SquirrelMail comes already installed on « Dixies »:http://dixiesys.com/ ensim servers. But it is a 1.2.5 version, and in order to use « SpamAssasin », you « need to install your own version »:http://forums.dixiesys.com/index.php?showtopic=5886&hl=squirrelmail#. Directions are « here »:http://forums.dixiesys.com/index.php?showtopic=1492&hl=squirrelmail.
« In ensim, webmail.domain.com would take me to squirrelmail » [« x »:http://forums.dixiesys.com/index.php?showtopic=5779&hl=squirrelmail#]
« IMAP mail transfer, moving email between IMAP servers »:http://forums.dixiesys.com/index.php?showtopic=5736
« The webmail module for php-nuke is not allowed to be run on our servers, this module is creating a huge problem with SPAM and will no longer be allowed. If we find it we WILL delete it without ANY warning, if we find it a SECOND time, we will suspend your site until you acknowledge that you WILL NOT run this module. Additionally, formmail.php and formmail.cgi for feedback scripts, etc IS NO LONGER ALLOWED. » [refer to « formmail troll »:http://forums.dixiesys.com/index.php?showtopic=5629 thread]