* Q: « Can I make the archive show the amount of posts in that month? » A: « I suggest you first read the wiki » (by « chiensavant »:http://www.romain.info/)
* Q&A: « How I solve login problems after installation with version 1.2 ?
* « Q »:http://faq.wordpress.net/view.php?p=53 « Where can I find a tool to encode html entities and tags so that I can display code on my weblog? » « A »:http://faq.wordpress.net/view.php?p=53: « Syntax Highlighting « :http://scott.yang.id.au/2004/05/syntax-hilight-enscript/ or « Code Filter »:http://www.asymptomatic.net/wp-hacks (part of « Owen »:http://www.asymptomatic.net/’s WordPress Hacks, w/ plenty more hidden in the source)
* Q: « How to display the navigation links ? »
* How do I do a « dropcaps » on the first letter of a post?
* « If you use relative uri’s, then any archived post will not display the image. It may, on the index page, but may not on the individual entry page or other pages »
* How to generate links to the thumbnail of an uploaded picture?
* Comment flood prevention hack (original here)
* a Mozilla bug that forces the page to jump to the beginning of a textarea when a tag is inserted
* The WordPress Tagging Series: Volume One (« via »:http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/category/wordpress-hack/)
* Code viewer, a plugin based on Simon Willison’s tinkering with CSS Numbered Code (« via »:http://www.scriptygoddess.com/archives/category/wordpress/wordpress-bookmarks-to-plugins/)
* Referrer WordPress Plugin by the autor of Sailing the web à la voile
Archives de catégorie : WordPress
WP & Kubrick
« The controversy »:http://forum.textpattern.com/viewtopic.php?id=3472 (via LisaJill 220904 « post »:http://www.pmachine.com/forum/threads.php?id=22036_0_26_0_C)
I am now moving to WP. You know « why »:http://www.soours.com/movabletype/archives/000265.html.
* « Great WordPress Blogs »:http://wordpress.org/development/archives/2004/07/29/blogs/
* « wordpress.org Mailing Lists »:http://wordpress.org/mailman/listinfo/
* « Kubrick »:http://binarybonsai.com/kubrick/
* « readme.html »:http://www.soours.com/wordpress/readme.html
* « Installation »:http://wordpress.org/docs/installation/ (incl. « the 5 minute install »:http://wordpress.org/docs/installation/5-minute/)
* « WP FAQ »:http://faq.wordpress.net/
* « MT-> WP »:http://carthik.net/wpdocs/importmt.html
* « WP Wiki »:http://wiki.wordpress.org/HomePage
* « Comment flood prevention hack »:http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2004/07/07/more-comment-flood/ (via « WP FAQ / Core Hacks »:http://faq.wordpress.net/view.php?cat=16)
* « Tamba2’s WordPress Guides »:http://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/