
Development on Asterisk@Home has ended. There is now a new product called trixbox. Like Asterisk@Home trixbox is a complete Asterisk PBX including, a Linux OS, Asterisk PBX software, a web GUI, and many other useful add-ons. trixbox will focus on both the business and home user and will have more features including automatic upgrade capability. As with Asterisk@Home trixbox can be quickly and easily installed in under one hour.trixbox enables even the novice user to quickly set up a voice over IP phone system. Trixbox can be configured to handle a single phone line for a home user, several lines for a small office, or several T1s for a million minute a month call center.


The default XFCE behavior is to make you type in your password in order to shut down. To fix this, edit as root the /etc/sudoers file and add this line: ALL ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper
