Phil and the Colt

CoLT 0.9 is, according to Phil Rinalda, a tiny Firefox extension that adds a “Copy Link Textâ€? item to the context menu for links. I love tiny extensions that do one simple thing well [x]. & I love his easy comment. He said earlier Deane [was] saying I try not to re-post from Boing Boing too much since most everyone who reads this blog also reads that one [and it] reminded me (ed: Phil) of something that bothers me off and on: just because “everyoneâ€? reads a blog doesn’t mean I do, or she does, or your five most loyal readers do, much less that someone who would leave an interesting comment on your post will have already left it there. So reposting is not sensless.

Custumizing WordPress according to the Codex

  • Post meta data is the « administrative » information you provide to viewers about each post. This information usually includes the author of the post, when it was written (or posted), and how the author categorized that post…. WP Codex explains how to hack Post Meta Data.
  • Navigation links can also be improved
  • Categories have all sorts of arguments
  • A navigation menu that dynamically highlights the currently displayed page: Dynamic Menu Highlighting
  • To display a different header image depending on if what is being display is Home or a Category or a Page (an answer to a Podz request on WP Forum. There is also a follow-on) » wordpress

Found it ! For some reason I couldn’t find a good WordPress post bookmarklet, so here’s mine. bookmarklet.php was already set up to accept post_title and content; I added support for feeding the referring url into the trackback url field. This requires a small change in bookmarklet.php and edit-form.php [ ].