction ecoconstruction blog) Enon Hall the longest Restoration blog known (tags: house restoration blog home interesting) [Apple Inc. co-founder and legendary hacker Steve] Wozniak’s New Goal is Efficient Housing (tags: apple ecology home environment energy construction green sustainability)