Projection of Muslim Population in Europe

…a “high” migration scenario projects [a] record flow of refugees into Europe between 2014 and 2016. (…) In this scenario, Muslims could make up 14% of Europe’s population by 2050 – nearly triple the current share, but still considerably smaller than the populations of both Christians and people with no religion in Europe.
The refugee flows of the last few years, (…) are extremely high compared with the historical average in recent decades, and already have begun to decline as the European Union and many of its member states have made policy changes aimed at limiting refugee flow.
Predicting future migration levels is impossible. (…) if regular migration continues at recent levels, and some asylum seekers also continue to arrive and receive refugee status – but not as many as during the historically exceptional surge of refugees from 2014 to 2016 – then the share of Muslims in Europe’s population as of 2050 would be expected to be somewhere between 11.2% and 14%.

2050 - High Migration Scenario

While Europe’s Muslim population is expected to grow in all three scenarios (…) Europe’s non-Muslims, on the other hand, are projected to decline in total.

Between mid-2010 and mid-2016, the number of Muslims in Europe grew considerably through natural increase alone:

Three scenarios illustrate what the Muslim population could look like in Europe in 2050 (Methodology). Résumé en langue française ici, texte intégral en anglais .

Night Train no more

«Cross bitume», vous connaissez?

des forces de l’ordre complètement dépassées, spectateurs qui se contentent de rappels à la loi et qui ont surtout pour consigne de ne pas déclencher de poursuite pour éviter un drame éventuel…

Personne ne se demande vraiment d’où viennent ces motos et ces quads bardés de stickers. Surtout pas les autorités, plus zélées lorsqu’il s’agit de mettre à l’amende un deux roues et son conducteur bien solvable qui aurait emprunté une voie de bus sur 20 mètres.

Moto Verte

Via Google (!)

Just how predictable is human taste, anyway?

From The New York Times : If You Liked This, Sure to Love That – Winning the Netflix Prize

…shopping over the Web is not a social experience; there are no clever clerks to ask for advice. What’s more, because they have no real space constraints, online stores like Amazon or iTunes can stock millions of titles, making a stack search essentially impossible. This creates the classic problem of choice: how do you decide among an effectively infinite number of options?

…even though Net­flix has a good deal of demographic information about its users, the company does not currently use it much to generate movie recommendations; merely knowing who people are, paradoxically, isn’t very predictive of their movie tastes.

The key feature here is the date: 2008. The Netflix contest folded in 2009.
(via Kottke, again)