- Ruderman » Jesse Platypus and user scripts for Bonsai
Platypus (not to be confused) is there, aardvark there - Asa Dotzler’s blog
Archives de catégorie : Writing the web
Banks and https
Jesse Ruderman » Banks and https
Olivier Meunier: Une collègue de travail me demandai[t] il y a quelques temps si j’avais des ressources concernant le sujet des standards du Web, de CSS et toutes ces petites choses qui bercent notre métier. Comme le sujet peut intéresser du monde, je livre ici mon ordonnance pour passer aux standards en douceur (un premier commentaire signé Karl Dubost en 2003, d’autres en 2004 et ça s’accélère depuis début 2005. La mayonnaise Web standards est-elle en train de prendre en France ?)
QuickBlog 15 IV
- Ladeco.fr – Meubles et mobilier Teck d’intérieur et d’extérieur, objets déco, dalles de galets (via)
- Ronja (Reasonable Optical Near Joint Access) is an Free Technology (like Free Software) project of optical point-to-point data link. The design is released under the GNU General Public License: you get all the necessary documentation and construction guides free. The construction costs are minimal; it’s probably the cheapest wireless system ever. The operation is reliable and immune to interference. (via)
- recycle your T-Shirt into Underwear (via)
- Handy Home Projects: Mud oven Project – technical notes. (via)
- The CMoy Pocket Amplifier is an ideal project to get started in audio DIY (via)
- Réseau citoyen passe sur MediaWiki. C’est (plus) beau (qu’avant).
- Screen Print and Reflow SMT Boards at Home (via Fundamentals of manufacturing operations, thru)
- Educypedia is an information resource about scientific and educational material: electronics, science, engineering, encyclopedia and information technology
- Hack-a-day is part of the blog series called weblogs, inc. network wich includes engadget.
QuickBlog 14 VI
Ben & The Guardian
I am quite fan of Ben Hammersley. He’s the only geek I know who ran the « marathon des sables » [x]. He write in The Guardian, wich is not my favorite UK newspaper. But I can always go straight to his articles.
Dive, reloaded!
I thought that Mark Pilgrim (of Atom fame) had disapeared OTH. Today, thanks to Simon, I find Dive Into Greasemonkey, a sequel to Dive into Accessibility.
Mail on web
Soours switched servers, upgraded to WP, and changed style. Credit: this (base layout, soon to be Soours’ed), is gentle_calm, designed by Phu Ly (via).
[reversed to Kubrik 08 VI 05]