CP France est l’importateur des Pelican cases et d’autres marques de valises étanches et de racks aérotranportables.
Hardigg Cases engineers and manufactures rugged, rotationally molded plastic cases for commercial, industrial, and military shipping. The rotomolding process offers impact resistant protection, strength, and watertight packaging.
BlackHawk Products Group, founded by Mike Noell, a former SEAL, builds [tactical] equipment (…) designed for the preservation of life under the worst of extremes. (…) Each stitch that is sewn, each improvement designed, each innovation applied advances the cause of mission completion.
Securiton SA appartient au Groupe Securitas Suisse et (…) étudie, construit et entretient des installations pour les zones de haute sécurité, le commerce, l’industrie, l’administration, de même que les privés et PME – en Suisse et dans le monde entier. Son M3 Sys est un système de protection de zone déployable [.pdf 611Kb]
TEC is a subsidiary of ARMSCOR (of South Africa) wich sells – among other things [.pdf] – containerized conversions.
Frutiger is the world-wide market leader with it’s two main product lines of scrapedozers and wheel washing units MOBY DICK (plus de 20 systèmes Laveurs de Roues, qui sont dérivés de 8 modèles de base).
Katadyn est le leader mondial dans le traitement de l’eau en solutions portables. La société développe, produit et distribue des lignes de produits de très grande qualité utilisés partout où l’accès à une eau potable est difficile. (voyages, trekking, expéditions, opérations humanitaires. Elle est basée à Zürich en Suisse et possède des filiales en Allemagne, en France à Singapour et aux Etats-Unis.
Originator of hands-free hydration, CamelBak builds products to meet the needs of the military, recreation, and industrial safety markets. We focus on technically innovative, high-performance hydration systems that fit your demanding needs.
Source designs and manufactures advanced hydration systems for extraordinary conditions (…) buil[d] around innovation (…) now used by major militaries and police forces worldwide [and] also offer a line of unique outdoor products.
Cochrane Steel Products is an international market leader in the manufacture and supply of high security fencing products Worldwide. Initially Razor Wire constituted the foundation of the business, but within a few years the company became involved in complimentary lines such as: steel bar fencing; mobile barriers; welded razor mesh etc… (nice products…)