
This is posted with *Konkeror* . thanks to « Samuel Willison »:http://simon.incutio.com/archive/2003/10/23/knoppix _[« Jan 04 b-marks »:http://simon.incutio.com/blogmarks/2004/01/]_, I tried running « knoppix 3.3 »:http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/ obtained thru « ikarios »:http://www.soours.com/movabletype/archives/000146.html.
Buttons, drop-down are cute but « soours.com »:http://www.soours.com/ looks weird. Oh, praise for standards (and code accordingly).
I know I have’nt finished the soours redesign. Should have. It is (a little) broken in IE 5.5, my office’s standard (ah, ah), and just learned (sse above) why *coding for Konkeror is important*
In this funny world, some people _actually_ browse on *nix boxes w/konkeror.