- Charles shapiro’s tomshiro and Blog
- way.nu and Blog
- Mark Newhouse, and his Realworldstyle, wher you can read a § tamed by CSS & true CSS 3 columns (many more has been added since)
- kryogenix, who explained how to expand/collapse trees without the hard work (also here) and search word highlighting.
- joe hewitt who wrote about comenting UI
- dylan foley, because of his workshop and his ideas on a cleanURL]
- Gazingus, « Mr Bookmarklet », described his work in the anatomy of a bookmarklet
- Eric Costello’s Glish, full of wisdom about CSS
- Project 7 used to have a great layout model
- Meryl still blogs about CSS.
- One of the oldest CSS resource is BlueRobot (who also discovered theFOUC).
- CSSark had one of the bestCSS FAQ available, and heavily documented about NN 4.xx (yes!) inconsitencies.
- The CSS Pointer Group also listed bugs in NN 4.xx.
- Web Page design for designers published many tutorials, advocating box model]
- This list could not be complete without Owen Brigg‘s TheNoodleIncident, his tutorial on CSS, and his Blog.
- Mark Pilgrim’s (update: his he really going to stop everything ?) Dive into Mark Dive into accessibility, where I selected ideas about font size.
- Kay was a precursor in CSS hacks (who uses the/*/*/ comment today?).
- Brainstorm & Raves was full of good advice, like on em’s.
- WebAIM focused on accessibilty in all aspects, including in forms.
- Marc Howells created an excellent CSS help.
- raibledesigns offered me an idea of Phoenix and
Web building.
- Then came css-discuss archives.
- Dougal Gunter’s GeekRamblings (via Mark Pilgrim’s BlogShares corner).
- Jeessy-net (also via Mark Pilgrim’s BlogShares corner)
- RasterWeb (also via Mark Pilgrim’s BlogShares corner)