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Archives mensuelles : juillet 2007
links for 2007-07-28
links for 2007-07-27
Marc Chartier quitte « sur la route des bâtisseurs » pour un nouveau Blog.
links for 2007-07-26
a Recycled Steel Shipping Container based building that also employs a combination of conventional stick frame construction and prefabricated assemblies
Stephen Biddle of the Council on Foreign Relations on the US embassy: « If the government of Iraq collapses and becomes transparently just one party in a civil war, you’ve got Ft. Apache in the middle of Indian country, but the Indians have mortars now. »
Homepage of John Locker, freelance communications consultant.
Les meilleures vis à bois
Acces a la propriété ders faibles revenus par l’autoconstruction bois.. L’association de charles Nicol.
L’inventeur de Wenus, Ariane et d’autres systèmes poutres en bois…
Portail de la maison bois
links for 2007-07-25
links for 2007-07-24
Her Jewish State
a July 8, 2007 NYT article by Roger Cohen about Tzipi Livni, Israeli foreign minister, first read in the IHT. contains some good incerpts on Israel/Palestine politics.
« There were three ideological goals (…): Greater Israel, a Jewish state and democracy, says Arye Naor, (…) you could have any two of them, but adding a third condemned the enterprise. »
« One odd thing about the Middle Eastern impasse is that a clear majority of people on both sides agree more or less on the outcome: two states, Israel and Palestine, divided along the 1967 borders adjusted to conform with agreed territorial swaps; an inventive deal on Jerusalem allowing both sides their measure of the sacred; massive compensation for Palestinian refugees not wishing to return to nascent Palestine; and perhaps a stabilizing role for a third-party force »
[edit 0707241130] The NYT article is longer than the IHT one. However, it is only the parts outlining the character of Ms Livni who have been edited. The arguments around the Palestine/Israel standoff (in the light of the recent Hamas coup in Gaza strip) are valid in both editions. I wonder why IHT states premium content for this article freely available on NYT’s ? (NYT is the parent company for IHT, which is targeted at expats and edited in Paris, France)
[edit 0707241546] The IHT article is free to read online, and is not premium content. Just a bit difficult to find (a hiccup btw NYT and IHT databases…)
[edit 0707241609] Guardian Dilip Hiro also noted Arye Naor’s comment (reproduced above)
links for 2007-07-23
links for 2007-07-22
Who will write a linux version ?