- Slashdot
- Wired
- Boing Boing (who is Cory Doctorow ?)
Archives mensuelles : octobre 2004
search Google
Google Desktop Search on Linux ?
- TechIMO « Tech « In My Opinion »: The PC Hardware enthusiast community where your opinion counts »
- Nikush « In the subject of computing, we have achieved a GCSE in IT at the age of 9, and became Microsoft Certified Professionals at the age of 12. »
- Jon Udell (on InfoWorld) « the first version of Google Desktop Search can troll visited web pages, but only those sitting in the IE cache. Those of us using Firefox or other browsers are out of luck »
Climb Mount Niitaka
Now running Gemini index.php
with Fujiyama wp-layout.css
. Thanks Root!
from a blogger @ « Everything Hurts »
8 steps to better Windows security
- Run Windows Update regularly.
- Install ZoneAlarm (Firewall)
- Buy and install NOD32 (Anti-Virus)
- Install WinPatrol (Anti-Hijack)
- Buy and install AdMuncher (Ad and Popup Blocker)
- Install and run AdAware (Anti-Spyware)
- Replace Internet Explorer and Outlook Express with Firefox & Thunderbird
- Disable Autorun.
hardware hackers
- The WSJ article ( /.’ed; see more stories on Hardware Hacking , Technology, Hardware, or browse Index)
- Popular Science‘s How2.0
- The poor man’s WiFi, using the antenna featured in the above WSJ article (via) Hack a.d.‘ed,)
- reseaucitoyen est un bon point d’accès
- WLan FR & Wifi Montauban
- Build A Tin Can Waveguide WiFi Antenna
- Phillip Torrone’s flashenabled
- Engadget (via)
- David Merrill’ list
- Make, Make blog (edited by Mark Frauenfelder)
- Rob Flickenger (weblogs) More on O’Reilly’s Weblogs by Topic
- Browsing back to Matthias Wandel’s Home page & « Chainsaw Mill » Eddie (visited in 2002, never bookmarked and lost since)
- Hack-a-day
- Make Something
- ReadyMade (via)
- Lawrence Henry Berg
[edited many times – last edited 25 Apr 05]
F-Fox extensions
- MakeLink (Thru | v2.0 MozillaZine thread) downloaded, installed, tested, happy !
- Need to keep this explaination by rbf (in the TBP thread) in store, could be useful one day…
I’ve solved some problems the « not necessarily best method » way. Normally, when you uninstall an extension, only the .rdf’s pointing to the directory are removed, but the extension still exists. Sometimes items don’t uninstall or disable at all. When that happens, the only way to clean up a profile is:
- make a zip backup of your entire profile in case the next steps really hose it up. I zip up my program directory too. You have to do this while the browser is shut down or you will get zip errors on files in use.
- use file-explorer to go to the top of the profile tree, and search for « extension name » in the text search entryfield. This should display any .rdf files pointing to the extension.
- edit those files and remove the instances of the extension name CLEANLY… get the
so you dont make xml errors..... or - remove the jar directory.
- restart FF.
This doesn’t work for the Tinderbox status icon. I have to leave the directory, else FF never displays. It would be nicer if the extension directories were not the classId, so it is easier to find particular extension dirs. Clav names his with a simply « cards », or « goup » and they are easy to locate.
- Build Your Own (Rated: should be good, lists Ben Goodger!)
This is not a tutorial on writing Firefox extensions because there are already good ones out there on the web (see below). Here I give references to full tutorials, and then provide my own tips about tools and publishing that are not covered in the tutorials.
T-Bird extensions
List computed after browsing SBoulema’s « extension mirror »:http://www.extensionsmirror.nl/index.php?showforum=3:
- Timestamp 0.13
« inserts the current date/time into a message with just one keypress »
- Title Bar Fixer 0.4.3
« You can: change the order of name, folder, subject; whether to include any of those; whether to include a ‘new messages’ indicator (and how many new messages you have) & whether to include the account you are presently on (or email address currently active) »
- Purge 1.0.3
« [You] get a purge button on your toolbar [wich] acts the same as the « Compact This Folder » folder context menu option; it removes messages marked as deleted from the « current » folder. »
- Buttons! 0.4.9
« Adds buttons to the Mozilla Thunderbird windows »
- Get All Messages 0.0.1
Returns the drop down on Get Msg button
– Check also Get All Mail Button 0.0.4 [Update 15 OCT 04: not needed anymore with TB 0.8]
- ConfigDate 0.2.0
[Allows you to change the d]isplay[ of] the date in ‘Date’ column in the threadpane [and] display the original date string instead of the formated date in message headers
- Magicslr 0.8.0
Adds a button « Send later » to the compose window
- Delete Junk Context Menu 0.3.2
Adds a menu item to delete mail marked as junk from the folder that you right click on
- Easy Get Mail 0.2.1
[A]dds [‘]get all messages[‘] capability to Thunderbird’s « Get new messages » button by making it context-sensitive
- Quote Colors 0.2
[A]dds an user interface for configuring text and background colors for different quote levels when displaying messages
- View Headers Toggle Button 1.2
Adds a toolbar button that allows the easy toggling of vewing all headers
- QuickReply 0.5.5
{A]dds a small edit box and a button below the email extended header on the main mail screen. If you type some text and then click the button, a reply is sent to the writer of the currently selected email with the typed text in the body
- Attachment Tools 0.4.8
Delete attachment contents, (…) Zap attachments, leaving NO TRACE of the attachment, (…) Import an eml attachment into the current folder, (…) Import saved eml files off your hard drive
- ForumZilla 0.5.2
for reading RSS feeds
- Open Long URLs 0.1.1
Payphone Project: Pay Phone & Payphones from around the world
On « Atelier.fr, Blogues & sites – Mode & Usages »:http://www.atelier.fr/article.php?catid=9 (« via »:http://www.radiobfm.com/)
* Payphone Project: Pay Phone & Payphones from around the world (« via »:http://www.atelier.fr/article.php?catid=9&artid=27553)
* « Publicité locale : de la World Wide Company au plombier sur le web »:http://www.atelier.fr/article.php?catid=9&artid=26871
* Télécharger vite à bas débit : BitTorrent, la nouvelle vague du Peer to Peer ?
Blog List
Shamelessly lifted from Marc Ghosh (I found the « view selection source » feature on Firefox 1.0!). 75% are known & apreciated. The remaining will be explored :
- // hicksdesign [OK]
- Photo Matt [OK]
- Burningbird [OK]
- alexking.org Checked: WP contributing developper, created « tasks »:http://www.alexking.org/software/tasks/ & other software
- phil ringnalda dot com [OK]
- Scobleizer Microsoft Geek Blogger Checked: Zeldman gets linked to less lately, why?
- Digital Web Magazine [OK], published by Nick Finck
- Climb to the Stars [OK !]
- meyerweb.com [OK]
- Wes Felter’s Hack the Planet Weblog checked: interesting source of inspiration on Open Source, DRM, uzw…
- Dave Winer’s Scripting News [OK]
- idly.org
- Cowpimp Productions
- asterisk*
- nuclear moose candy [OK]
- Anne Vankesteren’s Weblog about Markup & »; Style [OK]
- The LambCutlet Disorganisation
- little. yellow. different. [OK]
- Joseph Scott
- Chocolate and Vodka Main Page
- Chronicology – The life and times of Brian Garside
- Mike Davidson — Interactive Design, Print Design, Brand Consulting
- Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report [OK]
- Olivier Travers – internet marketing business models online project management
- dive into mark [OK]
- Pax Nortona {no go, even if self-labelled libertarian}
- bestkungfu weblog
- Learning The Lessons of Nixon
- Davezilla {no go}
- netdiver.net –> a new media design portal and digital culture magazine -> feed your eyes!
- Andrew Grumet’s Weblog
- Adam Curry’s Weblog
- thought anomalies.
- Curiosity is bliss
- danbri.org
- doron’s blaahg
- Kitten’s Project Blog
- An Architect’s View
- http://bluedragon.blog-city.com/bluedragon.blog-city.com
- Tim Buntel’s Long Overdue and Reluctantly Agreed-to Blackstone Blog
- Om Malik on Broadband
- business2blog
- Jonathan Schwartz’s Weblog
- Raymond Camden’s Blog
- The Jeff Pulver Blog
- Coffee2Code – Caffiene coder
Added some of my own:
- Aaron Shwartz goes « Stanford »:http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/001418
WP Troubleshooting
* Q: « Can I make the archive show the amount of posts in that month? » A: « I suggest you first read the wiki » (by « chiensavant »:http://www.romain.info/)
* Q&A: « How I solve login problems after installation with version 1.2 ?
* « Q »:http://faq.wordpress.net/view.php?p=53 « Where can I find a tool to encode html entities and tags so that I can display code on my weblog? » « A »:http://faq.wordpress.net/view.php?p=53: « Syntax Highlighting « :http://scott.yang.id.au/2004/05/syntax-hilight-enscript/ or « Code Filter »:http://www.asymptomatic.net/wp-hacks (part of « Owen »:http://www.asymptomatic.net/’s WordPress Hacks, w/ plenty more hidden in the source)
* Q: « How to display the navigation links ? »
* How do I do a « dropcaps » on the first letter of a post?
* « If you use relative uri’s, then any archived post will not display the image. It may, on the index page, but may not on the individual entry page or other pages »
* How to generate links to the thumbnail of an uploaded picture?
* Comment flood prevention hack (original here)
* a Mozilla bug that forces the page to jump to the beginning of a textarea when a tag is inserted
* The WordPress Tagging Series: Volume One (« via »:http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/category/wordpress-hack/)
* Code viewer, a plugin based on Simon Willison’s tinkering with CSS Numbered Code (« via »:http://www.scriptygoddess.com/archives/category/wordpress/wordpress-bookmarks-to-plugins/)
* Referrer WordPress Plugin by the autor of Sailing the web à la voile