
« Textism »:http://www.textism.com/tools/textile/, « a humane web text generator », is written by « Dean Allen »:http://www.textism.com/about/ who lives in the South of France.
His site is as neat as « A dollar short »:http://www.dollarshort.org/ (Sorry, I refer to the oldest version, now offline, but not unrelated to « this one »:http://www.dollarshort.org/archives/week_2002_10_13.php, _Rhumba !_).
He also wrote « Refer »:http://www.textism.com/tools/refer/, « a web application that tracks incoming referrers (visitors who followed a link found elsewhere) to your website » & « Twenty faces »:http://www.textism.com/textfaces/, « a survey of available text typefaces ».
We use « MT-textile »:http://www.bradchoate.com/past/mttextile.php, derived from *Textile* .