* « mt-blacklist will allow you to mass delete comments easily. » [« charle97 »:http://charles.gagalac.us/ @ « MT-Forum »:http://www.movabletype.org/support/index.php?s=8f6ef7678abb12cd39efbe7891876c75&act=Post&CODE=06&f=10&t=37764&p=168493]
* « mass deletion is not so easy, you can try mt-blacklist if they have a lot in common. Also, there is a great plugin that allows you to delete straight from the weblog when viewing, its called AdminLink. » [« LisaJill »:http://www.lisajill.net/ @ « MT-Forum »:http://www.movabletype.org/support/index.php?s=8f6ef7678abb12cd39efbe7891876c75&act=Post&CODE=06&f=10&t=36919&p=164876]
* « MT-blacklist »:http://www.jayallen.org/projects/mt-blacklist/
*UPDATE* same day 13:15 : _It works !_
*UPDATE* 2003-04-03 07:05 : _Works real good!_ but « MT-blacklist will stop as of MT 3.0 release »:http://www.jayallen.org/comment_spam/2004/03/movable_type_30_and_mtblacklist
* « Movable Type: Easier edit/removal of new comments »:http://www.mentalized.net/journal/2003/09/09/movable_type_easier_editremoval_of_new_comments/