• IPTC stands for International Press Transmission Council

    The IPTC was established in 1965 by a group of news organisations including the Alliance Européenne des Agences de Presse, ANPA (now NAA), FIEJ (now WAN) and the North American News Agencies (a joint committee of Associated Press, Canadian Press and United Press International) to safeguard the telecommunications interests of the World’s Press.
    Since the late 1970’s IPTC’s activities have primarily focussed on developing and publishing Industry Standards for the interchange of news data.

  • Searching for a table of IPTC data that can be asccessed thru IrfanView. IrfanView allows to view, add & modify Exif & IPTC data. So we’re gonna use IPTC to add lossless metadata to our photos. But what fields to use (we can device our own table, using « caption » as a title for picture, for instance. But we prefer standards
  • TOW Photography Articles
  • BB template « EXIF+IPTC table »
  • Extracting IPTC header information from JPEG images
  • JPEG File Interchange Format
  • JPEG Non-Image Data Structure
  • A certain Tim Strehle devised an IPTC patch for Gallery 1.3.3
  • Coppermine « is a multi-purpose fully-featured and integrated web picture gallery script written in PHP using GD or ImageMagick lib with a MySQL backend« 
  • All you ever wanted to know about the EXIF format used by digital cameras

    JPEG is not a file format. It is a compression algorithm whose name derives from the committee that oversees it. (…) What most people understand as JPEG is really JFIF – the JPEG File Interchange Format.(…) JFIF markers begin with a short signature that identifies the type as a COM (comment) or an APPx (application-defined) marker where ‘x’ is a number. A COM-type marker should be used for user-supplied descriptive text. APP0 markers are employed for various things, so as well as being identified as APP0 they are further sub-classified for specific purposes. Some of these are native to the JFIF standard. Others are extensions created by software authors and hardware manufacturers to store information not catered for in the standard APP0 markers. (…).
    In addition to the APP0 markers are other APPx markers, also used for special purposes. For instance, APP13 is employed by Adobe Photoshop to store information about the image in a format that is a sub-set of the standard defined in by the International Press Telecommunications Council Information Interchange Model (IPTC-IIM).


« Ben Hammersley »:http://www.benhammersley.com/about.html is the only geek I know who ran the « marathon des sables »:http://www.benhammersley.com/expeditions/marathon_des_sables.html.



A Humane Web Text Generator

Fead up with always having to refer to an old cheatcard, I post the cheatcodes !

What Textile Does:

  • Replace single and double primes (' and ") used as quotation marks with HTML entities for opening and closing quotation marks ( » and «  ») in readable text, while leaving untouched the primes required within HTML tags.
  • Replace double hyphens (–) with an em-dash (-) entity.
  • Replace single hyphens surrounded by spaces with an en-dash (-) entity.
  • Replace triplets of periods (…) with an ellipsis (…) entity.
  • Convert many nonstandard characters (ŸúߊπŒ) to browser-safe entities corresponding to keyboard input.
  • Apply block- and phrase-level structural tags automatically and at the discretion of the writer via quick tags.

    Quick block modifiers:

    Header: hn.
    Blockquote: bq.
    Footnote: fnn.
    Numeric list: #
    Bulleted list: *

    Quick phrase modifiers:

    -deleted text-
    +inserted text+

    To align blocks:

    < right > left
    = center
    <> justify

    To reference a footnote:

  • Allow the quick creation of simple and complex tables

    To insert a table:

  • Allow the simple application of style, class, id, language and alignment attributes to elements


  • Create hyperlinks and insert images via quick tags

    To insert a link:
    « linktext »:url

    To insert an image:

  • Define acronyms via quick tags

    ABC(Always Be Closing)

  • Wrap an tag around runs of three or more capital letters automatically.
  • Convert (TM), (R), and (C) to ™, (r), and (c).
  • Convert the letter x to a dimension sign: 2×4 to 2×4 and 8 x 10 to 8×10.

Hack n’ Mac

Introducing the *IE5/Mac-only-CSS-hack* invented by nonetheless than M. Çelik himself, « explained »:http://www.stopdesign.com/examples/ie5mac-bpf/ by « Doug Bowman »:http://www.stopdesign.com/, who wrote the « story of the hack »:http://www.stopdesign.com/log/2004/07/06/filtering-css.html.

[Stop grumbling, I know: official name is _IE5/Mac Band Pass Filter_]

Publié dans CSS