ButterPaper, Architecture links for Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific
Archives mensuelles : juin 2006
Emigrate New Zealand
Emigrate New Zealand
Portal New Zealand
Wikinews : Portal New Zealand
Department of Conservation
New Zealand’s Department of Conservation (Te Papa Atawhai)
Unlimited U.S. Cell Phone Calls for $5
Development on Asterisk@Home has ended. There is now a new product called trixbox. Like Asterisk@Home trixbox is a complete Asterisk PBX including, a Linux OS, Asterisk PBX software, a web GUI, and many other useful add-ons. trixbox will focus on both the business and home user and will have more features including automatic upgrade capability. As with Asterisk@Home trixbox can be quickly and easily installed in under one hour.trixbox enables even the novice user to quickly set up a voice over IP phone system. Trixbox can be configured to handle a single phone line for a home user, several lines for a small office, or several T1s for a million minute a month call center.
Long VGA Cable from CAT5
The default XFCE behavior is to make you type in your password in order to shut down. To fix this, edit as root the /etc/sudoers file and add this line:
ALL ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper
Window Managers for X
Some hard to discover ubuntu features
Some other hard to discover [ubuntu] features (Why aren’t these features documented anywhere ?)