The kids I met at Maker Faire (…) have only known a world where a “maker” was always a real thing one can be or do. (…) The average maker isn’t just a 35 year old guy, it’s becoming a 10 year old girl or boy with a 3D printer. (…) These kids are living in a time when there’s $25 Raspberry Pi computer or an Arduino inside of just about anything. (…). Parents (…) talk(…) about how installing Linux on an old iPod or making a TV-B-Gone turned their kid into a different person, more curious about how the world works, and how they went on to pursue art, science, engineering. (…) I think the kids today will (…) “copy” our willingness to share and see the benefits of open source not only for technological advancements, but for social good.
Phillip Torrone in The Maker Movement Belongs To The Kids Now… at MAKE