Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition an American patriotic song written by Frank Loesser and published as sheet music in 1942 by Famous Music Corp. The song was a response to the attack on Pearl Harbor that marked United States involvement in World War II.
The song describes a chaplain (« sky pilot ») being with some fighting men who are under attack from an enemy. He is asked to say a prayer for the men who were engaged in firing at the oncoming planes. The chaplain puts down his Bible, mans one of the ship’s gun turrets and begins firing back, saying, « Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition ».


Un curieux bricoleur que Fabrice Bellard. Il a cree FFmpeg (…a crazy complex tool. It was written by a guy who is just frighteningly smart. It’s hard to use, and most of the flags are configuration options for the codec being used. No one really knows how to use it. I’ve spent a lot of time getting it to work. People trade magic incantations for it over forum posts. If you care about quality, you should be using a preset. [x]), et bien d’autres choses encore…

nytimes timelapse

12,000 screenshots of the front page of the (author caveat: unfortunately, you can only watch the whole 7 minutes if you stick to 480p).

Working on this video was fascinating because the past year was filled with dramatic events (from the Chilean miners [0:39] to the Arab Spring [3:38] and the Japanse Tsunami [4:54]) that I got to watch unfold time and time again. Watch out for them in the video; I took special care to slow down certain time periods.

Author is Phillip Mendonça-Vieira (blog). Yes, that guy who wrote ReadLess. Better explained by himself, in a TED-like video:

thesis from Phill MV on Vimeo.

He also wrote a Timelipse video HOWTO.
via Kottke

Ciment bio

Entendu sur bfm business: Philippe Pichat, inventeur (« avec mes amis », dit-il) de la fabrication du béton « vert » à partir de la soude.

Ce procédé s’inspirerait des ciments romains (mais connaissaient-ils la soude?), et offre l’avantage d’être très faiblement consommateur d’énergie et d’une grande simplicité de mise en œuvre. Pichat a brevete de nombreux trucs, dont le beton a la soude (« meme en Chine ») [wikipatents, google patents].