Jason Hunter: « [I]n 2002 I bought a document scanner, and it’s forever changed the way I manage paper assets. Every tax deductible receipt, every contract I’ve signed, every loan agreement, and basically every important document in my life has been scanned and stored as a multi-page TIFF file under my Perforce repository. A digital library of scanned documents makes everything immediately available, even when I’m on the road, with no cabinet required–all for the price of maybe 15 minutes a week scanning. I put documents to scan on top of the scanner itself and work through them when it’s late, I don’t feel like working, and I don’t feel like vegging. It’s fun the same way ripping CDs is fun: a mindless accomplishment. After scanning, the documents get piled unceremoniously into an 8.5"x11" box (just like before but this time without any guilt!). Each box represents one calendar year. I find the 10 ream printer paper boxes work marvelously. The papers need no extra organization in the real world because they’re organized online. I keep the paper copies in case of audit, at which point I’ll have the motivation to pore through the stack looking for the physical document that matches the digital file. » [x]
Archives mensuelles : décembre 2006
Daher est une société multiforme qui s’occupe (aussi) de projection de forces sur les théatres d’opération, approvisionnement des forces en opération pour leur maintien en conditions opérationnelles, et retrait de forces en fin de mission (Recrutement)
Daily Links
The Combined Operations Command made a huge contribution to the outcome of WW2 by planning, equipping and training for offensive amphibious operations Between the evacuation at Dunkirk in June 1940 and the D-Day invasion of June 1944.
The Command dre
This instructable shows how to wire up one or more LED’s in a in a basic and clear way. Never done any work before with LED’s and don’t know how to use them? Its ok, neither have I.
Association qui a pour objet de créer sur Internet une communauté regroupant les amateurs de pèlerinage et les différents intervenants de la route de Compostelle,
avant, pendant et après le pèlerinage, et d ’apporter une assistance et des service -
Transport de bagages et de personnes
Daily Links
SofaTube is a specially designed web application that lets you browse and watch videos from YouTube and Revver in your living room.
TechSoup provides a range of technology services for nonprofits, including news and articles, discussion forums, and discounted and donated technology products.
Green (Christian) Science
christian science monitor : It heats. It powers. Is it the future of home energy? (introducing « micro-CHP »).
Bel éolien
Entendu sur BFM « Pour ou compte les énergies éoliennes ») juste maintenant: « il y a en France 30.00 châteaux d’eau, plus de 100.000 pilônes de ligne électrique à haute tension, alors 10.000 éoliennes, si en plus elles sont récentes donc belles [la beauté des châteaux d’eau des années 60 et celle des pîlones THT…], alors ne parlons pas de défigurer le paysage »
Daily Links
Nice Kit
Another nice kit
organizational solution using unique binding system; allowing its users to replace, refill, interchange and rearrange their important information without damaging the integrity of the paper and without the trouble of having to take out other pages in the
PDFCrack is a GNU/Linux (other POSIX-compatible systems should work too) tool for recovering passwords and content from PDF-files. It is small, command line driven without external dependencies. The application is Open Source (GPL). If you want to recover
Open in with xpdf and then print it
Daily Links
Wayback archive of Mana « six apart » Trott’s blog, in its post-9/11 clothing. For historical purposes only (was it only 5 years ago ?)
L’accessibilité des bâtiments d’habitation et des logements aux personnes handicapées.
Websites that offer quality content on Green Building, selected by the staff of ‘Building for a Future’ magazine.
WorldChanging.com works from a simple premise: that the tools, models and ideas for building a better future lie all around us. Direct link to review of the Kill-a-Watt, featured in the WSJ, and subsequently famous.
Acobuild is an annual fair show in London, UK. Next event: 27/02/07 – 01/03/07
Says it all. Complete list of all feeds, with direct-link alternate (bypasses one-click-link feature bringing you to Digg site first).
Lives up to his name.
Looks like what I was looking for
could be a link farm
Daily Links
D*I*Y Planner has a lot of ressources (including kits, of course) but this is really the page to wander into, Alice.
A great bookmark (physical, not cybernetic)
New Digg feathure allows to dig podcasts
add to links
beware linked to apocalyptic sect
superbes fenêtres double et triple vitrage bois
Campagne canadienne de sensibilisation sur le chauffage au bois résidentiel