Cody J. Crone, a.k.a. « Wranglerstar » (old FB – previous blog) is a modern homesteader and Youtube producer, from somewhere in North-West USA. One of those hard-working, God-fearing Americans who don’t rely on the State to protect their loved ones. A guy who would get a Hitachi EX 120 for his birthday. And before you ask, yes, he carries a weapon at all times. I find him (and his small familly of Ms. Wranglersar & Jack) far less obsessed with safety devices (« the Nanny State ») and hard-core survivalism than many. An he’s the only on I know to make AR-15 accessories out of second-hand car parts. Back in 2011 he was building a forest retreat for which he built a timber frame cabin out of treesharvested on his own land, for which he built saw ponies. Cabin got stolen (!), and Cody but seems to have backed up (or became more discreete) from that project. He claims loud not to be an expert, and to re-discover ‘old ways’. Not everybody agrees with his ways but his video are motivational.
Cody has a hands-on approach to foresting, resilience, farmtips, ram pump, beehive, gardening,… And tools. He occasionally makes his own:
Check his other own-made tools: a rake (1, 2) and a bark spud (1, 2). « Is it perfect? No. But neither am I, so we make a good pair ». This, is modern homesteading. « Righty tighty lefty loose »! [x] « There is no such thing as a cheap bulldozer » [x]