Centre supérieur du bois CSDB
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- produits panneaux, structure & dossier Pin Douglas.
- formation
[Ed: lost post…]
[Ed: lost post…]
[Ed: lost post…]
Soours switched servers, upgraded to WP, and changed style. Credit: this (base layout, soon to be Soours’ed), is gentle_calm, designed by Phu Ly (via).
[reversed to Kubrik 08 VI 05]
While installing « Aida32 »:http://www.aida32.hu/, found « Home computer security »:http://www.geocities.com/aceituno/home.htm.
My BIOS update lies « here »:http://www.msi.com.tw/program/support/download/dld/spt_dld_detail.php?UID=102&kind=1. Check this « good FAQ »:http://support.premiopc.com/faqs/5169faq.htm#history.
* « v 2.3 (initial) »:ftp://ftp.premiopc.com/bios/5169/516923.EXE
* « v 2.4 »:ftp://ftp.premiopc.com/bios/5169/516924.EXE
* « v 2.5 »:ftp://ftp.premiopc.com/bios/5169/516925.EXE
* « v 2.6 »:ftp://ftp.premiopc.com/bios/5169/516926.EXE
* « v 2.7 »:ftp://ftp.premiopc.com/bios/5169/516927.EXE
* « v3.1 »:ftp://ftp.premiopc.com/bios/5169/516931.EXE
[Ed: lost post…]
Soours was sort of confusing those last 2 weeks. Corrupted database, coupled with a firewall wich did’nt allowed the use of certain ports… Woah, I made it at last (with some help from fileman).
Well, this guy found the book he always wanted to (re)read and had forgot the title. Read the rest of the story… When will I find the story about a couple struggling against adversity on a barren canadian island I read on a desolated african island?
Un intéressant thread sur Maisons & Bois International: la question de l’Assurance Dommage Ouvrage.