links for 2007-12-20 Publié le décembre 20, 2007 par kodiak materiel:wifi:wg111v2 – Documentation Ubuntu Francophone (tags: ubuntu wifi) How Experts Fail: The Patterns and Situations in Which Experts Are Less Intelligent Than Non-Experts (tags: book wiki) oobject » abandoned technology (tags: architecture urbanexploration abandon photo) Traveler IQ Challenge (tags: cool map games travel Google) projecting hundreds of frames of Run Lola Run on the wall at the same time in sequence (tags: cool video) Nothing To Do With Arbroath (tags: blog to-check) David Byrne’s Survival Strategies for Emerging Artists — and Megastars (tags: Article wired to-read interesting Business music) Global Building Systems-Global Peace Containers (tags: architecture container diy recycling) The Great Firewall: China’s Misguided — and Futile — Attempt to Control What Happens Online (tags: Article wired censorship China internet journalism freedom)