NOFOLLOW, no help

John Keegan gives a simple and straightforward comment on the NOFOLLOW meme : Some of the « a list » bloggers talk about NOFOLLOW being of benefit to them since they can now link to sites without necessarily helping them increase their ranking in Google, but the typical blogger won’t be affected by this at all. The average blogger doesn’t really care about giving his so-called « Googlejuice » to an undeserving linker, he doesn’t have much to begin with.
That typical blogger just wants to know if using NOFOLLOW will reduce the amount of spam heaped on his blog. Unfortunately, the answer is no. Won’t help at all…

Custumizing WordPress according to the Codex

  • Post meta data is the « administrative » information you provide to viewers about each post. This information usually includes the author of the post, when it was written (or posted), and how the author categorized that post…. WP Codex explains how to hack Post Meta Data.
  • Navigation links can also be improved
  • Categories have all sorts of arguments
  • A navigation menu that dynamically highlights the currently displayed page: Dynamic Menu Highlighting
  • To display a different header image depending on if what is being display is Home or a Category or a Page (an answer to a Podz request on WP Forum. There is also a follow-on)