« Simon »:http://simon.incutio.com/ « redesigned »:http://simon.incutio.com/archive/2003/11/25/collaborativeRedesign while I was asleep (time zones, you know). He used « edit styles »:http://www.squarefree.com/bookmarklets/webdevel.html#edit_styles.
Archives mensuelles : novembre 2003
Text size
ancient readings, refound with University of Minesota Duluth’s « Web Design References »:http://www.d.umn.edu/itss/support/Training/Online/webdesign/css.html’s help {« via »:http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=FontSize}:
* « Owen »:http://www.thenoodleincident.com/ says: « … you can make a nice ems stylesheet with P text at 1.0 em, and then downsize the whole thing by selecting size in BODY with %, like 76%. It’s simple, easy to change, and works for everything. Score 1 for late nights and coffee. » [« x »:http://www.thenoodleincident.com/tutorials/typography/index.html]
BTW, Owen’s CSS help page is « there »:http://www.thenoodleincident.com/tutorials/css/index.html#text
* « Mark »:http://diveintoaccessibility.org/ says:
« …
1. Netscape 4 displays p tags at 12px, regardless of user setting.
2. Internet Explorer 5 for Windows displays p tags at « x-small », which works out to be 12px at the default setting, but would scale larger if the user set their « Text Size » setting larger in the View menu.
3. Internet Explorer 6 for Windows displays p tags at « small », because of the « font-size: small » rule in the « body p » selector. This works out to 12px at the default setting, but would scale larger if the user set their « Text Size » setting larger.
4. Internet Explorer 5 for Mac, Opera, Netscape 6, Mozilla, and (hopefully) all future browsers will display p tags at « small », because of the « font-size: small » rule in the « html>body p » selector. This works out to 12px at the default setting, but would scale larger if the user used the « Text Zoom » feature. » [« x »:http://diveintoaccessibility.org/examples/fontsize.html]
clean, wash, store
« stephanie »:http://www.climbtothestars.org/ is back at « her very best »:http://www.climbtothestars.org/archive/2003/november/#106958275640070024 {« via »:http://www.mark.ac/journal/}
Score under
The « underscore hack »:http://www.pixy.cz/blogg/clanky/cssunderscorehack/ (« via « :http://simon.incutio.com/archive/2003/11/23/underscore). Neat ?
IE 6
* IE 6 is « widely used »:http://diveintomark.org/about/stats/bybrowserdetail.html
* « IE6 is not one browser. It’s a collection of hundreds of browsers, with various languages, patch levels, ISP customisations, extensions and options. Each one has it’s own bugs, and a site that works perfectly in one is not always going to work in them all, especially if you’re playing clever tricks with the brower support for obscure aspects of CSS and Javascript. » (« paranoidfish »:http://www.paranoidfish.org/notes/2003/11/11/2137)
* « énergie plus »:http://www.energie-plus.com/
* « bati-actu »:http://www.batiactu.com/
* « domoclick »:http://www.domoclick.com/index.asp (« actualités »:http://www.domoclick.com/actualites/depeche.asp)
* « Interbat »:http://interbat.cstb.fr/default.asp
Spam in comments
# do as « -lc- » says (« 1 »:http://www.movabletype.org/support/index.php?s=456e694d6f5e17ab0b5cd3a3f4dda6ca&act=Post&CODE=06&f=10&t=28706&p=130703, « 2 »:http://www.movabletype.org/support/index.php?s=456e694d6f5e17ab0b5cd3a3f4dda6ca&act=Post&CODE=06&f=10&t=28706&p=130704, « 3 »:http://www.movabletype.org/support/index.php?s=456e694d6f5e17ab0b5cd3a3f4dda6ca&act=Post&CODE=06&f=10&t=28706&p=130708 & « 4 »:http://www.movabletype.org/support/index.php?s=456e694d6f5e17ab0b5cd3a3f4dda6ca&act=Post&CODE=06&f=10&t=28706&p=130712)
# check « Jay Allen »:http://www.jayallen.org/comment_spam/’s « MT/BlackList Comment spam clearinghouse »:http://www.jayallen.org/comment_spam/2003/11/mtblacklistcomment_spam_clearinghouse
# read Rob Novak’s (of « Life, the Universe & Me »:http://rob.rnovak.net/content/) « Set up a spider trap »:http://rob.rnovak.net/content/archives/Individual/000097.php {« ← »:http://www.movabletype.org/support/index.php?s=456e694d6f5e17ab0b5cd3a3f4dda6ca&act=Post&CODE=06&f=10&t=29310&p=132843} (Rob is « definitively not one of them »:http://rob.rnovak.net/content/archives/Individual/000107.php, he « walks in the woods »:http://rob.rnovak.net/content/archives/Individual/000109.php and reads « Samizdata »:http://www.samizdata.net/, an anti-idiotarian for sure!)
# « MTCloseComments »:http://thought-mesh.net/MTCloseComments.html {« ← »:http://www.movabletype.org/support/index.php?s=456e694d6f5e17ab0b5cd3a3f4dda6ca&act=Post&CODE=06&f=10&t=29672&p=134806} closes « old » comments