Pre-Wordpress era CSS techniques papers were lying around in my office. Turned out they were printouts of old (?!) webpages dating back to when I had more easily access to a printer than to Internet. I shredded them yesterday, but here’s the list:
- Fast Rollovers Without Preload
- /* Position Is Everything */ (Modern browser bugs explained in detail) : IE5.5/win phantom box bug
- Tantek : Pandora’s Box (Model) of CSS Hacks And Other Good Intentions
- TagSoup : Fixed Positioning for Windows Internet Explorer
- CSS-discuss Wiki : Box Model Hack
- CSS Hub : Alternate Box Model Hacks
- Douglas Bowman’s Stopdesign : Background-Image to Replace Text (now considered obsolete F.I.R. technique)
- Eric Meyer : Minimal Markup, Surprising Style, Style With Substance
The funniest part was that today, all those pages are still on-line.