Si vous voulez enregistrer le flux HQ de votre freeboxTV directement sur votre PC grace à la fonction multiposte de free, vous pouvez essayer de cette manière
Pour Windows / Linux / Mac OS X. Il faut avoir validé les CGV de Free, ne pas avoir mis de playlist par défaut dans VLC.
La plupart de ces softs exigent que le plug-in ActiveX soit coché lors de l’installa -
Cette application permet de profiter du multiposte offert par Free. Le logiciel, écrit en Java, est portable sur toutes les plateformes qui possèdent un JRE>=1.5. La pause active (time shifting) est entièrement intégré au logiciel !
Forum d’une association d’utilisateurs de Free
Archives mensuelles : novembre 2006
Daily Links
Sans quel sens les prises secteur ?
le seul site cité par Maison Passive Nice que je ne connais pas !
Daily Links
This fix made my day.
So you only have to (1) Install the alsa-oss package and (2) edit /etc/firefox/firefoxrc (edit /etc/environment was either (i) useless (ii) not enought, but I did it first…)
Daily Links
CPU frequency scaling, alsa-oss,…
A classical (already!) essay by Eric Raymond.
Daily Links
People can break news faster than machines
Daily Links
Sorry, Flash!
Check ‘UOC’, ‘Fawcet X+1’, ‘Chair X+1’ & ‘Sunshade’. -
« Believe me, » Morris wrote, « if we want art to begin at home, as it must, we must clear our houses of troublesome superfluities that are forever in our way; conventional comforts that are no real comforts, and do but make work for servants and doctors; if
a daily entertaiment blog devoted to the events happening in Russian speaking countries, such as Russia (Russian Federation), Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, etc. Everyday something interesting happens in the countries occupying 1/6 of the populate
Daily Links
In the CNC world, proliferation becomes a matter of design, software, and materials, rather than finished systems. What happens when North Korea or Iran starts selling missiles as digital files rather than on ships which can be intercepted? When private d
Daily Links
the whole argument of Ubuntu packagers why they disable client-side printer browsing in Dapper manifests itself as bogus. (…) they made more modifications which are bad
Setting Up CUPs Web Interface
Daily Links
Belgian magazine
magazine du Belgian Woodforum
version html du livre du même nom
Daily Links
pdf downloadable press articles (in French) on passive house building
click on ‘National Information’
compiled by CEPHEUS for Bregenz conference