Browsing Technorati for tag : Passivhaus brought me to Mel Starrs, a (she) Sustainability Consultant, Chartered Building Services Engineer and Bespoke BREEAM Assessor in Leeds, UK. She is also undertaking an Executive MBA which she looks forward to finishing soon Assessor in Leeds, UK, currently undertaking an Executive MBA at Leeds Uni (& Lifehacker reader) and blogs about all that at Elemental (« Communicating sustainable solutions for the built environment »). Exerpts:
- PassivHaus UK. [x]
- top 100 environmentalists of all time (as reviewed by Environment Agency, where Gro Harlem Brundtland is quoted as being the lady who coined the phrase which defines sustainable development: ‘Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’) [x]