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Charles shapiro’s tomshiro and Blog and Blog
Mark Newhouse , and his Realworldstyle , wher you can read a § tamed by CSS & true CSS 3 columns (many more has been added since)
kryogenix , who explained how to expand/collapse trees without the hard work (also here ) and search word highlighting .
joe hewitt who wrote about comenting UI
dylan foley , because of his workshop and his ideas on a cleanURL ]
Gazingus , « Mr Bookmarklet », described his work in the anatomy of a bookmarklet
Eric Costello’s Glish , full of wisdom about CSS
Project 7 used to have a great layout model
Meryl still blogs about CSS .
One of the oldest CSS resource is BlueRobot (who also discovered theFOUC ).
CSSark had one of the bestCSS FAQ available, and heavily documented about NN 4.xx (yes!) inconsitencies.
The CSS Pointer Group also listed bugs in NN 4.xx .
Web Page design for designers published many tutorials, advocating box model ]
This list could not be complete without Owen Brigg ‘s TheNoodleIncident , his tutorial on CSS , and his Blog .
Mark Pilgrim’s (update: his he really going to stop everything ?) Dive into Mark Dive into accessibility , where I selected ideas about font size .
Kay was a precursor in CSS hacks (who uses the/*/*/ comment today?).
Brainstorm & Raves was full of good advice, like on em’s .
WebAIM focused on accessibilty in all aspects, including in forms .
Marc Howells created an excellent CSS help .
raibledesigns offered me an idea of Phoenix and
Web building .
Then came css-discuss archives .
Dougal Gunter’s GeekRamblings (via Mark Pilgrim’s BlogShares corner).
Jeessy-net (also via Mark Pilgrim’s BlogShares corner)
RasterWeb (also via Mark Pilgrim’s BlogShares corner)
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