Words of wisdom

* « But spending every evening and weekend working alone on programs of ever-increasing complexity is an activity of very dubious value for young people.
Some parents encourage any interest, however obsessive, in computers in the hope that this will pave the way to an exciting and lucrative career for their youngsters. Such a career very rarely materializes. Laboring away in isolation is not the way to develop good programming habits and, significantly, college and university computer courses look with great disfavor upon children who’ve done this. »

From *Learning With Your Home Computer*, by Susan Curran and Ray Curnow, published by Simon & Schuster, 1983 [quoted by « phil ringnalda »:http://philringnalda.com/blog/2003/08/cautionary_tales_from_the_world_of_print.php]
* [in the fourth part – chapters 12-14 : Semantic Web, RDF, and other wackiness (sic) – of *Weaving the Web* by Tim Berners-Lee] « there is also plenty of absurdity, some wandering off into the weeds, and a few (or maybe just one or two) crazy ideas that may just be insane enough to work…. » (« tantek çelik »:http://tantek.com/log/2003/08.html#L20030807t2207)