links for 2008-05-04 Publié le mai 4, 2008 par kodiak HOWTO anonymize your digital photos (tags: howto privacy photos boingboing security) Young adult sections in bookstore — a parallel universe of little-regarded awesomeness (tags: books scifi boingboing) TechShop is the SF Bay Area’s Only Open-Access Public Workshop (tags: business workshop diy make hacking) Hunt for the kill switch in microchips (tags: technology security military boingboing) Guides (pdf) ADEME habitat (tags: ecologie energie durable environment) The Peasant’s Hydraulic Ram Pump Page (tags: water diy howto) Timbuktuchronicles (tags: entrepreneurship sustainable africa blog) Collaborative Biodiesel Tutorial Website (tags: biodiesel energy diy sustainability) Google Maps – Long Drives (tags: maps interesting google) VW TDI Enthusiast Community (tags: biodiesel vw diesel) Biodiesel: Journey to Forever (tags: biodiesel diy energy) Biodiesel & SVO Forums (tags: biodiesel energy forum)