CSS techniques

Pre-Wordpress era CSS techniques papers were lying around in my office. Turned out they were printouts of old (?!) webpages dating back to when I had more easily access to a printer than to Internet. I shredded them yesterday, but here’s the list:

Publié dans CSS

NOFOLLOW, no help

John Keegan gives a simple and straightforward comment on the NOFOLLOW meme : Some of the « a list » bloggers talk about NOFOLLOW being of benefit to them since they can now link to sites without necessarily helping them increase their ranking in Google, but the typical blogger won’t be affected by this at all. The average blogger doesn’t really care about giving his so-called « Googlejuice » to an undeserving linker, he doesn’t have much to begin with.
That typical blogger just wants to know if using NOFOLLOW will reduce the amount of spam heaped on his blog. Unfortunately, the answer is no. Won’t help at all…


I always wanted to see Mena Trott’s dollarshort design. Thanks to Carrie Bickner (aka Mrs Z.), who gave me the idea in her nice WP colophon, I checked the waybackmachine.
It is not my favorite page (the one I was looking for had lots of those nice-looking pictures), but nevertheless, here is a sample of a day late and a :: dollarshort’s 2001/2002 design (and there is early 2001!).
And here is 2001 Soours. Pouah!

ALA 4.0

The design was conceived visually, as pencil sketches followed by Illustrator and Photoshop comps in an iterative process that lasted about two months. If you can’t tell by looking at the design that it is a carefully considered visual experience, view source. Nobody would write such markup and CSS unless unless they were working to deliver detailed page designs

[MR Z, responding to a critcism of (newly redesigned by Jason Santa Maria) ALA 4.0]

Lachlan Hunt: Standards Policy

Lachlan Hunt: Standards Policy
why this site degrades in Internet Explorer.
Developers want a message that incorporates a link to Firefox so that they can earn points. Mozilla Foundation doesn’t want developers implying that Firefox is the only browser to use as they are promoting standard compliance as well as Firefox. And, you don’t win friends and influence people by criticising non-compliant browsers (that a user currently relies on). [here, a comment by original poster TDS Tim]


Eddie Saudrais a écrit un petit typographe rationnel (.pdf), que je peux jeter maintenant! D’autres excellents documents de ce type existent sur Loria, un site d’utilisateurs de Latex (qui vérifie l’equation : open source + typographe = maniaque & charmant), dont notamment Petit mémo de la typo (.pdf), Normes de présentation matérielle des travaux écrits (.pdf) et surtout Petites leçons de typographie (.pdf) de Jacques André.
Comment citer un document électronique? se trouve sur le site de l’université Laval (de Québec). d’autres documents répondant à cette question importante peuvent être accédés à cette page du site de l’URFIST de l’Ecole Nationale des Chartes.

WordPress Hacks