links for 2010-02-20 Publié le février 21, 2010 par kodiak 10-resume-red-flags (tags: article cv) Booking a Flight the Frugal Way [NYTimes] (tags: article travel deals) The DIY StudioDesk Office [Lifehacker] (tags: diy make lifehacker wood build desk) Introducing the Hipster PDA | 43 Folders (tags: hipsterpda) Leather GTD Tabs Makes Binder Clips Look Good – DIY – Lifehacker (tags: diy gtd hipsterpda) moleskinerie: Clam Clip Dispenser (tags: moleskine gtd hipsterpda) WEATHER GUARD Professional Van Storage, Truck Tool Boxes and Storage Equipment (tags: equipment storage truck vehicule hack) Reading Truck Body (tags: equipment hacks vehicule) Tent Tube Repair and Replacement, (tags: gear outdoors camping tent) Ultrafondus (tags: running montagne) Specialty Outdoors, Outdoors Sewing and Repair (tags: diy gear outdoors backpacking) Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits (tags: diy hacks opensource hardware cool geek)
links for 2010-02-19 Publié le février 20, 2010 par kodiak (tags: outdoors survival backpacking) (tags: gear outdoors survival hiking backpacking equipment preparedness)
links for 2010-02-18 Publié le février 19, 2010 par kodiak Rogue River (Oregon) [Wikipedia] (tags: wikipedia travel trekking) M. Boguki or how can will always meet an A***hole when you'll leave the desert (tags: survival article)
links for 2010-02-17 Publié le février 18, 2010 par kodiak The Killer Elite : Rolling Stone (tags: article war iraq generationkill military)
links for 2010-02-16 Publié le février 17, 2010 par kodiak IHS | Home of Johnny Long and Hackers for Charity, Inc (tags: hacks google blog) Elias Fotinis DeskPins :: Make Any Window Topmost (tags: software windows freeware lifehacks) Errata and corrigenda: A short history of nearly everything by Bill Bryson (tags: books mythdebunk) The Doritos Ad Wasn’t Funny – Dennis Prager – National Review Online (tags: opinion usa) Tea Parties [] (tags: article usa politics) List of file formats (alphabetical) [Wikipedia] (tags: wikipedia) YouTube Music Discovery (tags: youtube tips) Upload Multiple Photos to Picasa Web Albums (tags: google photo upload picasa)
links for 2010-02-15 Publié le février 16, 2010 par kodiak Google Reader Keyboard shortcuts (tags: google) Magpul Foundations Unfair Advantage (tags: guns entrepreneurship interesting) App Tabs :: Add-ons for Firefox (tags: firefox extension) Beam Camp: Kids Making Things Happen (tags: children camp building diy) IEEE Spectrum: Vice Over IP: The VoIP Steganography Threat (tags: steganography cryptography voip security) iFixit: Apple Mac, MacBook, iPod, and iPhone Repair Parts (tags: apple repair howto tutorial diy hack)
links for 2010-02-14 Publié le février 15, 2010 par kodiak Enable right click on right click disabled pages | Internet Security Blog (tags: firefox)
links for 2010-02-12 Publié le février 13, 2010 par kodiak Change Gmail Time-Zone When Moving To Other Country | Fix Gmail Time-Zone (tags: gmail)
links for 2010-02-07 Publié le février 8, 2010 par kodiak West Point Atlas of major conflicts in U.S. history (tags: maps military history strategy war) New Belgium Brewing Company [Wikipedia] (tags: beer souvenir) WNRQ [Wikipedia] (tags: radio souvenir)
links for 2010-02-05 Publié le février 6, 2010 par kodiak Teardrops & Tiny Travel Trailers (tags: camping diy trailers)