I’m trying to clear the mess of overlmapping tab-related ff extensions (TBE ommitted). A good start (apart from S. Boulema’s page) is foun on The One KEA‘s Tabbrowser Preferences (TBP) page. (TOK is now official maintener of TBP)
Archives de catégorie : Firefox
Remove it permanently
(closely) related Firefox extensions – The Extensions Mirror
A very useful post from Samir Boulema’s Extensions mirror (TEM) listing (closely) related Firefox extensions, sets with overlapping features. Samir brings the knowledge of ff extensions further with this tab related extensions thread.
Samir also has an excellent Bumping extensions tutorial. « Bumping » is the name given by TEM staff to allowing an extension to work with a more recent version of Firefox.
Portable Firefox Support
Due to administrative (I mean Win 2K administration limitation) issues, I installed a USB key version of ff 1.5 rc3. It has some (a few) limitations, a some roundcuts have to be used, notably when installing .xpi’s, as explained here.
Forum Ubuntu-fr.org / Firefox 1.5 en béta est sorti
Pour rétablir la fonctionnalité de fermer les onglets de fx 1.5(rc1) par un middle-click, c’est ici (merci, forum.ubuntu.fr !)