Archives mensuelles : octobre 2007
links for 2007-10-30
WC d’angle =;145;169;249&SelectedPage=2&SelectedProduct=28660;28662;28787;28802;28806;45150
« Victory. Victory at all costs — Victory in spite of all terror — Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival » – Churchill
Charpentier expat en NZ
Charpentier expat en NZ
w/ kamaté howro
links for 2007-10-29
extensions pour le client de messagerie Mozilla Thunderbird 2.0:MDN, DSN, triple enveloppe, module de gestion XSMTP, traitement de la priorité des messages au niveau enveloppe, limitation de la taille des messages.
Author of Bottom Line Up Front YouTube videos
links for 2007-10-28
links for 2007-10-26
links for 2007-10-25
SOS Maison, sur France 5 (Question Maison), c’est lui!
Journaliste (Le Monde) au Pakistan et en Afghanistan
BRANZ Limited provides an independent and unbiased research, testing, consultancy and information resource for the building and construction industry. BRANZ provides this service to customers located in New Zealand, Australia and around the world.
links for 2007-10-24
links for 2007-10-23
Proprietary algorithms get broken all the time
links for 2007-10-22
Matt Armstrong, graduate student at the University of Southern California.
links for 2007-10-20
NEED Rhône-Alpes est un centre de ressources régional positionné sur les filières de la Bio, de l’éco-construction et des éco-innovations