«ToC» v2.0

* « Hacks, hacks, hacks… »:http://holovaty.com/blog/archive/2003/06/23/0212#comments (by « Adrian Holovaty »:http://holovaty.com/) rises some intellectual issues on security: « why give yourself a headache trying to tighten security when 99% of the public will not go through the hassle of bypassing the minimum security in place ».
* « Craig Saila »:http://www.saila.com/columns/lcky/ points out that GIF aptents runs out: « The U.S. LZW patent expires June 20, 2003, the counterpart Canadian patent expires July 7, 2004, the counterpart patents in the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy expire June 18, 2004, and the Japanese counterpart patents expire June 20, 2004. ».
Also « Online, I hang out with fairly well-educated groups of Web designers. As a result, it’s easy to forget how much ugly mark-up is out there (…) Next time you have a few minutes to spare, run your sites—including those you’re working on—through an HTML validatior (sic). »(« ::: »:http://www.saila.com/columns/rants/020610.shtml)
* « litterarymoose.info »:http://www.literarymoose.info/index.html : « CSS Destroy »:http://www.literarymoose.info/=/css.html
* « Marek »:http://www.sovavsiti.cz/css/index.html (« Jeffreyem Zeldmanem »)
* « Jack Letourneau »:http://eigengrau.com/about.html (of « CSS-tabs »:http://eigengrau.com/webstuff/tabmenu.html fame) writes on « EMACS & such »:http://eigengrau.com/blog/archives/000059.html in his « Swimming in the Afternoon »:http://eigengrau.com/blog/ blog.
* « Archipelago »:http://archipelago.phrasewise.com/ (thru « this post »:http://archipelago.phrasewise.com/2002/12/30#When:5:01:00PM)
* « Maximum Aardvark »:http://www.maximumaardvark.com/ wants to « read Clancy’s RR »:http://www.maximumaardvark.com/archives/2003/06/27.html#going_down_the_shore.

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